Story: Bakari Evelyn Not Concerned w/ Competing Against Connor McCaffery

Either way, I am sorry and honestly didn't mean to misrepresent what he said. I thought we were saying the same thing all along. Still sorta do. Moss probably left because he didn't want to compete with the coaches kids. I said that he said Moss was shying away from competing with the coaches kids. I said "shying away" and he said "worried about" - to me - its 2 different phrases to say the exact same thing. But,I have misspoke for Nike before and he immediately played that card. Probably fairly, but I think he thinks we have some feud ... or something that needs settled. He always says things like "I'd expect that from you".... like we have some beef. We don't - there is no us. He thinks I'm a doofus, I don't know why he just doesn't block me cause I'm not going to get any smarter, I am sure of it.
Either way, I am sorry and honestly didn't mean to misrepresent what he said. I thought we were saying the same thing all along. Still sorta do. Moss probably left because he didn't want to compete with the coaches kids. I said that he said Moss was shying away from competing with the coaches kids. I said "shying away" and he said "worried about" - to me - its 2 different phrases to say the exact same thing. But,I have misspoke for Nike before and he immediately played that card. Probably fairly, but I think he thinks we have some feud ... or something that needs settled. He always says things like "I'd expect that from you".... like we have some beef. We don't - there is no us. He thinks I'm a doofus, I don't know why he just doesn't block me cause I'm not going to get any smarter, I am sure of it.
All good man. I hope you can see where my frustration came from at least when I was being characterized as someone saying Moss was shying away from competition when I was actually saying he felt he wasn’t getting a fair shake when he was a superior player.

I have no issues with you. I enjoy your positivity and ability to ask tough counter questions when people start rolling with a narrative.
I always find these D-1 and youth sports comparisons to be amusing...outlandish is a better word. And I find generalizations to be completely wrong.

You are not getting the point. It's not comparing the level of play at all. Level of play has nothing to do with using youth sports as a comparison. Youth sports often times is the most common situation where you are going to have dad's as coaches. This doesn't happen as much as the players age. The entire comparison pointed out how Moss became the sacrificial lamb because there is a father and son and soon to be sons dynamic happening on the team.

Man, do I have to S-P-E-L-L everything out for you! :p
As a 3rd party observer of this conflict, I'll offer my 2 cents. At first I agreed with InGoodCo that he was accurately speaking for what someone else said. But after Nike mentioned the distinction between being afraid to compete and being afraid there isnt goong to be a fair competition, I see how he never actually said what InGoodCo thought he said. Therefore, he was actually putting words into his mouth, albeit unintentional.

You are not getting the point. It's not comparing the level of play at all. Level of play has nothing to do with using youth sports as a comparison. Youth sports often times is the most common situation where you are going to have dad's as coaches. This doesn't happen as much as the players age. The entire comparison pointed out how Moss became the sacrificial lamb because there is a father and son and soon to be sons dynamic happening on the team.

Man, do I have to S-P-E-L-L everything out for you! :p

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. nope, we got it. :D
Not sure if you read my story, but he said he’s been a point guard his whole life and that Fran sees him as a combo guard. He told me he’s 6-2.

I am fine with running 4 guard sets, plus Nunge. And doing it frequently..... Well, 3 guard sets. Plus Nunge & Joe W.
It is probably a good thing that we had Connor in at the end of the NW game at Carver because of the perfect pass to Bohannon for the winning shot. Moss was also instrumental in the win with a clutch basket to close the NW lead to one.....

Also at Rutgers Connor passed the ball the length of the court to JoeW who hailed the winning shot.....

We will miss Moss and Jordan this coming season. Bakari will be a welcome player to fill the vacancies. He and Connor are both necessary components.....

JoeT could be a welcome sruprise with his defense and toughness, both necessary components for the Hawks.....

At any rate it will be another interesting season.....
Those eye popping comebacks were basically one guy playing one on one a lot of times. Next year should be more of a team effort. With the quickness at point guard, and if Fredrick is everything they say he is, they should have no trouble getting the whole team involved both defensively and offensively. I'm look forward to seeing Nunge, a healthy Garza and Pemsl, and Kreiner play inside. With the three point line moved back power on the inside and quickness on the outside should be pretty valuable.