Starting D next year?

The depth chart may not always be accurate as to who is truly 2nd team, but they don't list WR's at RB or LB's at SS or DT's at DE, etc...The position someone is playing is normally correct, especially late in the year when they have things sorted out. But a couple people said he played DT against Nebby and that is totally false.

Something that can be proven wrong or right is NOT an opinion you dumb ********. Good grief, where do you ignoramuses come from? You run your mouths off without a CLUE what you're talking about and call it an opinion. You and the other 'crazies' on this site are the unstable ones.......Oh, and I've woke up with my own penis wedged between my butt cheeks....what does that tell you Dr. Phil??? That was your best attempt at an insult? And the post you're responding to wasn't directed at you and wasn't insulting.......You lose again! Do yourself a favor and shut the hell up and try to learn something, ok......................

marcmorehouse ‏@marcmorehouse 9m9 minutes ago

Morgan said Lattimore has put on 30 pounds since his arrival. Brady Reiff is a DT now, too.

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Hey Icke. Ready to admit you were wrong about Reiff.
M. Nelson isn't moving to DT at 6'8. Someone said it earlier, but it would just be way too difficult for him to get the kind of leverage he would need to compete on the inside. If we see him at DT then that'll be a sure fire sign to me that we're really weak inside, but I don't think that's the case.

I still think Austin Schulte is going to end up being a stud. I could see him being moved to the interior because of the depth they will have on the ends.

Reese Morgan stated today they have discussed moving Nelson inside for next year.
Man, you nailed it!!! That's the way he 'rolls'............bahahahaha!!! I'm sure 'gamefilm' agrees with you, LOL.....You and 'gamefilm' need to be 'fantasy football scouts', 'crazies' live in a delusional world and you should elect GF as your leader, LOL.........

You are unstable. Have you sought professional help?
its only a matter of time until icke talks trash to the wrong person and gets knocked out. He might finally learn a life lesson.
its only a matter of time until icke talks trash to the wrong person and gets knocked out. He might finally learn a life lesson.
It ain't happened yet, and it won't be you, anonymous internet tough guy, lol......There isn't any 'life lessons' that I want to learn from a bunch of childish cretins on a fan site. Now go stand back in line with the other 'crazies' I'm done with you...............
You are unstable. Have you sought professional help?
I hadn't thought about it! But if you say I'm unstable, that's good enough for me. I'm getting on the phone ASAP! LOL...Thanks doc for your professional advice, lol....Just try to listen and learn from people who know what they are talking about instead of worrying about the inane ramblings of the HN 'crazies'...unless you're one of them? Are you 'their' leader/spokesman?
When I am mistaken about something, I readily admit it (unlike the 'crazie' children on this site)...I'm just not mistaken very often.
P.S. Hey crazies, when is Van Ginkel due to arrive, LOL. Like I said, I am rarely wrong.....
It ain't happened yet, and it won't be you, anonymous internet tough guy, lol......There isn't any 'life lessons' that I want to learn from a bunch of childish cretins on a fan site. Now go stand back in line with the other 'crazies' I'm done with you...............
such a defensive prole. Go huff and puff at someone who cares.
such a defensive prole. Go huff and puff at someone who cares.
You do realize that the only reason he does this is to bait people like you into responding, right? He gets the enjoyment at your expense. It's called trolling. Google it.

Also, all you have to do is click on his username to the left, then click ignore and you won't see it anymore.

Don't feed the trolls, man.
such a defensive prole. Go huff and puff at someone who cares.
Calling someone 'working class' is supposed to be an insult? LOL...Let me remind you....YOU chimed in and attacked me, I've never even seen you post before, so I am hardly 'trolling' anyone. Man, there is a whole lot of stupid on this site.........
Calling someone 'working class' is supposed to be an insult? LOL...Let me remind you....YOU chimed in and attacked me, I've never even seen you post before, so I am hardly 'trolling' anyone. Man, there is a whole lot of stupid on this site.........
Way above your head. I will try to derp it up for you next time.
You know, when you are out in the world, dealing with change every day, it's nice to come on here and see that Icke is ALWAYS a douche. It's rather comforting. He's the guy that predicts 1000 things, gets 2 right, and you never hear the end of the two he got right. What's that saying, "even a blind douche, finds a vagina every once in awhile". It's something like that.
You do realize that the only reason he does this is to bait people like you into responding, right? He gets the enjoyment at your expense. It's called trolling. Google it.

Also, all you have to do is click on his username to the left, then click ignore and you won't see it anymore.

Don't feed the trolls, man.
I don't even think he is a troll. He just wants attention since he didn't get any attention at home as a kid. Hell, he probably still lives at home now and is neglected.
For me the concern on defense is the defensive tackle positions. Overall though, I would say it is a minor concern.

The defense should look good next year. Might be one of Iowa's better defense's. And that's saying a lot if it comes true.
You know, when you are out in the world, dealing with change every day, it's nice to come on here and see that Icke is ALWAYS a douche. It's rather comforting. He's the guy that predicts 1000 things, gets 2 right, and you never hear the end of the two he got right. What's that saying, "even a blind douche, finds a vagina every once in awhile". It's something like that.
Well, I'm actually 997 out of a 1000, so YOU LOSE won't win this century or the next....because you are a loser! Period! And the locution that you end with just shows all of us what a jejune imbecile you are. I bet you giggle every time you say 'vagina' don't you? Loser!
For me the concern on defense is the defensive tackle positions. Overall though, I would say it is a minor concern.

The defense should look good next year. Might be one of Iowa's better defense's. And that's saying a lot if it comes true.
Bazata's not a concern, he just needs to stay healthy because we are inexperienced behind him. But someone always steps up, that's what's fun about Iowa football and the 'next story'................

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