Steve Forbes

Like I said above, as soon as the NCAA asked about the photo, all 3 assistants were screwed. If they admit where the photo was taken Pearl would've fired them and they would never find another job in basketball again. A head coach would never hire them if that would've happened. If they don't say where the photo was taken and get caught they end up in the mess they're in now but have the ability to survive it.

The phone calls were minor, 96 extra calls between 4 people over 2 years is 12 extra calls per year. Pull the phone records of nearly every major university and you will find the same thing, many with MUCH MUCH more. The NCAA would've just slapped their wrist if it was just this, as well as any of the other charges.

It was the lie to the investigators that brought it crumbling down.

Disagree...they tried to lie and thought they could get away with it. You claim that Forbes is regarded as one of the BEST assistant coaches in the country. If so, then I find it hard to believe that every good program in the country would have immediately discredited him because he wouldn't LIE.

Come on, that doesn't make any sense. So if you asked your best salesperson to lie and try to cheat and he said "no" and quit, you don't think your competitor would ever hire him? Face the facts...Pearl and his assistants thought they could get away with cheating...plain and simple.

It's like the guy who cheats on the golf course...he may get away with it for awhile, but once he is caught he is always labeled a cheater...same will now be said about Forbes for the rest of his career.

By the way, the "everyone else does it" argument doesn't really help his case either...cheating is cheating.

Doesn't surprise me that he is looking to go to work with they say, "birds of a feather.....".
Disagree...they tried to lie and thought they could get away with it. You claim that Forbes is regarded as one of the BEST assistant coaches in the country. If so, then I find it hard to believe that every good program in the country would have immediately discredited him because he wouldn't LIE.

Come on, that doesn't make any sense. So if you asked your best salesperson to lie and try to cheat and he said "no" and quit, you don't think your competitor would ever hire him? Face the facts...Pearl and his assistants thought they could get away with cheating...plain and simple.

It's like the guy who cheats on the golf course...he may get away with it for awhile, but once he is caught he is always labeled a cheater...same will now be said about Forbes for the rest of his career.

By the way, the "everyone else does it" argument doesn't really help his case either...cheating is cheating.

Doesn't surprise me that he is looking to go to work with they say, "birds of a feather.....".

That's not how it works in coaching. The first job of any assistant is to be loyal to the head coach. No other coach in America would hire an assistant if they weren't loyal to their previous head coach. The only time you want to cross a head coach is if you already have their job lined up. If not - critical mistake. Having some people talk about him behind his back is a lot better than never working in basketball again. Google Abar Rouse and see where going against his head coach got him - a factory job.

Regarding Gillispie, you couldn't be further from the truth. He is well regarded in the profession as someone who doesn't break rules. His problem was drinking not rule breaking.
I don't know Dexter from the rest of you non smart phone carrying proles, but what he says makes a ton more sense than what some of you are spewing.
Indian Hills has an opening.....connect the dots.

I believe there are some legs to the possibility of Forbes being the next head mens basketball coach at Indian Hills . Word is he is a candidate ; so I guess this is an option he is weighing. Should know if this plays out soon as Indian Hills has said to local media that they would like to have the new coach in place by end of March . Stay tuned .....
I for one, love Steve Forbes' flat tax platform. But, alas, the American public will never go for it.
Good lord, get off of Steve Forbes dick, only on this message board is he considered one of the best recruiters in the country.

Amen! Only Iowa fans considered this assistant coach to be the next coming of God. Holy cow ... let it go ... This guy is not coming to Iowa. He is from Iowa ... so what? Yes, Fran is going to fire one of his current assistants because God is now available!
If you did an analysis of which threads received 1) the most responses and 2) the most views, I would win. You're welcome. Now where is my damn royalty check?
"The names that are scheduled to interview are South Suburban College head coach John Pigatti, North Dakota assistant Bryan Martin, Lincoln College head coach Kirk Whiteman, and former Tennessee assistant Steve Forbes."
Well, he must be the top assistant in the country. Thems some coaching icons there.
"The names that are scheduled to interview are South Suburban College head coach John Pigatti, North Dakota assistant Bryan Martin, Lincoln College head coach Kirk Whiteman, and former Tennessee assistant Steve Forbes."
Well, he must be the top assistant in the country. Thems some coaching icons there.

If he beats out Pigatti for the Tom Arnold Community College gig, then we should just fire Barta tonight! Why is it that TACC's AD knows how to attract THE top assistant in the nation and Barta can't?
Dillard's & Speraw's resumes are more impressive than Forbes' resume. Read the biographies for Dillard & Speraw in Iowa's media guide. Then read the biography of Steve Forbes in the Tennesse media guide. Forbes' experience doesn't come close to that of Dillard & Speraw.

Why would Fran even want the guy. This thread is ludicrous, but this is a story that will never end. Sort of like Cougil coming back to Iowa.
When they slap Forbes with a show cause order, he wont be sitting on the sidelines of ANY D-1 basketball program. Which you can bet the NCAA will surely do. Pearl, Forbes, Jones and Shay will all be hit with it.
I dont know what any of their prospects are for JUCO or smaller division programs but I would guess if the NCAA is a governing body, no program will hire them. Not until their probation or show cause period is over.
The NCAA doesnt like being lied to.