The Chronicles of Rudock

I personally think that Ruddock is doing one hell of a job especially when he rolls out. Look at that rollout pass he made in theISU game. He threw a damn frozen rope. GO HAWKS
I doubt there is a QB on the roster who can make a 55-60 yard pass and put the right amount of touch on it to hit the receiver who has no more than a step on his defender. And I don't think that's something to be worried about, because the quarterbacks who CAN make that throw don't come a dime a dozen. Stanzi couldn't do that, Banks couldn't do that, Tate couldn't do it. Not at that distance.

But Stanzi's throw to DJK against Michigan was for 47, and that IS a throw I think Rudock can make. That's basically the throw he did make on the underthrown ball to Powell, but Powell is faster than DJK and so he had to wait up for it.

After having thought about it a little more after the game on Saturday, I am fully convinced that Rudock has a more than capable arm and just needs to improve his timing. My first reaction was that maybe he's a little weak-armed, too. But I don't think he's got a weaker arm than most of the Ferentz-era quarterbacks (basically everyone except Vandy and maybe Tate, IMO). When he starts making his decisions a split second faster, we'll start seeing some very good passes.

Um, hey pal, you watch the last 6 quarters of Iowa football?
Yes, it was. Because some portion of our fan base has a football IQ. Amazing that a year and 4 weeks later the same debate still rages. Rudock has done very little to silence folks who question his arm strength.

Because you can't silence people who talk for the sake of hearing their own voice.
1. Didn't I see a badly under thrown ball by Goldie Namath to KMM on sat?
2. Didn't rude **** throw a great deep ball that speedy dropped against Pitt?
3. There's a lot more to being a good qb than just a good arm. Signed, Peyton manning.
4. Lastly, didn't big jake c had a cannon too??? Uh oh
Kurt, we need to talk.

We got us a problem up in here.

Our QB, pre-med academic stalwart and former Florida high school football golden boy that he may be, possesses a glaring deficiency, one that is not going to be cured by playing time:

He ain't got Teh Strong Arm.

He underthrew a couple of shoulda-been TD passes on long routes. He will continue to do so. A lot (unless the long pass is just abandoned. Yipee.) Because he ain't got Teh Strong Arm. It's unfixable. It won't get better. Ever. It is what it is, and it will prevent scoring, lead to interceptions, and limit the potential of the offense even further than GDGD does. This is McCann v 2.0. Um, I'll pass thanks. Big scoring plays matter. A lot. We aren't gonna have any with Rudock weak-arming it to wide open receivers who have cleared the safeties.

Apparently Beathard and Sokol do have Teh Strong Arm, at least according to what I've read. Let's see what they've got. We've got a WR who can run past the D. Let's play a QB who can throw the ball far enough to hit him in stride.

Let's lay down mediocre and take a shot at good. Do it, Kurt. You'll get your 4 Mil Per either way. At least let us have a little entertainment.

This post, from September of 2013, is probably the top post on HN in the past 18 months. I love how ThunderHawk called Rudock's issue after seeing but a single game and it has taken two seasons of dogturd football for most of the rest of the board to come to grips with reality (which admittedly is less time than it has taken the coaching staff).
A million years would be less time than what it takes the coaching staff to figure it out.

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