The Chronicles of Rudock

Vandenberg SUCKED. He had a strong arm. And nothing else.

Rudock is vastly superior to Vandenberg in every other facet.

However, the arm strength is a huge problem. It limits the offense. Maybe he is the best option. I'm arguing that we need to see the other guys with stronger arms to know if that is the case.

If he makes his reads more quickly (something that CAN be improved with experience), he can see Powell is going to be open sooner and therefore let it fly sooner, which means he's hitting Powell in stride at 40 or 45 yards instead of underthrowing him at 50.

I think it's hilarious that your argument is that Stanzi didn't have receivers like Powell (meaning crazy fast). It's true, but the #1 complaint about this offense has been the lack of deep balls, where Stanzi made deep throws a lot. He didn't have the strongest arm, either, but he threw a great deep ball because he timed those throws so well.
And they knew that a QB without stellar arm strength wouldn't zip it past defenders.

It was both.

They could sit on it because they knew Greg Derpvis would call the play, and that his QB wouldn't throw it hard enough regardless.

No QB is making that completion. MAYBE it only gets knocked down if he had an arm like Marino and was too hot to handle. But no way does it get completed.
Arm strength is the most overrated aspect of being a QB. It has plagued several NFL GMs even when they draft on arm strength alone. Rudock has enough arm strength he just needs some more experience. I think he looked very promising out there. I really liked the toughness he showed out there.
Vandenberg had probably the strongest arm in the KF era here in IC. Heck he might have had the strongest arm of any QB going back to Chuck Long.

I don't even think Chuck Long had the strongest arm on his team. Hayden Fry used to say, "Vlasic has a stronger arm than Chuck. He proves it everyday by overhtrowing his receivers." Chuck Long had unreal accuracy, vision, field awareness and timing. Strong arms, like Vandy, are overrated I think but you have to have a minimum amount of arm strength to be effective. Chuck didn't miss on too many long balls when the receiver was open.
The issue is with the timing of the throws not the strength. Nobody accused Joe Montana of having a cannon either. I think on the 2 bombs he threw that were caught that he laid em up that way on purpose to make sure they were not over thrown. He'd rather complete the ball then miss all together like he did the last one and what JVB did all of last yr. Would it have been perfect if he hit them in stride and they danced in the end zone? Sure no brainer but I'm not going to say he stinks put the other guy in because of how those throws were. He played pretty well. Don't let the previous year cloud your mind in how this kid should be given more then a game to form an opinion on.
I think thunder is a huge Vin Diesel fan and had a cutesy thread title he wanted to use, so he just rambled whatever he could come up with.
Totally disagree with the OP unless he can find a rudock quote saying he threw those underthrown balls as far as he could throw.

And yes he can add distance over the next couple of years by fine tuning technique and adding strength, the kid is a skinny 20 year old.

I liked the zip he put on a few balls.
Drew Tate had the weakest arm of all the quarterbacks mentioned here, the NFL scouts took like seven minutes to evaluate him in person and send him to Canada.
Drew Tate had the weakest arm of all the quarterbacks mentioned here, the NFL scouts took like seven minutes to evaluate him in person and send him to Canada.

Had we listened to ThunderHawk, Drew would have taken his last snap in third quarter of the Debacle in the Desert and Iowa football would have been totally different.
Vandenberg SUCKED. He had a strong arm. And nothing else.

Rudock is vastly superior to Vandenberg in every other facet.

However, the arm strength is a huge problem. It limits the offense. Maybe he is the best option. I'm arguing that we need to see the other guys with stronger arms to know if that is the case.

I think Rudock played pretty well. The first pick wasn't his fault, and the second pick wasn't because he lacked arm strength, it seemed like a bad throw. It wasn't like he need to throw that ball 50 yards, he just made a bad read and throw actually if you ask me. I think Long was saying it was some of both as well, that the curl route was open, and then he made a bad throw to KMM.
Stanzi's long gone. Iowa is a different team. Stanzi didn't have a deep threat like Powell. He didn't have to worry much about throwing over the defense.

You guys can hate on me all you want, and I have no personal dislike for Rudock (actually I have great respect for a kid who can do football and pre-med; he's a hell of a better student athlete than 99% of the "students" slapping on helmets and pads)...but somebody disprove my premise.

If it makes you feel better to ridicule me, that's cool. Just disprove the premise while you're doing it.

I wish to be disproven. I fear I shall not be.

No one is going to be able to "disprove" your opinion, so you can go ahead and put that strawman away at your earliest convenience.

How about we let the kid play another game or two before deciding he doesn't have the goods?
He just needed to throw those balls sooner. He hesitated on both throws. Then on the ball that he overthrew Powell on, Powell actually slowed a bit as if he expected it to be thrown short and then couldn't catch up. I chalk it up to a new QB and new WR's all who have HUGE upsides. Timing is everything and should come with more experience. Chuck Long was even saying how he needed to throw quicker.
Kurt, we need to talk.

We got us a problem up in here.

Our QB, pre-med academic stalwart and former Florida high school football golden boy that he may be, possesses a glaring deficiency, one that is not going to be cured by playing time:

He ain't got Teh Strong Arm.

He underthrew a couple of shoulda-been TD passes on long routes. He will continue to do so. A lot (unless the long pass is just abandoned. Yipee.) Because he ain't got Teh Strong Arm. It's unfixable. It won't get better. Ever. It is what it is, and it will prevent scoring, lead to interceptions, and limit the potential of the offense even further than GDGD does. This is McCann v 2.0. Um, I'll pass thanks. Big scoring plays matter. A lot. We aren't gonna have any with Rudock weak-arming it to wide open receivers who have cleared the safeties.

Apparently Beathard and Sokol do have Teh Strong Arm, at least according to what I've read. Let's see what they've got. We've got a WR who can run past the D. Let's play a QB who can throw the ball far enough to hit him in stride.

Let's lay down mediocre and take a shot at good. Do it, Kurt. You'll get your 4 Mil Per either way. At least let us have a little entertainment.

Just when I think this board is coming around and people are beginning to make salient points about the program and what needs to happen to move it forward...stupid enters the room and sticks the joint up. I believe your comments above belong in the turd polishing thread. I'm pretty confident someone of your stature could give Paul Rhodes a run for his money. I remind you though, you are polishing, not eating. Remember, not eating.

Rudocks arm strength is fine. The throw on the out was poorly timed, not thrown to the inside, and was thrown to a receiver who last beat someone deep as a senior in HS. My question is, why have KMM on the outside running that route in the first place. Ward was sitting on the route because he knew KMM couldn't beat him deep even if he fell down a couple of times during the process. Now, if Powell was on the outside running that route at that juncture, do you think Ward's jumping the route. Hell no he's not...he's in a backpedal and is turning his hips at the site of Powell.

I've seen Rudock throw that out...he's got plenty of arm strength to be effective. It's timing and picking the right matchup...and placing the ball where needs to be. Jesus...the second string guys is always better. For all you know Beathard and Sokol were wearing Depends Underwear for fear they were actually going to play.
This is really kind of an interesting thread. The comments about JR, other than about his arm strength, are very interesting and well thought through. The baseline assumption by Thunderhawk, that he does not have a strong arm, is totally without merit. Thunder has no idea whether JR has a strong arm, or not. Nor do I. The only thing I do know about JR's arm is that he made some throws that take a much stronger arm than the two throws that Thunder claims to prove his weakness. If we could get the coaches to tell us the real story, which of course, they will not and should not, that is about the only way fans like us could know the reality of Jake's arm strength.
Wasn't it Dan McGwire who had some super-strong laser cannon that could spray the ball over 70 yards with both of his knees on the ground? His Wikipedia page claims he threw two touchdowns in the NFL, so he must have had a really strong arm.

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