I do Melrose. Trump is unfit to be President.....and is likely looking at criminal charges. The question is, will it happen in time before the election, will the Supreme Court bail him out? I'm also afraid that a 2nd term of Trump will lead to scorched earth with his enemies. He does an amazing job of getting the undereducated to vote for him.....when he could give two shits less about them.
I'm also a pro-choice guy and I'm very sad to see what has become of the Supreme Court and what is happening to women in our country.
I think Trump does tap into identity politics which leads to support for his supporters. Now, I do think there is a problem in this country with the rule of law. We very much live in a society where everyone's a winner and there is a lot of entitlement. And Trump taps into people crossing the border blaming them for them as a part of this. Ironically, Trump himself acts very entitled and thinks he is a winner.
We are very divided.....if you are a Democrat your leaning solidly that way. If you are a Republican, you are leaning solidly that way.
Both Biden and Trump are old. Both probably not ideal with health and sharp minds. But, I think Biden is a much better man than Trump.
Use a Basketball Analogy
Biden= Mr. Davis
Trump=Steve Alford
I don't care what a president is like personally, as long as (s)he can run the country and keep the economy running strong, our borders secure and people safe. Yes, Trump is questionable as a character but I really don't care. That is with him and the one above, if you know what I mean. I didn't care that Bill Clinton was getting hummers in the Oval Office. It didn't matter.
This is kind of my point, it's so bad now that people are saying ya, I'd take Trump over this any day. That kind of tells you how bad it is and where people are at.
All the abortion ruling did was give the power back to each state. Way overblown, IMO. Maybe it's not all bad to make abortion a bit less convenient for some. It doesn't need to be used as a form of birth control or a back-up plan.
This is the only reason they are going after him this hard. They know he is a threat and they want to muddy it and put as many questions out there as they can. Our entire political system is a complete joke with this chit.
Again, I don't care how good of man they are personally.
So you would rather have a man of character (cough cough) in the White House that is making decisions that is detrimental to pretty much the entire nation than have a man in there with questionable character that at least has the best chance at keeping the economy strong and borders secure?
What is happening now is a big CF and with the inflation and housing concerns everything is upside down like a mortgage. Hell, I think 40% of car loans are upside down as well. It is a mess.
I do appreciate your response and comments. Good debate.