*******The i-will-start-going-to-church-again if Iowa beats Debby GAME THREAD*******

Maybe if we flood Barta's email and voicemail about firing Fran he'll actually do something.
Never participated in one of these game threads before. Actually, quite therapeutic. Didn't scream at the TV once. That, and I sort of, kind of expected this to happen.
Who would have thought that Mr. mediocrity Kirk is the best coach we have in Hawkeye sports. And I include that paper tiger brands in that category too. Hopefully Heller justs ship before this joke of an athletic program ruins him too.
Never participated in one of these game threads before. Actually, quite therapeutic. Didn't scream at the TV once. That, and I sort of, kind of expected this to happen.
NOBODY expected that to happen. Not up eight with :44 seconds to go and Bohannon perfect at line.
@InGoodCo God am I glad I had a foot of snow to move this morning. I’d ask for my gas and ticket money back if I was you.

You sure you wanna go to Shitcago for three days and watch this circus?
Who would have thought that Mr. mediocrity Kirk is the best coach we have in Hawkeye sports. And I include that paper tiger brands in that category too. Hopefully Heller justs ship before this joke of an athletic program ruins him too.
Heller is a better coach than Kirk or Fran.
Never participated in one of these game threads before. Actually, quite therapeutic. Didn't scream at the TV once. That, and I sort of, kind of expected this to happen.
Fran gets paid millions. A couple of things of note:
Nebraska severely short handed, why not pound at them get them in foul trouble? Do we not have a game plan?
Connor begging to come out in the second half, gassed. Gets his pocket picked, jam. Why not call a time out?
Connor in at the end, not a good FT shooter? Like to see his total minutes for the game. More than Moss?
Dailey in at the end??? Why? Non-Chalant
How about getting somebody on Watson? Wide open for 3's, drills em all. We just sit and watch him?? Hello?

I have been an Iowa fan for 50 years. Was in Philly when we beat Syracuse and G' Town to get to the final four. I can't believe I am saying this but I just want this season to end. Unwatchable, maddening BS
Fran gets paid millions. A couple of things of note:
Nebraska severely short handed, why not pound at them get them in foul trouble? Do we not have a game plan?
Connor begging to come out in the second half, gassed. Gets his pocket picked, jam. Why not call a time out?
Connor in at the end, not a good FT shooter? Like to see his total minutes for the game. More than Moss?
Dailey in at the end??? Why? Non-Chalant
How about getting somebody on Watson? Wide open for 3's, drills em all. We just sit and watch him?? Hello?

I have been an Iowa fan for 50 years. Was in Philly when we beat Syracuse and G' Town to get to the final four. I can't believe I am saying this but I just want this season to end. Unwatchable, maddening BS
Don't forget the mandatory buzzer beating three at the half.

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