Story: Bakari Evelyn Not Concerned w/ Competing Against Connor McCaffery

Rob, I think we are seeing the world the same. I just noted from your original post that you said we only had one option at 2 at this point, and I thought you were overlooking that JW can swing to either wing, and as you said, he will.

Assuming JBO does not return this season, I think the odds are incredibly high that one or both McCaffrey boys start.


One starts: 50%
Both start: 40%
Neither: 10%
Rob, I think we are seeing the world the same. I just noted from your original post that you said we only had one option at 2 at this point, and I thought you were overlooking that JW can swing to either wing, and as you said, he will.

Assuming JBO does not return this season, I think the odds are incredibly high that one or both McCaffrey boys start.


One starts: 50%
Both start: 40%
Neither: 10%

Connor starts at PG with or without a healed Jbo. You can go ahead and bump those odds up to 99%.

Patrick however does not start. Not even 1 game barring further injuries or suspensions. I have it on the highest authority that the plan is to ease Patrick in while allowing his body to develop under the nutrition and S&C plan.
The only way Conner does not start is if Touissant or the possible transfer come in, and in a few short months, demonstrate that they are so lethal offensively, that Fran has no choice but to start one of them over his son. You will never convince Fran that anyone is a better passer or floor leader than Conner, and Conner is a very good defender. So, it will have to be just sick offensive skills. While its possible, its highly unlikely.

Adam, I agree on what you have heard on Patrick, but it is realistically going to come down to Patrick or Frederick. I think Frederick gets the nod for two additional reasons beyond what you wrote: (1) he has an extra year on campus and has been getting great reviews as being the real deal; and (2) the optics of starting two McCaffreys may be too much for Fran to want to deal with. Patrick could be a great 6th man.
The only way Conner does not start is if Touissant or the possible transfer come in, and in a few short months, demonstrate that they are so lethal offensively, that Fran has no choice but to start one of them over his son. You will never convince Fran that anyone is a better passer or floor leader than Conner, and Conner is a very good defender. So, it will have to be just sick offensive skills. While its possible, its highly unlikely.

Adam, I agree on what you have heard on Patrick, but it is realistically going to come down to Patrick or Frederick. I think Frederick gets the nod for two additional reasons beyond what you wrote: (1) he has an extra year on campus and has been getting great reviews as being the real deal; and (2) the optics of starting two McCaffreys may be too much for Fran to want to deal with. Patrick could be a great 6th man.

Yes I believe Patrick will get healthy backup mins, but I still think he will be like the 8th man. I think a tactful deployment of Pemsel and Kriener as 6th and 7th man will be a big key for success.
My perception of Ferentz nepotism over his sons ruined Iowa football for me which I'm kind of thankful for. I took it all to seriously. It remains to be seen if the McCaffery nepotism will ruin iowa basketball for me. Its hard to believe McCaffery would of recruited his son as a two sport athlete if he wasn't his son. I could understand it better if he wasn't on scholarship. Anyway, its only a game, but I think McCaffery and Ferentz gets enough benefits out of working for Iowa.
My perception of Ferentz nepotism over his sons ruined Iowa football for me which I'm kind of thankful for. I took it all to seriously. It remains to be seen if the McCaffery nepotism will ruin iowa basketball for me. Its hard to believe McCaffery would of recruited his son as a two sport athlete if he wasn't his son. I could understand it better if he wasn't on scholarship. Anyway, its only a game, but I think McCaffery and Ferentz gets enough benefits out of working for Iowa.

Which one of Ferentz's sons was not worthy of the role they had on the team?
Which one of Ferentz's sons was not worthy of the role they had on the team?
I said it was I thought I perceived nepotism. One of his sons was a four year starter, and the other one probably would of been if he hadn't been arrested for drinking. Ferentz shakes up the whole staff and hires his son as the offensive end coach and hires an offensive coordinator that was going to retire. The football team was terrible for two years after he did this. After the offensive coordinator retires, he does a nationwide search and hires his own son as the offensive coordinator. He got into trouble for getting his future son-in-law a job at the university too. These guys get enough out of the university and the university or the fans don't owe them anything.
I said it was I thought I perceived nepotism. One of his sons was a four year starter, and the other one probably would of been if he hadn't been arrested for drinking. Ferentz shakes up the whole staff and hires his son as the offensive end coach and hires an offensive coordinator that was going to retire. The football team was terrible for two years after he did this. After the offensive coordinator retires, he does a nationwide search and hires his own son as the offensive coordinator. He got into trouble for getting his future son-in-law a job at the university too. These guys get enough out of the university and the university or the fans don't owe them anything.

Nepotism fundamentally is I'll advised. That doesn't mean that it never works. Small family businesses across the country have have long been a staple of the American economy. They have provided many examples of the successful practice of nepotism. Nobody calls it that though for a small family business. Probably because the practice has been necessary for some small businesses to survive.

In regards to Brian. I fully believe that he is competent in his role and growing. It was a question mark at the time of hiring, but since then he has brought back a stable middle of the pack offense with a good head of steam. Brian will definitely need some top 20 offensive finishes, but I also think this year could be that first one.

Only time will tell if Brian has the goods to be great. At this moment in time though there is zero evidence to prove that Brian can't deliver better. At least be fair there is no reason at all to hate on Brian even if you charge the father with nepotism. What would you expect of Brian? To be the only fool in history to say "No father! Do not favor me. I do not want an easier life just because you can provide it. Instead I rather wrench the silver spoon from my mouth and find a much more difficult path to embark upon".

Honesty time. Is this what you would expect of yourself Tierney?
Nepotism fundamentally is I'll advised. That doesn't mean that it never works. Small family businesses across the country have have long been a staple of the American economy. They have provided many examples of the successful practice of nepotism. Nobody calls it that though for a small family business. Probably because the practice has been necessary for some small businesses to survive.

In regards to Brian. I fully believe that he is competent in his role and growing. It was a question mark at the time of hiring, but since then he has brought back a stable middle of the pack offense with a good head of steam. Brian will definitely need some top 20 offensive finishes, but I also think this year could be that first one.

Only time will tell if Brian has the goods to be great. At this moment in time though there is zero evidence to prove that Brian can't deliver better. At least be fair there is no reason at all to hate on Brian even if you charge the father with nepotism. What would you expect of Brian? To be the only fool in history to say "No father! Do not favor me. I do not want an easier life just because you can provide it. Instead I rather wrench the silver spoon from my mouth and find a much more difficult path to embark upon".

Honesty time. Is this what you would expect of yourself Tierney?
Plus, Brian came by the way of the Patriots - that, at the very least, is credible experience. He probably could have had his pick of college openings (@ TE Coach) if he wanted. Whatever happened to the Son-in-Law? I don't even remember his name...
Plus, Brian came by the way of the Patriots - that, at the very least, is credible experience. He probably could have had his pick of college openings (@ TE Coach) if he wanted. Whatever happened to the Son-in-Law? I don't even remember his name...

Tyler Barnes and he is the recruiting director.
Nepotism fundamentally is I'll advised. That doesn't mean that it never works. Small family businesses across the country have have long been a staple of the American economy. They have provided many examples of the successful practice of nepotism. Nobody calls it that though for a small family business. Probably because the practice has been necessary for some small businesses to survive.

In regards to Brian. I fully believe that he is competent in his role and growing. It was a question mark at the time of hiring, but since then he has brought back a stable middle of the pack offense with a good head of steam. Brian will definitely need some top 20 offensive finishes, but I also think this year could be that first one.

Only time will tell if Brian has the goods to be great. At this moment in time though there is zero evidence to prove that Brian can't deliver better. At least be fair there is no reason at all to hate on Brian even if you charge the father with nepotism. What would you expect of Brian? To be the only fool in history to say "No father! Do not favor me. I do not want an easier life just because you can provide it. Instead I rather wrench the silver spoon from my mouth and find a much more difficult path to embark upon".

Honesty time. Is this what you would expect of yourself Tierney?
I never said I didn't understand it. All I said was that I didn't want to be a fan of it.