Some may not care to hear this...

That may be. However, when you look at the teams, or in this instance, 'team' that a B1G team may be competing with, that notion becomes moot. This process is a lot 'simpler' than some are making it out to be.

Once the BCS standings come out tonight, this mapping will become clearer.

You're absolutely correct, this is simple.
Especially the BCS bowls, they don't care who they take, they want the best GAME.
Its exactly why the Fiesta Bowl chose a TCU-Boise St re-match over Iowa in 2009(2010).
The tickets are sold regardless.
They wanted the better GAME.

Another few years of the B1G getting destroyed in bowl games & we're probably going to see some of these bowls wanting out of their commitments. If I'm running a CapOne/Outback/Gator type bowl, I'm concerned by the quality I'm getting. Can I sell as many tickets by having another conference affiliation? Will my TV ratings actually be better therefore demanding higher ad $ by changing affiliation? Will the overall public perception of my bowl be better with a change?

Those are some of the questions these bowls are asking and should be asking.
The B1G is/has ignored the quality of its product and anyone that thinks for one second these bowls won't make a change if its better for them is just living in the past like the B1G is.
You're absolutely correct, this is simple.
Especially the BCS bowls, they don't care who they take, they want the best GAME.
Its exactly why the Fiesta Bowl chose a TCU-Boise St re-match over Iowa in 2009(2010).
The tickets are sold regardless.
They wanted the better GAME.

Another few years of the B1G getting destroyed in bowl games & we're probably going to see some of these bowls wanting out of their commitments. If I'm running a CapOne/Outback/Gator type bowl, I'm concerned by the quality I'm getting. Can I sell as many tickets by having another conference affiliation? Will my TV ratings actually be better therefore demanding higher ad $ by changing affiliation? Will the overall public perception of my bowl be better with a change?

Those are some of the questions these bowls are asking and should be asking.
The B1G is/has ignored the quality of its product and anyone that thinks for one second these bowls won't make a change if its better for them is just living in the past like the B1G is.

They don't care about tickets sold, but they do care about tickets USED, which equals economic impact to the cities that host the bowls..and they care about TV draw for the sponsor.

a 10-2 Michigan or Nebraska fills both of those bills, with a certainty. an 11-1 Stanford is a question mark.
If you truly believe this then you have no clue how bowl games work.

I understand that typically Iowa is a lock over those two, but I also know that Iowa fans aren't going to give a rats *** about going to Detroit. Purdue & NW probably will.
You're absolutely correct, this is simple.
Especially the BCS bowls, they don't care who they take, they want the best GAME.
Its exactly why the Fiesta Bowl chose a TCU-Boise St re-match over Iowa in 2009(2010).
The tickets are sold regardless.
They wanted the better GAME.

The BCS tickets will be sold regardless, UConn got stuck with a crapload of unsold tickets last year. But these BCS bowls are still run by people that want fans to come to their city and spend money. This is what got Iowa to the Orange Bowl a few years ago as an at large. You are confusing a "better GAME" with good TV ratings and Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Michigan do that for them and brings a bunch of fans to their city to fill their hotels and dine/drink in their establishments.
I understand that typically Iowa is a lock over those two, but I also know that Iowa fans aren't going to give a rats *** about going to Detroit. Purdue & NW probably will.

I think the Insight Bowl was pretty happy with the amount of disappointed Iowa fans, expecting to be BCS contenders, that showed up last year.
They don't care about tickets sold, but they do care about tickets USED, which equals economic impact to the cities that host the bowls..and they care about TV draw for the sponsor.

a 10-2 Michigan or Nebraska fills both of those bills, with a certainty. an 11-1 Stanford is a question mark.

I agree with that for the most part, Jon, but I think we've started to see a change in how these bowls operate. The amount of TV ad $ has exploded & I think we're seeing THAT become as big or bigger impact as the actual butts in the seats or overall local economic impact. Getting the best TV matchup, is now just as important.

Whether Stanford does that, I don't know, I kind of doubt they do in comparison to Mich/Neb but its another in a long line of changes that are going to start to affect the B1G if the quality of its product isn't improved.

The fact that Stanford, Okie St, Boise, etc have to be compared AT ALL to Michigan or Nebraska should be a ginormous warning sign to the B1G.
The BCS tickets will be sold regardless, UConn got stuck with a crapload of unsold tickets last year. But these BCS bowls are still run by people that want fans to come to their city and spend money. This is what got Iowa to the Orange Bowl a few years ago as an at large. You are confusing a "better GAME" with good TV ratings and Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Michigan do that for them and brings a bunch of fans to their city to fill their hotels and dine/drink in their establishments.

I think people are living in the past on this.
The TV ad $ has exploded in recent years. Just look at the conference TV $, it has nearly quadrupled in less than a decade.
These bowls now want the best matchup they can get to generate the best ad $ they can get. I believe that money is close to and soon will trump the "butts in the seats".

And if the B1G's product continues to under deliver, these bowls are going to look elsewhere.
The Fiesta Bowl will be salivating for an OU-Nebraska matchup. The stadium will be full and it will be a large TV draw between two traditional powers/rivals.

Last year the Fiesta got stuck with OU-UCONN and it was a mess. UCONN barely brought anyone and it was a bad game. They'll want to avoid that two years in a row so I could totally see them taking Neb/Mich over Stanford
Head to head win and better record.
Is this your first day? Bowl game picks are based on attendance. Purdue can't even fill their own stadium. Iowa will take a huge following, even in a down year. 6-6 Iowa goes before 7-5 Purdue. Iowa wins Saturday anyway so this conversation doesn't really matter.;)
I'm not debating an OU-Nebraska matchup, that's a no-brainer.

What I am saying is that in the mid-tier bowls(Capone,Outback,Gator,Insight) those bowls are now considering TV ad $ as an equal to butts in the seats(an area the B1G has excelled). If/When the ad $ becomes the primary focus, or the primary determining factor, they're going to want the best two teams, the best quality product. The B1G doesn't deliver that anymore. It is most certainly a concern. Jim Delany commented on it himself. The national perception is the B1G is garbage. That's a problem.
Based on my observations through the years, CFN is the last place you should look for bowl projections anywhere near the mark
Based on my observations, is the last place you should look for Iowa bowl projections anywhere near the mark.
There will be two Big Ten teams in the BCS. Book it.

Iowa has a real shot at a Florida bowl, and is a certainty if we beat Purdue
Thinking Gator. I agree with Miller. People on this board grossly underestimate how attractive Iowa is to the bowls and how attractive the Big Ten is to the BCS bowls.. Plus, Penn State is out of the picture now. Here is the scenario:

BCS: Wiscy and Nebby
Cap One: MSU
Outback: Michigan
Gator (assuming Iowa beats either Purdue or Neb): Iowa

Penn St, 6 win Ohio St, Purdue, NW and ILL are below Iowa.

If we win 6, I believe it is a Texas bowl.

The BCS will take 2 Big Ten teams. Do you realize that Nebraska will have over 100,000 fans at a BCS game? Michigan also is starving for a BCS game and would send close to 100,000 fans.
Thinking Gator. I agree with Miller. People on this board grossly underestimate how attractive Iowa is to the bowls and how attractive the Big Ten is to the BCS bowls.. Plus, Penn State is out of the picture now. Here is the scenario:

BCS: Wiscy and Nebby
Cap One: MSU
Outback: Michigan
Gator (assuming Iowa beats either Purdue or Neb): Iowa

Penn St, 6 win Ohio St, Purdue, NW and ILL are below Iowa.

If we win 6, I believe it is a Texas bowl.

The BCS will take 2 Big Ten teams. Do you realize that Nebraska will have over 100,000 fans at a BCS game? Michigan also is starving for a BCS game and would send close to 100,000 fans.

You do realize that Gator had a shot at 7-5 Iowa last year, and passed them over for a 7-5 Michigan team that we beat head-to-head, right?
The fact that we are discussing this weekends showdown with Purdue as a game which will decide a bid to the prestigous Ticket-City bowl is troubling to me.

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