Texas Governor confirms A&M considering SEC

Again how many times do i have to ask the question without someone answering me? If this is true, why do we have to wait for the big 12 to explode? if you think kansas or mizz wouldn't run to the big 10 with an invite right now your crazy. So why don't we do it now? What does other conferences do change what we want to do? We had 11 teams for 18 years while every other conference went to 12 and had a championship game we didn't care. The last two teams we added we're penn state and nebbie great schools, so nobody's going to convince me we're going to be sheep and invite mizz/kansas/maryland/uconn/cuse just to react to what the sec does or the big 12 blows up and their teams need somewhere to play. What in the history of the big ten makes anyone believe this?

There weren't DVRs 10 years ago. Ad rates for college sports, and sports in general, have skyrocket the last couple years. The money changes everything and the networks are throwing ridiculous amounts of money around for conference TV deals now. The times have changed, the B10 won't sit back while every other major conference goes to 16 teams.
Again how many times do i have to ask the question without someone answering me? If this is true, why do we have to wait for the big 12 to explode? if you think kansas or mizz wouldn't run to the big 10 with an invite right now your crazy. So why don't we do it now? What does other conferences do change what we want to do? We had 11 teams for 18 years while every other conference went to 12 and had a championship game we didn't care. The last two teams we added we're penn state and nebbie great schools, so nobody's going to convince me we're going to be sheep and invite mizz/kansas/maryland/uconn/cuse just to react to what the sec does or the big 12 blows up and their teams need somewhere to play. What in the history of the big ten makes anyone believe this?

I have already answered this (see below). With the B12 still around the B1G does not need Kansas or Missouri.

Because right now the B1G does not need them. They are stashed away in the B12 where all that matter there is Texas. The B12 is no threat to the B1G right now nor will they ever be. The only way the B1G would need to make a move would be if the B12 is done. If these other conferences start carving the B12 up it would be stupid for the B1G not to go after Kansas & Missouri.

No need to keep asking the same question over and over, you even quoted my response.
The SEC might take one more from the B12 besides A&M but they want Miami Florida St or Clemson more than Oklahoma St or Texas Tech.

I agree with this. However, IF Oklahoma is in talks with both the SEC and Pac12, the almost hold the future in they're hands more than the conferences do. I have a feeling that Texas bolting from the B12 would actually be better for Oklahoma than any other team in that conference, because Oklahoma could then milk the conferences for what they wanted, essentially.
There weren't DVRs 10 years ago. Ad rates for college sports, and sports in general, have skyrocket the last couple years. The money changes everything and the networks are throwing ridiculous amounts of money around for conference TV deals now. The times have changed, the B10 won't sit back while every other major conference goes to 16 teams.

Lol good point that still doesn't explain to me why we'd cut them into our pie. the ad rates sky rocket if we let them in or not. so we still don't have cut them in. I'm not seeing your logic ad rates sky rocket, so let's cut 4 schools who suck at football into our conference????????????
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What happens if A&M isn't talking to anybody, and he ends up looking stupid with this?

If he's talking this openly about it, then he probably doesn't care whether it hurts A&M.

Considering that all of these conferences want to duplicate what the Big Ten has done with the BTN, if the Big 12 collapses, I can't see how anybody would want Texas and their network.

But then, even if Texas went independent, the BCS wouldn't have the balls to keep them out.

I think the Big Ten is in a bind. 12 is good. I don't see how the Big Ten can go to 16 and end up with a net positive. We got Nebraska, a school with history but a low population state. Who's left besides Notre Dame?

This is entirely driven by football; getting a school with a good basketball program will be an afterthought.
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Why not just take the top 2 in each division of each conference? Or the top 4 in the conference to make the playoffs worth more money? The NCAA is already doing it to the basketball tournament and I highly doubt the football one would be kept to such a small figure. Also, I think the SEC working on A&M could actually bode well for them if they are interested in snagging Texas when everything else falls through. BTW, I'm agreeing with your playoff idea, just wondering why the NCAA would limit it so much.

Well, it just seems like the simplest, most valuable way to do it. This way, you keep the importance of every conference game and the conference championship game intact. If you let in wild cards or whatever, you start "diluting the regular season." Also, you are offering your strongest products out for bids, so FOX/NBD/ESPN don't have to be worried about getting "stuck" with an oddball 8-4 team or whatever from a weak division. This should ensure the very highest bids, and its ALL about the money these days.

So week one is the 4 conference championship games. Week 2 is the semi finals of the 4 conference champions. Week 3 is the championship game. Also notice how you're really only extending the season past the current bowl system by one week, and just for two teams? No "cuts into studying time" arguments there.
The talk about further B1G expansion is way too premature.

This is just a politician saying he has read the stupid blog posts that say A&M want to go to the SEC. And that probably isn't even true.

This kind of speculation is great for message boards and sportstalk radio.
Lol good point that still doesn't explain to why we'd cut them into our pie. Without them ad rates sky rocket still so we still don't have cut them in. I'm not seeing your logic ad rates sky rocket so let's cut 4 schools who suck at football into our conference????????????

Because we're not cutting them into our current pie. We're expanding the pie and basically locking down the entire northeast as well as the midwest with the addition of four more eastern schools.
Because we're not cutting them into our current pie. We're expanding the pie and basically locking down the entire northeast as well as the midwest with the addition of four more eastern schools.

Again I ask the question, if your correct, why don't we do it now????? What does the big 12 exploding make us want to do this????? If this is so advantageous to us, why didn't we do it last year when we invited nebreska????

EDit: I just don't get why does the big 12 exploding make us want to add big east teams???
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The Big10 is not about to add Texas although it does sound intriguing. Texas just brings too MUCH baggage and they are not "team players" so to speak. No way would Texas agree to sharing equally with other Big10 teams, Texas would think it is much too good for that. Now, on the academics side Texas would be a great fit and their academic department would love to join the Big10. Unless Texas agreed in writing that they would play nice and agree to equal partnership, they are not going to be a Big10 member.

Notre Dame is the logical fit but ND wants no part of it (other than their academic departments who would love to be part of the Big10). Again, nd could not or would not want to play nice and be equal partners. Also, joining the Big10 would take away some of the nd mystic (what's left) because they would become just another member of a conference, something they dread.

So, the Big10 in all likelihood is not going to change UNTIL nd decides to become a member, which might be a long long time.

I also think that if A&M leaves, Oklahoma is going to start getting antsy wondering what will become of the conference? They certainly could join the SEC with A&M and STILL have their rivalry with Texas every year.

If only A&M leaves, I'm not sure that the Big 12 will collapse. It certainly will be a lesser conference and make it all that much easier for either Texas and Ok to get the automatic BCS bid every year. The rest of the conference will rarely if ever get the automatic bid because there is such a gap between Texas and OK and the "rest."

Unfortunately the clowns probably go nowhere although they have to be nervous because if the Big12 does collapse they are least desirable member of the remaining teams simply because of their history. And there is no guarantee that another conference takes all the crumbs, isu being the littlest and driest crumb of all the other teams. The clowns could easily get left out because it will be every school for themselves.

The WAC...a good conference for isu. No money, no prestige, no BCS bid, and recruiting will fall off tremendously. Yes the WAC would be very good for the clowns...they would fit right in. Of course, they would not win that conference either...THEY are what they are.
The Big 10 certainly is NOT going to invite the leftovers...they bring NOTHING to the conference...nothing whatsoever except big mouths to feed.

If a team were to get invited, Missouri is the ONLY school simply because it borders other Big10 states and already has an established rivalry with Illinois (and Iowa would quickly jump into that rivalry).
Again I ask the question, if your correct, why don't we do it now????? What does the big 12 exploding make us want to do this????? If this is so advantageous to us, why didn't we do it last year when we invited nebreska????

EDit: I just don't get why does the big 12 exploding make us want to add big east teams???

You are correct here, the B1G can add schools from the east at anytime and the B12 collapse has nothing to do it. I think the B1G would like to add 1 eastern school to tap into the New York market but I only think they do it if they can get Notre Dame. I think they would have added either Rutgers or Syracuse and expanded to 14 schools if Notre Dame would have been on board last year.
Again I ask the question, if your correct, why don't we do it now????? What does the big 12 exploding make us want to do this????? If this is so advantageous to us, why didn't we do it last year when we invited nebreska????

EDit: I just don't get why does the big 12 exploding make us want to add big east teams???

I already answered that question. You need to work on the reading comprehension skills.

Because it will completely blow up college football as we know it and lead to playoffs and huge change. Delaney is not going to be to pull the pin on all this change. Larry Scott and the Pac-12 went for it last year, he made it clear that he wanted 16 teams. Everyone in the B10 is making loads of money, the conference is in a very stable position, but once these changes start happening the B10 is not going to sit back and wait for other conferences to make their moves first.
Big 12 can survive even if Texas A&M departs - KansasCity.com

Twitter post this morning from Chip Brown:

Big 12 administrator just told me the conference can survive with 9 teams through 2015-16 (when ABC/ESPN TV contract is up)

ChuckCarltonDMN Chuck Carlton
Told that no other Big 12 school is considering following A&M if Aggies exit. Oklahoma is solid the Big 12, Texas committed too. We'll see.
2 minutes ago

ChuckCarltonDMN Chuck Carlton
School sources say the Big 12 would continue as a nine-team league, with four non-conference football games, if Texas A&M exits to the SEC.
8 minutes ago

ChuckCarltonDMN Chuck Carlton
To be specific, four, none from the same school. RT @BryanDFischer: @ChuckCarltonDMN Just several?
9 minutes ago

ChuckCarltonDMN Chuck Carlton
Several Big 12 sources expressed frustration with the ongoing A&M soap opera regarding the SEC and its harmful impact on the Big 12's image.
11 minutes ago

ChuckCarltonDMN Chuck Carlton
A couple of highlights from the A&M column: sources view the board of regents as divided on SEC, with a vocal fan base driving momentum.
12 minutes ago

The latest on Texas A&M, including comments from DeLoss Dodds

Texas athletic director DeLoss Dodds said today if Texas A&M leaves the Big 12 to join the SEC, his hope will be that the Big 12 stays together.

Dodds' statement came in response to a question during a luncheon speech at the Young Men's Business League of Austin.

Dodds also said if it meant peace in the Big 12, the Longhorn Network would never air a high school football game.

Dodds asked how many Aggies were in the crowd. When one of the Aggies asked if airing high school games on the Longhorn Network would be an unfair advantage for Texas, Dodds asked the Aggie about the state 7-on-7 tournament featuring high school players on the College Station campus every summer.

Dodds smiled and asked, "Do you know how we feel about that tournament being in College Station?" Then he smiled and said, "You probably don't because we never talk about it."

If Texas A&M was to leave, Dodds said the Big 12 might seek to bring in another school. Dodds also said if there was not sentiment to hold the Big 12 together by the remaining members that Texas and possibly Notre Dame could join forces to create a new conference.

Dodds gave no indication that Texas would pursue the possibility of becoming an independent.

A top administrator at another Big 12 school said the possibility of some Big 12 schools talking to the Pac-12 could become a reality again if Texas A&M was to bolt for the SEC.

In short, everyone in the Big 12 is back in scramble mode until Texas A&M makes clear what its intentions are.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry told The Dallas Morning News Wednesday, "I'll be real honest with you. I just read about it the same time as y'all did. ... As far as I know, conversations are being had. That's frankly all I know. I just refer you to the university and the decision makers over there."

A Texas A&M source with direct knowledge of the Aggies' situation told Orangebloods.com the TAMU regents will be meeting later this month - possibly as early as Aug. 22 - to introduce a new chancellor and deliberate a potential move to the SEC.

A&M president Bowen Loftin has told reporters there is "uncertainty" about the Aggies' future in the Big 12.

The SEC has been largely silent on Texas A&M. And according to one SEC source, the Aggies will have to basically submit an application for acceptance into the SEC (that is expected to be rubber stamped in no time). That process allows members of the SEC to have plausible deniability about any move until A&M's application is submitted.

Two sources in the Big 12 said they've heard the SEC is also interested in adding Florida State to the SEC East.

Sources in the Big 12 say the same political forces that tried to slow down the breakup of the conference last summer are already trying to get answers from A&M about its intentions.

The Texas Legislature is no longer in session. But I was told Wednesday, "the legislators will have something to say about this."

For those wondering how Gov. Rick Perry might factor into all of this, Perry is weighing a run for the White House in 2012.

One source told me a move to the SEC by Texas A&M might help Perry, an A&M graduate and former yell leader, with voters in SEC states.

That's because a move by the Aggies into that conference would help the SEC get into Texas for recruiting purposes. Couldn't quite tell if the source was half-joking. Sadly, the source is probably right.

Several sources thought out loud about why Texas A&M would trade being in the more winnable Big 12, which has an easier path to a national title without a league title game, for a place in the SEC West with the likes of Alabama, LSU, Arkansas and Auburn.

"Texas A&M should be in the top three of the Big 12 in football every year," one Big 12 source said. "In the SEC, they'll fight to be in the top half of the conference every year."

But sources close to Texas A&M say the Aggies are losing faith in the Big 12 as it is currently constructed and have serious issues with Texas and the Longhorn Network




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