*******The i-will-start-going-to-church-again if Iowa beats Debby GAME THREAD*******

Be honest with yourself, you had a seed of doubt in you. An inkling, a hunch, a passing thought you desperately tried to suppress.
I was completely confident with Bohannon on the line.

Nebraska did the only thing they could do; keep Iowa from inbounding the ball to Bohannon. They had nothing to lose by mugging him. They were going to foul anyway.

I had no seed of doubt until it got down to one possession. And even in overtime there was no Borchart, no Roby. But give Nebraska credit in overtime for denying Garza the ball after his three point play.
Fran gets paid millions. A couple of things of note:
Nebraska severely short handed, why not pound at them get them in foul trouble? Do we not have a game plan?
Connor begging to come out in the second half, gassed. Gets his pocket picked, jam. Why not call a time out?
Connor in at the end, not a good FT shooter? Like to see his total minutes for the game. More than Moss?
Dailey in at the end??? Why? Non-Chalant
How about getting somebody on Watson? Wide open for 3's, drills em all. We just sit and watch him?? Hello?

I have been an Iowa fan for 50 years. Was in Philly when we beat Syracuse and G' Town to get to the final four. I can't believe I am saying this but I just want this season to end. Unwatchable, maddening BS
Moss played 36 minutes, Connor 16.

Are you surprised?
@InGoodCo God am I glad I had a foot of snow to move this morning. I’d ask for my gas and ticket money back if I was you.

You sure you wanna go to Shitcago for three days and watch this circus?

Oh yeah, I am still going. It sucks, but it's not like I am going to just start cheering for another team or something. As much as it was Iowa collapsing yesterday, they played well enough to win that and the refs just let our guards get trampled over at the end of the game yesterday. Nebraska took advantage. That's tough - it was a tough game. I hope they can get things turned around in Chicago.
Can you show me on the GarBar doll where I hurt you?
Lol, u didnt hurt me internet tough guy! Just calling a spade a spade. I'm not a Fran fan and I sometimes question the effort of some of the players...but for you to attack fans for following their team (regardless if they are playing well or not)...is chicken shit and crossing the line. If you'd like to meet me in Chicago later this week, u can tell me in person how much of a "weak ass fan' I am...:)

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