Stanley is the #3 QB

I would like to see our #1 QB rested much more...especially in him, and his health, for the big games at the end of the season...where we went tits up....last year. Also, allowing some experience for whomever is #2 and #3. KF has not been adept at this, historically.

I would also like to save Stanley if possible, so he can start for four full years, on the national stage for all to see...especially Badger fans. That is, if he has the talent as reported.

My two cents...
I knew the oline was flexible and I'm an idiot cretin moron with no inside knowledge. All you had to do is be aware all the position changes to cover injuries last year.
Not at freaking QB.

Drew Tate's freshman year. He was the #2, or a shared #2 on depth chart.

He came in at the end of one game and threw a few passes. RS gone.

I think 2007 is a much better team with at QB versus Jake. And 2008 you have JC versus Stanzi as a legitimate QB race.

But it's all in the past. Point is, KF would absolutely waste a QB Redshirt
And it is parents, adults, and media who are putting these thoughts in their is the result of a 'selfish' nation.

Agree. I can see Father's pushing their son to transfer for a better chance to get to the NFL or other $$payday$$. Long gone are the days where a commitment is a commitment to a team. There is very little "I give you my word". But, I suppose that can go both ways as well with schools offering more than their scholarships. It's a dog eat dog world out there.
Agree. I can see Father's pushing their son to transfer for a better chance to get to the NFL or other $$payday$$. Long gone are the days where a commitment is a commitment to a team. There is very little "I give you my word". But, I suppose that can go both ways as well with schools offering more than their scholarships. It's a dog eat dog world out there.
Yup, just like employers quit being 'loyal' and committed to their employees and employees not being loyal to their employers, etc...It's the way of the world now, everyone out for themselves, which is one of the reasons why wages and benefits have decreased (with benefits almost disappearing) for the 'average' working man.....
I'm just busier people and I don't have 'access' right now to some of my info....and I put out a lot more 'info' than the Bowers situation, but some choose to remember what they'd like. And no one seems to notice I started a thread about the flexibility of our O-line BEFORE Rob wrote an article about it and KF confirmed how the 'rotation' I cited would work. And I beat Tom Kakert out with an update on Joe Wieskamp by a week or so....he pretty much just restated everything I did, so it's funny when some of you think I just read stuff in other places and pass it off here as 'new' info. I occasionally beat the writers out with info.........

It's not your info or knowledge folks have had an issue with. By all means, continue with any info you find.
I would think that Stanley actually has a say in his redshirt. If he wants to RS to keep a year in his pocket, hopefully the coaches would take that in consideration.
It's not your info or knowledge folks have had an issue with. By all means, continue with any info you find.
I was just acting like Morton Downey Jr. or Bill O'Rielly (who I think are hilarious because people let them tick them off so easily, they're fricken entertainers) for fun because message boards can be boring and some people take themselves way to seriously. Do you guys 'really' believe that I think I'm 'better' than everyone else? I mean, I'm trying to make some valid points, but this is an anonymous message board and ultimately it's just cheap entertainment to me. Sorry if this is some peoples 'life' and it's serious business to them................
I would assume that Stanley will redshirt, even if he's tied for #2. Or is that not correct thinking. Do you waste a year throwing him in against Miami Ohio, or let him have a shot at 4 years? Especially if he turns out to be the heir apparent.

If it is a tie for #2, you have to redshirt the kid. I would hate to waste a year. Keep the RS on, unless CJB goes down for the remainder of the season early(first 7 games?).
Otherwise if CJB goes out, reassess the QB situation. If Stanley is CLEARLY #2, then off with the RS. If #2 is equal, then keep the RS and go for Weiggers.

Sounds like we have some good QBs on the team. Got to like that!
Yup, just like employers quit being 'loyal' and committed to their employees and employees not being loyal to their employers, etc...It's the way of the world now, everyone out for themselves, which is one of the reasons why wages and benefits have decreased (with benefits almost disappearing) for the 'average' working man.....

Sort of. Wages have stagnated as employers now have to show a profit in ALL years unlike the past when they'd get through bad years. It is to placate stock holders which often is the high level officials of the company making the calls. It is where they make their money. We have an aging population where after 50 it is show people spend less. To keep up the profit image widgets must be made more efficiently on thinner margins. The Millennials are screwed as there is not a high population generation in front of them (born 1961 to 1980. Those are the big spending years and there aren't enough of them to generate business for the younger crowds.

There also used to be confrontation between business and Government with the Big G going after unfair business practices. Now business has gotten into bed with the Govt through payoff bribes (donations) to PACS and foundations. No major player in the financial industry went to jail from bogus activities in the financial crisis. Only the med range and smaller company players.

Iowa didn't feel the financial crisis like several other states not because of being special but because of the commodity super cycle which was fueled by economic uncertainty. In other words, farmers and ag did quite well. That cycle has now burst.

The demographics are somewhat different, but there are a lot of similarities between now and the 1920s as the US fueled the world with widgets and ag products, but when Europe came back after WW1, it caused the same things. As profits dwindled, more things were made more efficiently. In reality there were too many widgets. The 20s instead of being actually roaring, was a time of 3 recessions, some of which were terribly deep.

So, back to the premise, you can't compare football players leaving to business and employee loyalty. Employees leave because of the decisions of the employer. KF has always shows loyalty to a particular player, but not others. His game management leads to very little playing time for back ups. From what I hear, when he starts with a new qb, it takes a long time for them in practice to get what KF wants and so the backup doesn't get it in practice with #1 either.

Either the qbs are overrated when they come, or the system doesn't lead to development. In my opinion, KF wants a kid like JR, who is likely just a good kid with good skills but will try and do exactly what the coach wants him to do. Eventually he has to fall back on the kid who is a maverick that somehow got into the system and isn't manageable, at least the way he wants it. QBs in those years are the qbs during the best KF years.
Yup, just like employers quit being 'loyal' and committed to their employees and employees not being loyal to their employers, etc...It's the way of the world now, everyone out for themselves, which is one of the reasons why wages and benefits have decreased (with benefits almost disappearing) for the 'average' working man.....

It's that way some places, not all. Loyalty is coming back into vogue.

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