SoundOff is so vanilla


Well-Known Member
And none of the hosts say anything remotely bad about the staff, program, or players. Even the last few callers have prefaced their comments with "I don't mean to be critical but..." Even if a caller is critical, they just go to commercial break or ignore the comment. Miller just went to a commercial break after a critical comment so that he "wouldn't say something that gets [him] into trouble on the message boards." We sure wouldn't want to address the less than warm and fuzzy callers, huh?

Can anyone recommend a local station in Iowa that also has a post game show?
Soundoff is good but they are very careful with how they come across. It's the "That's Football" type of talk. Also Zabel is great, great guy but IMO needs to retire.

Like Jon said that is the nice thing about radio or TV you can just turn it off. :)
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Miller just went to a commercial break after a critical comment so that he "wouldn't say something that gets [him] into trouble on the message boards." We sure wouldn't want to address the less than warm and fuzzy callers, huh?

Can anyone recommend a local station in Iowa that also has a post game show?

Jon is making way too many excuses for the team and the staff.
Oh here we go. Caller Chris is complaining about ferentz's salary and then said "I know I know I'm going to get hung up on.". He asked for miller to comment on ferentz's salary being disproportionate to overall wins and miller refused.
Oh here we go. Caller Chris is complaining about ferentz's salary and then said "I know I know I'm going to get hung up on.". He asked for miller to comment on ferentz's salary being disproportionate to overall wins and miller refused.

I honored his request when he started the call by insisting that I not comment, and he was directing it to Jim.

But thanks for listening closely
I'm glad I didn't call in today. JD would have hung up on me.
Take it easy, Jon. I'm just goofing. No need to be so tense.
I honored his request when he started the call by insisting that I not comment, and he was directing it to Jim.

But thanks for listening closely

Actually, he initially didn't want you to comment, then asked you to comment , then you refused. Based on the way this program is going, you not commenting on his criticisms goes without saying.
No Vin we need you today more than ever. stir the pot - make the call! We will be listening!:D

No, I'll let a good head of steam build up this week, and then when they sh!t the bed against Purdon't, I'll call in and go ape
Actually, he initially didn't want you to comment, then asked you to comment , then you refused. Based on the way this program is going, you not commenting on his criticisms goes without saying.

I've answered his question 100 times, and three on the show already today...there is a reason he didn't want me to answer initially, because he wanted his opinion validated by someone else, because he knows I dont agree with him.

Next straw man
I haven't listened all year to soundoff. From the looks of the posts in this thread things haven't changed much.
Here is the way sound off usually goes...

caller A ) Ferentz makes too much money, too conservative, blah blah
Caller B ) People are nuts, kirk is great, couldn't do better, blah blah

Occasional call with perspective

Well I'm being unfair its not always that way - but tonight it has been
Also - really disagree with Ed . Vandenburg didnt have one of his best games - vandenburg himself would probably tell you that.


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