This is so far off the mark in left field I don’t even know how to reply to it.
There is no such thing as “artificial demand” in any economic sense. There is either demand for something, or lack of demand for something.
You’d do well to take micro and macroeconomics, they’re freshman level courses that to be honest should be required of everyone by age 16. It would stop a lot of stupid internet treatises and time wasted punching keys on a keyboard.
I took both of those classes in college. I remember one of them seemed like common sense (micro I believe) and the other much more challenging.
Inflation? What the hell is inflation? It’s a scapegoat concept to cover up what is really going on. Inflation as it’s presented to the common folk is nothing more than the devaluation of the dollar.
I see some one posted about the gold market. It there ever was a market that is corrupted it is the gold market. Back during the gold standard days you could go into a bank and put up a dollar and get a one ounce gold coin.
We all know that’s in the past but if it was current you would have to go into the back and put up approximately $1800 for that gold pierce today. That sounds bad but what you don’t realize is it should be twice that high (at the very least).
What would most sensible people who have money in the bank think if spot gold jumped up to $4000 an ounce?
Well if they were smart the first thing they would do is withdraw every penny they have from the bank (can you say BANK HOLIDAY???) and put it into hard secure assets that will hold their value. Gold or Silver (the real thing not paper) is a good asset. If you plan on speculating short term then use the paper as handling the real stuff is a p
However if your trying to cover your ASSets long term then the real thing is what you need to have. If the world banks collapsed then silver and gold are the best assets to have as they are recognized through out the world .
I would recommend reading books and commentaries by Jim Sinclair who has studied the precious markets his entire life. I am not sure if Jim is still alive anymore. I haven’t heard from him for quite a while.
The bitcoin market is a result of people in the know, knowing the banking system is bankrupt. The idea was that something has to be in place to use for commerce when all hell breaks loose. The problem is what assets are backing up shitcoin market? The same thing that is backing up the US dollar. THIN AIR. You are breathing money all the time and didn’t know it. LMAO!!!! The Fed is bankrupt and corrupt.
They have illegally been shorting the Gold and precious metal markets to hide the truth. It is illegal to do what they have been doing. By law to short a market they have to have possession of that physical asset so that they can fork it over if their game blows up in their face. They don’t have it. The amount of shorts out there well exceeds the amount of physical gold in existence. This is totally illegal. Where’s the stock market cops??? LMAO!!!!
Seriously, for your families sake you should have emergency supplies of; food, water, first aid kits and other medicines your family may need. Valuable assets to barter with. You folks back home in Iowa will have a huge advantage because of the rich fertile soil you have to grow food in. Many are very proficient at canning in the fall to help carry them through the winter. Not so much here in the barren des lands of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.
I heard of a vision a monk had. He saw a person holding a bag of gold in one hand and a dead car in the other. In his vision The person he presented the offer took the dead cat (to eat it) Can’t eat gold or silver.
You want a sample of what I am talking about???
Chinese authorities on Sunday violently dispersed a peaceful protest by hundreds of depositors, who sought in vain to demand their life savings back from banks that have run into a deepening cash crisis.
Here’s another good one for yah to read about,
Sri Lankans have taken over their president’s grand palace, splashed in his pool, played his piano, and taken selfies on his bed.
So I told my wife to jump into the car we’re heading down to Costco; thousands of dollars later, and several trips later we were in good position. She thought I had lost my mind. What’s going on she asked???
I said one word to her.
The first case is here in the US.
“but honey our government says it’s all good we have it all under control.”
Then when people were having trouble finding toilet paper to wipe their ass with, suddenly the wifey thinks I was smartest guy on the planet. Lol,
I don’t know what happen where your all at, but the grocery store shelves were nearly empty, long lines, people with shopping cars full of things like cans of almond milk because that’s all that was left.
I am not telling you all to panic, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a few extra supplies handy just in case. Just grab a few extra cans of this and that when your out shopping. Don’t forget the toilet paper.
Covid is kids stuff compared to a universal bank collapse. Why do you think congress bailed out the banks? They new what the alternative would be.
Excuse me neighbor have you seen my cat? No, but we had a perrrrrrrrfect meal last night. Quit laughing. God help us that it never comes to that.
Anyways on a brighter note our football team should have a pretty good defense this season.