The Chronicles of Rudock

He didn't overthrow the receiver. The receiver slowed down. Had he kept running it was an easy TD. That weak arm tossed a perfect pass 50+ yards in the air. Sucks being a moron doesn't it.

are you calling me a moron? not sure why you're arguing with me since i'm all for JR. but whatever floats your boat i guess
I always wondered what happened after the end of the movie when the one sci-fi babe was all like "you keep what you kill....." and the camera panned over the weird death-obsessed army of Hawkeye fans who had just lost to Northern Illinois for the second year in a row. I hear they are rebooting the whole thing next week with the babe from BSG and some dark planet with scary monsters and the guy with the deep voice going "are you afraid of the dark" when its all in outer space which is already scary enough.

In space no one can hear you scream.

The question I'm asking is whether there's a guy on Iowa's roster who CAN make that pass assuming (and it appears to be the case) that such a play call is in the repertoire. Can Rudock make that pass if that play is called? That's the question I'm asking, because I kept hearing in the lead up to the season that Rudock didn't have the strongest arm but had other leadership qualities that won him the job.

I LIKE Rudock. I like that he's a real student athlete and that he handled the pressure of his first start. I'm just asking the question, based on the evaluations of people supposedly in the know, whether he can execute what seems to be a pretty deadly long ball play to Powell.

Am I exiled TavernHok for asking the F'n question?

I doubt there is a QB on the roster who can make a 55-60 yard pass and put the right amount of touch on it to hit the receiver who has no more than a step on his defender. And I don't think that's something to be worried about, because the quarterbacks who CAN make that throw don't come a dime a dozen. Stanzi couldn't do that, Banks couldn't do that, Tate couldn't do it. Not at that distance.

But Stanzi's throw to DJK against Michigan was for 47, and that IS a throw I think Rudock can make. That's basically the throw he did make on the underthrown ball to Powell, but Powell is faster than DJK and so he had to wait up for it.

After having thought about it a little more after the game on Saturday, I am fully convinced that Rudock has a more than capable arm and just needs to improve his timing. My first reaction was that maybe he's a little weak-armed, too. But I don't think he's got a weaker arm than most of the Ferentz-era quarterbacks (basically everyone except Vandy and maybe Tate, IMO). When he starts making his decisions a split second faster, we'll start seeing some very good passes.
Stanzi also had O'Keefe, Moeaki, DJK, McNutt, Shonn Greene one year, Bulaga, Reiff, etc. In addition, Stanzi's arm wasn't great, but he was money on the deep ball except for when he didn't listen to O'Keefe and tried to throw it deep into the wind (e.g., Indiana in 2009 and Northwestern in 2010).
I don't have the stats to back this statement up, but to my recollection, O'Keef/Stanzi normally took the shot, or threw the ball down the field when it wasn't expected. Like on 1st down or 3rd down and 1. To say Iowa is in dire straits 'cause Rudock's arm is average is a bad simile - like Stanzi's. If you want a cannon for an arm, put Beathard in as starting QB.
I don't have the stats to back this statement up, but to my recollection, O'Keef/Stanzi normally took the shot, or threw the ball down the field when it wasn't expected. Like on 1st down or 3rd down and 1. To say Iowa is in dire straits 'cause Rudock's arm is average is a bad simile - like Stanzi's. If you want a cannon for an arm, put Beathard in as starting QB.

is this true? beathard has the strongest arm of the 3? honest question, don't jump down my throat
From my own personal observations of preseason drills... Not at all sure KF is a fan of, for example, Brett Favre... Don't think Beathard has all the plays down.
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BTW, do most know that the Chronicles of Riddick that's currently playing in theatres is an exact remake except for the 3D? IMO, one better see that movie in IMAX, for example.
None of the best Iowa QB(s) the past 30 years had strong arms: Long, Hartleib, Banks, Rodgers, Tate, Stanzi.

You know who did have strong arms? JVB, JC, Dan McGwire.

Of the guys with strong arms in last the 30 years Vlasic is only one I can remember that had any huge impact and he sat behind Long for 3 years.

In '02 I do not remember any pass from Banks over 30 yds. where at least half of it wasn't YAC yardage.

TM and a few others are right it is about timing and anticipation, QB/receiver being on the same page, something that can definitely be worked out. Yeah, it would be nice if Rudock's arm were a little stronger, but i am not losing sleep over it. The best thing about having a canon for an arm is at some point it will probably make you a millionaire NFL scouts love dudes with big arms even though history will tell you there is a good chance they will flame out.
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None of the best Iowa QB(s) the past 30 years had strong arms: Long, Hartleib, Banks, Rodgers, Tate, Stanzi.

You know who did have strong arms: JVB, JC, Dan McGwire.

Of guys with strong arms in last the 30 years Vlasic is only one I can remember that had any huge impact and he sat behind Long for 3 years.

In '02 I do not remember any pass from Banks over 30 yds. where at least half of it wasn't YAC yardage.

TM and a few others are right it is about timing and anticipation, QB/receiver being on the same page, something that can definitely be worked out. Yeah, it would be nice if Rudoch's arm were a little stronger, but i am not losing sleep over it. The best thing about having a canon for an arm is at some point it will probably make you a millionaire NFL scouts love dudes with big arms even though history will tell you there is a good chance they will flame out.

Accuracy is more important than strength, and by a lot.

The issue is whether we are running a potentially game-breaking play with a QB who can execute it. If he can execute that play it changes the complexion of the offense and possibly the season. If he can't then the play won't be run, the offense will be handicapped (versus what it could be) and it could cost us some games. I asked the question because all over Teh Radio I keep hearing how Rudock doesn't have a strong arm, that there's a trade-off with playing him. Maybe those "experts" and pontificators are just full of sh!t. I hope they are. If he can execute that go route, our offense improves markedly. If he can't, and Beathard (and/or Sokol) can, then I think you've got to give the other guy a shot.
Accuracy is more important than strength, and by a lot.

The issue is whether we are running a potentially game-breaking play with a QB who can execute it. If he can execute that play it changes the complexion of the offense and possibly the season. If he can't then the play won't be run, the offense will be handicapped (versus what it could be) and it could cost us some games. I asked the question because all over Teh Radio I keep hearing how Rudock doesn't have a strong arm, that there's a trade-off with playing him. Maybe those "experts" and pontificators are just full of sh!t. I hope they are. If he can execute that go route, our offense improves markedly. If he can't, and Beathard (and/or Sokol) can, then I think you've got to give the other guy a shot.

yes, accuracy is far more important.......I just think this arm strength thing is being overblown. Some are reacting as if Iowa had a bunch of John Elways the past 30 years throwing 50 yd. lasers across their bodies with pinpoint accuracy. If you got points for velocity and distance then I would be concerned, but you don't so i am not concerned. Let it play out, given how the schedule is backloaded there will be plenty of opportunities the next 3 or 4 weeks to find out if he is capable of running a "game-breaking" play.
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Thought Jake made good decisions all day(accept for the last pass obviously), but personally I'm not sure why pass on that play anyways. Pleased what I saw from a guy who hadn't even taken a snap on a team that was 4-8 last season, nothing like preparing guys for next year eh?

You actually can improve arm strength, I'm not sure where you are getting your info from, but arm strength can 100% improve over time. The long ball will get there, we are talking about a sophomore here. There were two under thrown balls that would have been TDs, and you're right Powell burned passed the DBs. Lets keep in mind these were MAC DB's... interested to see if he is still burning passed OSU DBs.

time will tell. I hate the loss, especially another flipping winnable game AT HOME never-the-less. Jake will be fine and the long balls will come to him. its very rare that you get a QB who slides in and in their first game experience they are just on point with everything.
Accuracy is more important than strength, and by a lot.

The issue is whether we are running a potentially game-breaking play with a QB who can execute it. If he can execute that play it changes the complexion of the offense and possibly the season. If he can't then the play won't be run, the offense will be handicapped (versus what it could be) and it could cost us some games. I asked the question because all over Teh Radio I keep hearing how Rudock doesn't have a strong arm, that there's a trade-off with playing him. Maybe those "experts" and pontificators are just full of sh!t. I hope they are. If he can execute that go route, our offense improves markedly. If he can't, and Beathard (and/or Sokol) can, then I think you've got to give the other guy a shot.

Rudock's arm is no worse than just about any of Iowa's good quarterbacks of the last 15 years, and we seemed to execute plenty of gamebreaking plays before last season. That's really all anyone can tell you, and that's certainly good enough for me.

Besides, on top of Rudock making his reads a split second slowly due to inexperience, Powell has gotten most of his snaps with the second team all camp, meaning he's even less on the same page with Rudock than some of the other receivers (I think that was evident in the way he slowed down on the second bomb).
Thought Jake made good decisions all day(accept for the last pass obviously), but personally I'm not sure why pass on that play anyways. Pleased what I saw from a guy who hadn't even taken a snap on a team that was 4-8 last season, nothing like preparing guys for next year eh?

You actually can improve arm strength, I'm not sure where you are getting your info from, but arm strength can 100% improve over time. The long ball will get there, we are talking about a sophomore here. There were two under thrown balls that would have been TDs, and you're right Powell burned passed the DBs. Lets keep in mind these were MAC DB's... interested to see if he is still burning passed OSU DBs.

time will tell. I hate the loss, especially another flipping winnable game AT HOME never-the-less. Jake will be fine and the long balls will come to him. its very rare that you get a QB who slides in and in their first game experience they are just on point with everything.

I'll bet from this day forward he'll audible out of that atrocious play, which should never be called in the first place.

Rudock never looked rattled when he was under pressure and that was a very good thing to see. It was also encouraging that Ferentz said that his feedback in what the defense was doing was spot on which is pretty good for his first time out there.
Thought Jake made good decisions all day(accept for the last pass obviously), but personally I'm not sure why pass on that play anyways. Pleased what I saw from a guy who hadn't even taken a snap on a team that was 4-8 last season, nothing like preparing guys for next year eh?

You actually can improve arm strength, I'm not sure where you are getting your info from, but arm strength can 100% improve over time. The long ball will get there, we are talking about a sophomore here. There were two under thrown balls that would have been TDs, and you're right Powell burned passed the DBs. Lets keep in mind these were MAC DB's... interested to see if he is still burning passed OSU DBs.

time will tell. I hate the loss, especially another flipping winnable game AT HOME never-the-less. Jake will be fine and the long balls will come to him. its very rare that you get a QB who slides in and in their first game experience they are just on point with everything.

I hate to use Tom Brady as an example because he is one of the best ever, super smart with a great work ethic, but when belichek told Brady he needed to put on muscle he did by doing so he actually gained arm strength in the process. He will never have the strongest arm in the league, however he makes those deep outs and comebacks with relative ease with amazing accuracy.
Peyton Manning was great and all, but I think its clear the game has passed him by. You can't just run an NFL offense with a wet noodle of an arm, not to mention no spine or neck to speak of. The passes just aren't strong enough, he won't make it to the end of the season without getting injured and his team has no shot at the Super Bowl this year.
Rudock might be the best option right now, but I hope they keep the competition open at the position all year, because it is likely that one of them gets the offense down as well as Rudock has it, and with a much better delivery (both timing, which Rudock can be taught, and arm strength, which he cannot be taught)
Peyton Manning was great and all, but I think its clear the game has passed him by. You can't just run an NFL offense with a wet noodle of an arm, not to mention no spine or neck to speak of. The passes just aren't strong enough, he won't make it to the end of the season without getting injured and his team has no shot at the Super Bowl this year.

It's comical this is posted on a day he passes for 462 yds and 7 TDs tying the 44 year old record.

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