Stanley is #2?

F*ck, why not? Weigers has had all this time to make it....serious question is this guy a miss?
Why do it unless Stanley is head and shoulders above Wiegers. Now you risk Wiegers transferring instead of letting them battle it out next year.
Why do it unless Stanley is head and shoulders above Wiegers. Now you risk Wiegers transferring instead of letting them battle it out next year.

If he is better, then he EARNED that spot. You can't make it a political thing, IE pretending that Weigers is #2 when you know and everyone on the team knows he is the #2.

I found it interesting what Drew Tate had to say on the Huddlecast podcast. He was asked if he regretted giving up his RS year. He said NO! He said that getting the #2 reps were invaluable, and pretty much cemented him as the starter going into the following spring camp.
My concern here is that if CJ gets hurt is that Iowa has basically told everyone that; The one guy you've invested time in teaching the offense to has been ranked in favor of a 90 day wonder?

And now this kid who was in high school a few months ago is going to have the program on his back? He better be good. Real good.
Nate Stanley is very good. If he was not he wouldn't be in there. It will be interesting to see how the QB race plays out next year. It is good to have multiple experienced players ready to compete for the job. That will benefit this team.
Nate Stanley is very good. If he was not he wouldn't be in there. It will be interesting to see how the QB race plays out next year. It is good to have multiple experienced players ready to compete for the job. That will benefit this team.
I'd imagine Wiegers won't be at Iowa next year.
Stanley must clearly be the 2 and the coaching staff has decided that it will be more valuable for him to see the field this year rather than redshirt.

That's how I took it
Does this staff have a history of elevating young players up the depth chart too early? Are they easily seduced by the shiny new potential when it first gets on campus? If not, why would we think that Stanely is anything except the legit 2nd best QB on the team?

If he is the 2nd best QB, you play him when you get the chance, end of story. Worrying about the redshirt is worrying about who will be the QB in 4 years. There are so many things that can change between now and then that it is a nearly an impossible situation to plan for. The much more pressing concern is who will be the QB if CJ gets hurt, and who will be the QB next year. That is what they are preparing for.
Keep in mind Kirk tends to lean toward experience when it's close. If he truly wants the QBs competing Weigers couldn't be the only one with experience.
Weigers can either do what he needs to do to get better or choose to leave like Ruddock did. Guess we'll see if he is a competitor or not.
Why burn his shirt in garbage time?
Why not if he is the Heir apparent. One problem that Iowa has had in the past is lack of depth in talent. If the number 1 guy gets hurt, historically we haven't had the depth to stay competitive over the long haul. Now we have some depth and we need to get these guys ready to play in case something happens. Look at 2009 when Stanzi went down. Vandenburg came in and looked really bad against a Northwestern team we should have beaten. Bottom Line is Stanley needs the reps and the same goes for Weigers if the opportunity is presents itself. There is no substitute for game reps.

There were a lot of complaints about the game especially on defense but we got a lot of guys in that got good reps and in my opinion it is much more valuable than what the stat line is. We won the game and have a lot of good film that these guys can learn off. Half of the teams that played yesterday lost we did not. My guess is they would take the win regardless of what the stat lines were or who earned the chance to play.

The guys that can possibly play and have worked hard need to get in the games. This is not only a necessity for the conference schedule but also a great recruiting tool. You play if you work hard and compete.
So under your rationale why redshirt anyone ever? He threw one pass against a bad team.

You redshirt players who are not going to contrube to the current team on the field. You play all players in your two deeps, especially vs teams you have a comfortable led over
So under your rationale why redshirt anyone ever? He threw one pass against a bad team.

That is a ridiculous extension of what I wrote. You redshirt people who cannot make your team better in their freshman year. If the player can make your team better, and if they are in the 2-deep the coaches have decided that they can, then you play them now and you don't worry about how things will shake out 4 years down the road.

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