Stephen A. Smith Rant - Vote For Trump

Social media was already pushing the left and right further apart, but covid really finished up off, and understandably so.

On one side, you have people who think covid is basically the black plague. Can you imagine how much resentment they have for people who put their families lives at risk by refusing to wear a mask?

On the other side, you have people who think covid was way overblown to pull off the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. Some even believe it was a depopulation effort. Can you imagine how much resentment they have for the people who forced your loved ones to die alone in a hospital bed? Or forced the vaccine on a loved one who it injured or killed? Or forced your business to close down because it was deemed non essential buy the people who are laughing at you while rolling around in their cash?

Yep, covid pushed us so far apart there is no coming back. If your on either side of that, there's no forgiveness in your mind.

COVID was the greatest IQ test in human history and basically every leftist failed it. Even in the thread on here in the basketball forum people called out the horribly inflated IFR numbers and leftists lost their shit completely. Then, when the Orange Man's FDA approved a vaccine that was tested for 12 weeks and deemed "effective" on a mere 170 observations leftists lined up to be guinea pigs. "Yeah guys, we totally found all the latent defects in 12 weeks. We investigated our own product and found it to be safer than water!" My mother in law (who was max vaxxed at the time) was given a 2x dose of Remdesivir and died of renal failure. Masked and isolated in a hospital with no visitors for the last 7 weeks of her life. To say that I ain't in a forgiving mood is an understatement. At the end of the day you either understand that Western pharma companies are just entities with gigantic patent walls trying to preserve their racket through ridiculous government influence or you don't. It used to be that a guy like Scott Gottlieb would leave the FDA and go to a giant pharma company's Board of Directors and everyone would think "hmm, that doesn't feel right" but not any more. Revolving door from government to big business is the status quo.
COVID was the greatest IQ test in human history and basically every leftist failed it. Even in the thread on here in the basketball forum people called out the horribly inflated IFR numbers and leftists lost their shit completely. Then, when the Orange Man's FDA approved a vaccine that was tested for 12 weeks and deemed "effective" on a mere 170 observations leftists lined up to be guinea pigs. "Yeah guys, we totally found all the latent defects in 12 weeks. We investigated our own product and found it to be safer than water!" My mother in law (who was max vaxxed at the time) was given a 2x dose of Remdesivir and died of renal failure. Masked and isolated in a hospital with no visitors for the last 7 weeks of her life. To say that I ain't in a forgiving mood is an understatement. At the end of the day you either understand that Western pharma companies are just entities with gigantic patent walls trying to preserve their racket through ridiculous government influence or you don't. It used to be that a guy like Scott Gottlieb would leave the FDA and go to a giant pharma company's Board of Directors and everyone would think "hmm, that doesn't feel right" but not any more. Revolving door from government to big business is the status quo.
Or how they vilify a drug that they know 100% is safe with billions of doses over decades, because there aren't enough studies that prove it for sure works. Even tho some countries used it a lot and had great success with it. But then they invent a brand new drug that's so new there's no way they can prove it works, or that it's safe, and perscribe the shit out of it. But hey, at least it's really expensive too. The way ivermectin was treated is the biggest smoking gun for me on how big of a scam this all was.

I remember arguing with TK on here in early 2020 about it all. In hindsight that's embarrassing as hell.
The rapist grabber, the man who stole from his own charity, the one that scammed many thru his fake university, the person who tried to steal and election sending his followers to attack the Capital? The guy that capitulated to Putin on a world stage in Helsinki? The same guy who is on trial for paying off porn stars and begging for scam votes in Georgia? The list if indecent behavior is much bigger than I could type here. I could care less what Stephen says about him, no way I'm voting for that kind of low life, ever. Diaper wearing orange make up faced shyster, nope, a waste of air.
The rapist grabber, the man who stole from his own charity, the one that scammed many thru his fake university, the person who tried to steal and election sending his followers to attack the Capital? The guy that capitulated to Putin on a world stage in Helsinki? The same guy who is on trial for paying off porn stars and begging for scam votes in Georgia? The list if indecent behavior is much bigger than I could type here. I could care less what Stephen says about him, no way I'm voting for that kind of low life, ever. Diaper wearing orange make up faced shyster, nope, a waste of air.
The only way to not vote for a scumbag is to not vote at all. While there is no doubt Trump falls into the corrupt scum bag category (just luke every career politician) at least there's hope he is only corrupt with business instead of politically corrupt. To me there's a huge difference. The only similarity is that being corrupt is the only way to get to the top in business and politics. Trump surprised everyone when he won in 2016. That's a much different path than most guys (especially Biden).

We don't have a choice when having to choose a scum bag. But we do have a choice on what kind of corrupt we choose. We can choose one who does shady business deals like overvaluing your own properties to get loans. Or we can choose the one who who is corrupt politically and starts wars to fatten pockets.
The only way to not vote for a scumbag is to not vote at all. While there is no doubt Trump falls into the corrupt scum bag category (just luke every career politician) at least there's hope he is only corrupt with business instead of politically corrupt. To me there's a huge difference. The only similarity is that being corrupt is the only way to get to the top in business and politics. Trump surprised everyone when he won in 2016. That's a much different path than most guys (especially Biden).

We don't have a choice when having to choose a scum bag. But we do have a choice on what kind of corrupt we choose. We can choose one who does shady business deals like overvaluing your own properties to get loans. Or we can choose the one who who is corrupt politically and starts wars to fatten pockets.
I told my teenagers last year, don't believe for 1 second that both political parties aren't trying to cheat in any congressional, governor or presidential elections. It's just 1 party is way better at doing it while also not getting caught. The other is worser at doing it and also usually gets caught.
The only way to not vote for a scumbag is to not vote at all. While there is no doubt Trump falls into the corrupt scum bag category (just luke every career politician) at least there's hope he is only corrupt with business instead of politically corrupt. To me there's a huge difference. The only similarity is that being corrupt is the only way to get to the top in business and politics. Trump surprised everyone when he won in 2016. That's a much different path than most guys (especially Biden).

We don't have a choice when having to choose a scum bag. But we do have a choice on what kind of corrupt we choose. We can choose one who does shady business deals like overvaluing your own properties to get loans. Or we can choose the one who who is corrupt politically and starts wars to fatten pockets.

Leftists do not understand reality. They do not understand that DC is nothing but a gravy train to fatten pockets up. The two things this country needs more than anything are (a) an actual ethics law that prevents politburos from pecuniary payouts of any shape after service as well as major guardrails around what family interests exist; and (b) a true estate tax that hits giant trusts held by families like the DuPonts, Cargills, Kochs, etc. My objection to the estate tax is as it operates now all it does is hammer farmers and business owners who didn't pay six figures for an estate planner 25 years ago before they destroyed the value of the dollar.

The difference between me and a leftist is that while I will gladly chide the Pelosi family for somehow amassing a massive fortune on the back of Paul's "asset management business" I will readily call out Mitch McConnell for having a family interest via his wife in a massive Taiwanese shipping conglomerate. These people are so riddled with conflicts of interest that we the people can never expect them to faithfully discharge their duties in furtherance of the American public. Trump is persona non grata to most rich people which is a big part of why I like him. But at the same time the dude bears 100% responsibility for the reckless rollout of the COVID jabs. That Pfizer study would have earned an F in my upper level stats classes at Drake 25 years ago but was adequate for the government to approve that shit. I have stopped looking at excess death numbers because I don't want to freak out the sleeverollers.
The rapist grabber, the man who stole from his own charity, the one that scammed many thru his fake university, the person who tried to steal and election sending his followers to attack the Capital? The guy that capitulated to Putin on a world stage in Helsinki? The same guy who is on trial for paying off porn stars and begging for scam votes in Georgia? The list if indecent behavior is much bigger than I could type here. I could care less what Stephen says about him, no way I'm voting for that kind of low life, ever. Diaper wearing orange make up faced shyster, nope, a waste of air.

Remember the time Orange Man told people to inject bleach?
Or how they vilify a drug that they know 100% is safe with billions of doses over decades, because there aren't enough studies that prove it for sure works. Even tho some countries used it a lot and had great success with it. But then they invent a brand new drug that's so new there's no way they can prove it works, or that it's safe, and perscribe the shit out of it. But hey, at least it's really expensive too. The way ivermectin was treated is the biggest smoking gun for me on how big of a scam this all was.

I remember arguing with TK on here in early 2020 about it all. In hindsight that's embarrassing as hell.

Yeah, TK getting banned made me calm down on here, but my wife ran a march against the mandates here in town. She waved an American flag on an overpass for 2 hours when the trucker convoy came through. She got banned from all social media for pointing out the data issues in the studies.

The mathematical illiteracy of Americans is a huge problem. Huge. People have no tools to even understand the assumptions "the experts" make in creating models so when someone in a white lab coat says "10 million will die" at least half of the population just instantly believes it if it is carried by a legacy media outlet that they deem "credible." They don't understand the assumptions underlying the model, the first of which was that the Germ had a 3.4% IFR. As data analytics advances more and more people will outsource the mathematics component of their brains and the results for society will be dire.
Yeah, TK getting banned made me calm down on here, but my wife ran a march against the mandates here in town. She waved an American flag on an overpass for 2 hours when the trucker convoy came through. She got banned from all social media for pointing out the data issues in the studies.

The mathematical illiteracy of Americans is a huge problem. Huge. People have no tools to even understand the assumptions "the experts" make in creating models so when someone in a white lab coat says "10 million will die" at least half of the population just instantly believes it if it is carried by a legacy media outlet that they deem "credible." They don't understand the assumptions underlying the model, the first of which was that the Germ had a 3.4% IFR. As data analytics advances more and more people will outsource the mathematics component of their brains and the results for society will be dire.
I think TK would have been on your side on that one. I was the idiot. To be fair to me it was really early in the pandemic. I paid enough attention to the numbers and what was actually going on around me in real life to figure it out after a month or so of believing hospitals were being overrun.
Yeah, TK getting banned made me calm down on here, but my wife ran a march against the mandates here in town. She waved an American flag on an overpass for 2 hours when the trucker convoy came through. She got banned from all social media for pointing out the data issues in the studies.

The mathematical illiteracy of Americans is a huge problem. Huge. People have no tools to even understand the assumptions "the experts" make in creating models so when someone in a white lab coat says "10 million will die" at least half of the population just instantly believes it if it is carried by a legacy media outlet that they deem "credible." They don't understand the assumptions underlying the model, the first of which was that the Germ had a 3.4% IFR. As data analytics advances more and more people will outsource the mathematics component of their brains and the results for society will be dire.

jitterbugging McKinley Abe break Newtonian inferring caw update Cohen air collaborate rue sportswriting rococo invocate tousle shadflower Debby Stirling pathogenesis escritoire adventitious novo ITT most chairperson Dwight Hertzog different pinpoint dunk McKinley pendant firelight Uranus episodic medicine ditty craggy flogging variac brotherhood Webb impromptu file countenance inheritance cohesion refrigerate morphine napkin inland Janeiro nameable yearbook hark
Come on boys, it's Wednesday already. Get this thread moving again.

I just saw that a judge in Illinois cares about preserving democracy and ruled to disallow Trump from the ballot. This is a customary Democrat strategy, as the Democrats did the same thing in most southern states when Abraham Lincoln ran for president in 1860.

Bruce Jenner is a woman, Pfizer can prove safety and efficacy of a generation 1 technology in 12 weeks and the best way to fortify democracy and have open, free and fair elections is to exclude opposition candidates from the ballot. If you disagree with any of those irrefutable truths you are a totalitarian fascist and a threat to this country.
I just saw that a judge in Illinois cares about preserving democracy and ruled to disallow Trump from the ballot. This is a customary Democrat strategy, as the Democrats did the same thing in most southern states when Abraham Lincoln ran for president in 1860.

Bruce Jenner is a woman, Pfizer can prove safety and efficacy of a generation 1 technology in 12 weeks and the best way to fortify democracy and have open, free and fair elections is to exclude opposition candidates from the ballot. If you disagree with any of those irrefutable truths you are a totalitarian fascist and a threat to this country.
If you're going to try to eliminate your competition before an election, you need to take out opposing Democrat/ independent competition too. No way they would go that far tho....
I agree with dumping the orange stain from the election, although it surely won't happen. He's covered by the SC and party and no matter how many times he tries to steal an election via cheating of all kinds, attacking our Capital to stay in office via violent crazies we will let him run. Nice thing is the charity robbing cheat will lose again, and worse than 7 mil. as occurred in 2020. Not enough gullible voters in this nation to vote him in.
I agree with dumping the orange stain from the election, although it surely won't happen. He's covered by the SC and party and no matter how many times he tries to steal an election via cheating of all kinds, attacking our Capital to stay in office via violent crazies we will let him run. Nice thing is the charity robbing cheat will lose again, and worse than 7 mil. as occurred in 2020. Not enough gullible voters in this nation to vote him in.
So Trump tries to cheat to steal elections ? I assume you also believe the 2020 election was the most safest election of all time tho huh?
So Trump tries to cheat to steal elections ? I assume you also believe the 2020 election was the most safest election of all time tho huh?
Ahh yes, he did cheat, and quite bigly. Thankfully it didn't work. Are you not aware of the court cases he faces regarding this cheating? Did you miss the fake electors scheme? Are you not aware of the investigations, the pleas, etc regarding these duped individuals from 7 states? Did you not hear the plea for extra votes in Georgia by the porn star employer himself? It was widely played in pretty much all news cept Fox. I could direct you to the recording if you haven't heard it.
I agree with dumping the orange stain from the election, although it surely won't happen. He's covered by the SC and party and no matter how many times he tries to steal an election via cheating of all kinds, attacking our Capital to stay in office via violent crazies we will let him run. Nice thing is the charity robbing cheat will lose again, and worse than 7 mil. as occurred in 2020. Not enough gullible voters in this nation to vote him in.
Words are funny. If you call January 6th a mostly peaceful protest that turned into a riot, it's not that big of a deal at all. Arrest some people and call it a day. But if you use the word "insurrection" then it's a huge deal and you can use it to get rid of a political opponent.

Do you ever ask yourself questions like why do they call it an insurrection? Or how is it possible to overthrow the United States government by infiltrating one building? Or why would you try to take over the building without guns? Or why would you accomplish that goal and then just go home? Or who benefited from that day? Or why the media never talks about how Trump said to peacefully protest and tweeted to go home? Or why the footage of what happened is so secretive? Or why there were Feds in the crowd? Or since there were feds inplanted in the crowd and that means they knew in advance it was going to happen, why didn't they have the national guard there to prevent it? Why wouldn't they want to prevent it?

I think there are only two possible scenarios here. One is Trump wanted to delay the certification of the election until it could be investigated more (like in 2000). They wouldn't do it so he gathered a huge crowd of people to hold a massive protest to show how unhappy the people were about it.

The other scenario is Trump wanted to use force to stay in power so he gathered a huge crowd of people to overthrow the US government so he could remain in power. When I ask myself all of the questions above, it's pretty obvious which scenario played out. Especially with the benefit of sindsight to see what's happened since and how that one word (insurrection) has shaped people's views.
Ahh yes, he did cheat, and quite bigly. Thankfully it didn't work. Are you not aware of the court cases he faces regarding this cheating? Did you miss the fake electors scheme? Are you not aware of the investigations, the pleas, etc regarding these duped individuals from 7 states? Did you not hear the plea for extra votes in Georgia by the porn star employer himself? It was widely played in pretty much all news cept Fox. I could direct you to the recording if you haven't heard it.
Wait, you're saying Trump cheated in the 2020 election, Biden ran a perfectly fair election, and Trump still lost? Or are you saying Trump tried to cheat after he lost?

I've heard of some of the stuff you say. The recording is pretty damning when you take a clip of what he said out of context. But listening to the whole thing, it's pretty obvious to me what Trump was saying. He was basically saying if Biden can keep "finding" more and more votes after the election, then there must clearly be votes to "find" on the other side. After all, how can every vote that was "found" after the election all be for Biden right?

What was the fake electors scheme? I'm not sure what that was. Also I think I've heard about the duped individuals from 7 states but don't remember much about that either.

I'm such a firm believer that the government is corrupt that maybe it clouds my judgement here. But I just can't get past the fact that a huge group of corrupt individuals are all going after the one guy who isn't in their club. It makes no sense that they think Trump's corruption is just too bad to let slide when they're all corrupt too. Once you think about it that way, it's hard not to just assume everything they do is an effort to push him out because he won't play ball. The only way that line of thinking won't make sense is if you don't believe all these career politicians are corrupt.