The "lose-to-purdue-to-get-a-crappy-opponent" strategy paid off!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for being such an awesome Hawkeye fan.

Why is the reality of Iowa football as a mediocre, third tier program such an incomprehensible, unspeakable concept to you Pollyannas? Of course, it wasn’t the intention as Josh described it but there is merit in the implication of his comment that, had Iowa beat Purdue, it would’ve faced a stronger opponent in a more favorable environment which usually hasnt ended well for Iowa over most of the last decade.

That has NOTHING to do with degree of fandom or cynicism or contempt and EVERYTHING to do with being a mediocre, third tier football program that tends to underachieve relative to resources and talent that is often hamstrung by the inherent obstacles of a stagnant strategy.

All you guys got is insecure denial and disconnected ad hominem replies. I don’t get it.
Why is the reality of Iowa football as a mediocre, third tier program such an incomprehensible, unspeakable concept to you Pollyannas? Of course, it wasn’t the intention as Josh described it but there is merit in the implication of his comment that, had Iowa beat Purdue, it would’ve faced a stronger opponent in a more favorable environment which usually hasnt ended well for Iowa over most of the last decade.

That has NOTHING to do with degree of fandom or cynicism or contempt and EVERYTHING to do with being a mediocre, third tier football program that tends to underachieve relative to resources and talent that is often hamstrung by the inherent obstacles of a stagnant strategy.

All you guys got is insecure denial and disconnected ad hominem replies. I don’t get it.

I bow to your greatness. You are a WAY better Hawkeye fan than I. I enjoy bowl wins, SHAME ON ME!
Why is the reality of Iowa football as a mediocre, third tier program such an incomprehensible, unspeakable concept to you Pollyannas? Of course, it wasn’t the intention as Josh described it but there is merit in the implication of his comment that, had Iowa beat Purdue, it would’ve faced a stronger opponent in a more favorable environment which usually hasnt ended well for Iowa over most of the last decade.

That has NOTHING to do with degree of fandom or cynicism or contempt and EVERYTHING to do with being a mediocre, third tier football program that tends to underachieve relative to resources and talent that is often hamstrung by the inherent obstacles of a stagnant strategy.

All you guys got is insecure denial and disconnected ad hominem replies. I don’t get it.

An island of logic-based intelligence in a sea of self-delusion

from the AP

The Hawkeyes (8-5) had been the only team in the nation to lose a bowl game in each of the last four seasons. Iowa had last won a bowl game in 2010 and started the losing streak the next season.
Kirk is smart enough to know he needed a bowl win. Conspiracy theories are usually bunk but I wonder if he was scared after pounding Ohio State that he might face another blueblood program. He knows he no longer has what it takes in games where something is actually on the line. (see Iowa v MSU 2015) In the 2 games after O$U Iowa looked like a team that didn't know what a football is. Either KF forgot everything he knew about the sport or there was something subconscious going on. Then he pulls it together against Nebby to insure the buyout clause keeps the screws tight around Barta's manberries.
Now Iowa has a bowl win against a lackluster program and this is the response:

Hell yes...a W is a W...especially in tough conditions

A usually intelligent poster gets swept up in irrational euphoria. Notice only Iowa had to play in bad weather. When Boston College had the ball it was 72 and sunny. Only Iowa has another P5 school in state. Only Iowa has injuries. Only Iowa plays freshmen. Only Iowa has refs working against them. Iowa is the only program without a beach. Iowa is so repulsive that every coach not-named Ferentz would refuse to take a job here.

This type of irrational propaganda was not pushed or tolerated prior to 1999. But our fanbase is becoming a collection of parrots with storm-trooper tactics and minds.

"these aren't the droids you're looking for"
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An island of logic-based intelligence in a sea of self-delusion

from the AP

The Hawkeyes (8-5) had been the only team in the nation to lose a bowl game in each of the last four seasons. Iowa had last won a bowl game in 2010 and started the losing streak the next season.
Kirk is smart enough to know he needed a bowl win. Conspiracy theories are usually bunk but I wonder if he was scared after pounding Ohio State that he might face another blueblood program. He knows he no longer has what it takes in games where something is actually on the line. (see Iowa v MSU 2015) In the 2 games after O$U Iowa looked like a team that didn't know what a football is. Either KF forgot everything he knew about the sport or there was something subconscious going on. Then he pulls it together against Nebby to insure the buyout clause keeps the screws tight around Barta's manberries.
Now Iowa has a bowl win against a lackluster program and this is the response:

A usually intelligent poster gets swept up in irrational euphoria. Notice only Iowa had to play in bad weather. When Boston College had the ball it was 72 and sunny. Only Iowa has another P5 school in state. Only Iowa has injuries. Only Iowa plays freshmen. Only Iowa has refs working against them. Iowa is the only program without a beach. Iowa is so repulsive that every coach not-named Ferentz would refuse to take a job here.

This type of irrational propaganda was not pushed or tolerated prior to 1999. But our fanbase is becoming a collection of parrots with storm-trooper tactics and minds.

"these aren't the droids you're looking for"
Christ shut the eff up
Either way, we finish 8-5. This is 8-5 with a bowl win. He hasn't won 143 by playing dumb all these years.

I really do not understand all the negativity after this game. If we had lost, maybe.
Iowa's losses were to:
Northwestern in overtime. NW will probably end with 10 wins
MSU in a one possession game. Another probable 10 win team.
Penn State on the last play of the game. Probably an 11 win team
Purdue. Stinker of a game but Purdue won 7 games and their bowl game.
Wisconsin. Ass kicking but this Wisc. team may win 13 games.

at ISU. Arguably the best ISU team in many years
OSU by 30+. Conference champs and possibly a 12 win team.
BC. Respectable power 5 team that beat FSU 35-3.

Not a great year but certainly not the catastrophe that these idiots are portraying..
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Why is the reality of Iowa football as a mediocre, third tier program such an incomprehensible, unspeakable concept to you Pollyannas? Of course, it wasn’t the intention as Josh described it but there is merit in the implication of his comment that, had Iowa beat Purdue, it would’ve faced a stronger opponent in a more favorable environment which usually hasnt ended well for Iowa over most of the last decade.

That has NOTHING to do with degree of fandom or cynicism or contempt and EVERYTHING to do with being a mediocre, third tier football program that tends to underachieve relative to resources and talent that is often hamstrung by the inherent obstacles of a stagnant strategy.

All you guys got is insecure denial and disconnected ad hominem replies. I don’t get it.
Why is the reality of Iowa football as a mediocre, third tier program such an incomprehensible, unspeakable concept to you Pollyannas? Of course, it wasn’t the intention as Josh described it but there is merit in the implication of his comment that, had Iowa beat Purdue, it would’ve faced a stronger opponent in a more favorable environment which usually hasnt ended well for Iowa over most of the last decade.

That has NOTHING to do with degree of fandom or cynicism or contempt and EVERYTHING to do with being a mediocre, third tier football program that tends to underachieve relative to resources and talent that is often hamstrung by the inherent obstacles of a stagnant strategy.

All you guys got is insecure denial and disconnected ad hominem replies. I don’t get it.

How is Iowa a 3rd tier program? Over the last 5 years Iowa is a top 20 best winning% of all P5 programs. I'm no math major, but if there were 3 tiers in P5 football and there are 65 P5 teams, that puts Iowa in tier 1. If it were split into 4 tiers that would put Iowa high in tier 2. If it were split into 5 tiers, Iowa would still be in tier 2. If it were split into 6 tiers, Iowa would still be in tier 2. If we split 65 P5 teams into 7 different tiers Iowa is still hanging onto the 2nd tier. So now if we split the 65 P5 teams into 8 tiers, yes Iowa is now a 3rd tier football program like you claimed it was.

Nobody splits college football into 8 tiers, but If Iowa was a 3rd tier program I could admit that. Most reasonable people would say there is 3 or 4 tiers in college football, and Iowa is a 2nd tier program all the way. I'm under no delusions that Iowa is a top tier football team, but I'm also not under the delusion that Iowa is a "tier 3" program like you. I stand firmly on solid ground with the stats to back it up that Iowa is a tier 2 program.
You might be the only person on the planet who thinks this was a 9 win talent team. Vegas had us at 6.5 wins, and nearly all the Homer's (Jon Miller, Rob Howe, Tom Kakart, Emmert, Listokow, etc.) that cover Iowa has us at 6 or 7 wins.

Not to mention he fails to realize that it was the coach who would have had us at "9 win talent".
You might be the only person on the planet who thinks this was a 9 win talent team. Vegas had us at 6.5 wins, and nearly all the Homer's (Jon Miller, Rob Howe, Tom Kakart, Emmert, Listokow, etc.) that cover Iowa has us at 6 or 7 wins.
Before the season I thought we would be in the 6 to 7 range. We got 8. The schedule was more difficult than I thought it would be also. I'm good. I would hope that we make another run at the West division title soon, but that's not what I expected this year.
It's like you never left

Maybe someday soon! Site should kick him and a couple others out as well.. The fact is the site would be better site without the trolls. The Constant negative posting and trying to derail threads is annoying etc.. but the admins allow it..
I really do not understand all the negativity after this game. If we had lost, maybe.
Iowa's losses were to:
Northwestern in overtime. NW will probably end with 10 wins
MSU in a one possession game. Another probable 10 win team.
Penn State on the last play of the game. Probably an 11 win team
Purdue. Stinker of a game but Purdue won 7 games and their bowl game.
Wisconsin. Ass kicking but this Wisc. team may win 13 games.

at ISU. Arguably the best ISU team in many years
OSU by 30+. Conference champs and possibly a 12 win team.
BC. Respectable power 5 team that beat FSU 35-3.

Not a great year but certainly not the catastrophe that these idiots are portraying..

I totally get what you're saying about no one expecting Iowa to win 10 games this year, but at the same time I can understand the frustration of many. As you said, while no one expected 10 wins the fact is that NW, MSU, and PSU were games that could have gone our way.

Maybe it's fair to say that fans shouldn't be upset with a final record of 8-5, but at the same time I see nothing wrong with those upset with 8-5 when they feel they could have been 11-2 or 12-1. I see it as two types of fan bases, one that is content with being above average year in and year out, and one that seriously feels we can and should be competing every year. Ultimately preseason expectations mean absolutely nothing because no games have been played and it comes down to whether the individual is satisfied by end results when they look at the season collectively.

While happy with a win last night, I myself think that based on the games that slipped away (NW, PSU, and MSU) and how some of the others played out (ie. Wisconsin and Purdue) that despite the great memories of curb stomping Nebby and OSU this season left me with a bad taste in my mouth. And while 8-5 isn't something to be ashamed of I also think its not something that I'm chest thumping about either. It's simply another season in which I felt we underachieved.

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