Well-Known Member
Sort of. Wages have stagnated as employers now have to show a profit in ALL years unlike the past when they'd get through bad years. It is to placate stock holders which often is the high level officials of the company making the calls. It is where they make their money. We have an aging population where after 50 it is show people spend less. To keep up the profit image widgets must be made more efficiently on thinner margins. The Millennials are screwed as there is not a high population generation in front of them (born 1961 to 1980. Those are the big spending years and there aren't enough of them to generate business for the younger crowds.
There also used to be confrontation between business and Government with the Big G going after unfair business practices. Now business has gotten into bed with the Govt through payoff bribes (donations) to PACS and foundations. No major player in the financial industry went to jail from bogus activities in the financial crisis. Only the med range and smaller company players.
Iowa didn't feel the financial crisis like several other states not because of being special but because of the commodity super cycle which was fueled by economic uncertainty. In other words, farmers and ag did quite well. That cycle has now burst.
The demographics are somewhat different, but there are a lot of similarities between now and the 1920s as the US fueled the world with widgets and ag products, but when Europe came back after WW1, it caused the same things. As profits dwindled, more things were made more efficiently. In reality there were too many widgets. The 20s instead of being actually roaring, was a time of 3 recessions, some of which were terribly deep.
So, back to the premise, you can't compare football players leaving to business and employee loyalty. Employees leave because of the decisions of the employer. KF has always shows loyalty to a particular player, but not others. His game management leads to very little playing time for back ups. From what I hear, when he starts with a new qb, it takes a long time for them in practice to get what KF wants and so the backup doesn't get it in practice with #1 either.
Either the qbs are overrated when they come, or the system doesn't lead to development. In my opinion, KF wants a kid like JR, who is likely just a good kid with good skills but will try and do exactly what the coach wants him to do. Eventually he has to fall back on the kid who is a maverick that somehow got into the system and isn't manageable, at least the way he wants it. QBs in those years are the qbs during the best KF years.
I'd say that after last season Kurt's preferences for safe but lame (read: mediocre) QBs may have been given the dirt nap.