*THE Iowa Hawkeyes vs Ohio $tate Buckeyes Official Game Thread*

I am just saying, there could be more than what was seen on TV. It did seem the refs had less than normal resistance to the coaches tonight. However, like when the strike zone gets squeezed, players/coaches need to adjust as well.
Fran is always on T-Watch, this is earned.
CMac made a hand gesture and got T'd up I don't think that's enough to call him a hot head...I remember reading posts praising his passion and emotion during the 2k classic but since we are losing it is a problem, please

Connor does get a little pissy out there but it wouldn't even be enough to be noticed if he wasnt the coach's son.
Connor does get a little pissy out there but it wouldn't even be enough to be noticed if he wasnt the coach's son.

I love how @tksirius only calls out Connor for this. Cook argues ever last time he gets called for a foul. Holtzman was screaming profanities at the refs when they had 2 total fouls early in the game. That is what players and coaches do, argue all game.
Well at least Connor didnt kick a kid in the chest, then bitch until he got kicked out of the game like TK's son Locure did.
You are an idiot. If you really think that’s all that happened then you are seeing only what you want to see

Connor didn't like a call, big deal. He wasn't screaming BULLSHIT!!! at the ref like Holtzman was doing on a call. I'm not saying Holtzman deserved a T, cause I dont think he did, but you are a freaking idiot if you think they players don't say a word or ever question the refs. It happens all game long, all the time, on every call, you got a player/coach in a refs ear pleading his case.

Uh, wow. Iowa coach Fran McCaffrey was just screaming at an official walking down a hallway of Value City Arena. "You cheating motherfucker! You're a fucking disgrace!"
That explains why he was three quarters of the way through the handshake line with time still on the clock.

He wanted to give the refs another piece of his mind.

It would be cute if they could T him up in the tunnel and start the Rutgers game with two free throws and the ball for the Knights.
I'm no tough guy, I'm not the one calling a 21 year old kid a POS because of a basketball play. Grow up, and don't be the POS that you are saying other are.
So 21 year old players are not adults? Is he not representing the university and the state of Iowa? This is not his first hot headed incident, he has at least three that I am aware of. His behavior is that of a POS. I stand by what I said. If the coach was unbiased, Conner would be sitting for a few games, but his dad is even worse. No wonder no Big 10 ref is going to cut him, or his dad any slack.
I love how @tksirius only calls out Connor for this. Cook argues ever last time he gets called for a foul. Holtzman was screaming profanities at the refs when they had 2 total fouls early in the game. That is what players and coaches do, argue all game.

Yeah, this won't go over well.

Well at least Connor didnt kick a kid in the chest, then bitch until he got kicked out of the game like TK's son Locure did.
There was a group of about four OSU students behind our bench heckling Connor and one of them was gesturing for Connor (who wasn't paying attention) to drop the gloves and the kid came pretty close to making physical contact with Connor.