So what did Fran say on Jim & Jim show last nite?


Well-Known Member
From what I am gathering he made mention of (maybe not by name) but the situations of Brust /Larson 'wasting' time?

If he really said that -- more power to him! Anyone confirm?
I thought we were supposed to stop listening to Walden since he dared to question "The Chosen One" so I missed it... :(
Coach Fran stated that he would not take any High School senior that would not be better than what's available in the High School junior and sophomore classes, he said he would not waste a scholarship, said he was looking for a gem like he found at Sienna a few years ago that just had his Jersey retired and plays for ? (NBA team I can't remember). He said if he can not find that kind of player he would save the scholarship. Also stated the family would be moving to Iowa City in June.
He mentioned JC kids they would have to meet the same criteria. He talked about the toughest part of the job so far, stated wasting time on whats his name from South Dakota and the "much more difficult then needed to be guard from Illinois, said was perturbed at the valuable time wasted on those two. Fran said all the remainding players have been outstanding in buying in.
He also stated many coaches make mistakes this time of the year just signing numbers, said he would not do that he would much rather bank the scholarship and work with walk-ons and existing players playing extended minutes if needed be.
He stated that Larson had asked to be released from his letter of intent three days prior to Coach Fran being able to visit him. His hunch was that it would be difficult to sell Larson as he was already headed in a different direction.
Brust asked out of his letter of intent and wanted Coach Fran to re-recruit him.

It was pretty clear that time spent recruiting, would be better spent elsewhere as the window when Coach got the Iowa job was a very narrow contact period. Could not afford to waste what little time existed.

Very appreciative of Jerry Strom for all the connections he made as far as travel arrangements to meet with recruits.
said he was looking for a gem like he found at Sienna a few years ago that just had his Jersey retired and plays for ? (NBA team I can't remember).

You are talking about Kenny Hasbrouck. He plays for the Heat. He is a huge reason for FM's success at Sienna. FM had very limited success at NC Greensboro because he didn't have a player like Hasbrouck.
The Noreen kid sounds like he'd fit the bill to get one of those remaining schollies,could definitely live with that. I dont care if we bank that last one, Can anyone confirm if we're bringing in the Murphy kid as a walk-on or not?
he also said that he thought aaron fuller had already checked out of iowa by the time he got the job. he said good kid, but already gone.

said brust was more difficult that it had to be. did say that he started recruiting a guard at the same time he had to rerecruit brust, in case brust fell through.

i didn't hear him say it was a 'waste of time' recruiting either. but that is just my 40 year old recollection.

he said he wouldn't use a scholly just to fill a hole, would use a walk-on for that role.

was a very good interview, would be nice to get a podcast for those of you that didn't get to listen.
Can anyone confirm if we're bringing in the Murphy kid as a walk-on or not?

If Murphy is at all a real option I would expect him to play in PTL against real college basketball competition. Sorry, but the whole Field House stud deal gets me about as excited as the Steve Forbes talk, or for that matter the Devin Archie excitement.
Everything that I read regarding his time in UNC-Greensboro is that he had many restrictions and challenges that are not typical for a division 1 program. Very limited resources.
Well we need bodys!! and if a kid has played in the Chicago public league against Derrick Rose and O j Mayo and the Kid from Kansas, I would think He'd do Ok in the PTL I hope he does and hope he makes the team, cause if we aren't going to schollie up another pg, we'll need quantity! What does get you excited? We have just been through hell WE need to get excited about something
Next year we are looking at a 10-15 win season, so it makes sense to save schollys for guys that are going to make a difference in 2011 and 2012 and beyond. Fran knows what he is doing and I fully expect the hawks to be back in the big dance in 2012. No postseason next year, NIT in 2011 and Big dance in 2012 & for many years to come. Have patience and Go HAWKS!
Well we need bodys!! and if a kid has played in the Chicago public league against Derrick Rose and O j Mayo and the Kid from Kansas, I would think He'd do Ok in the PTL I hope he does and hope he makes the team, cause if we aren't going to schollie up another pg, we'll need quantity! What does get you excited? We have just been through hell WE need to get excited about something

Let's at least see him play in the PTL before he actually is a real topic of conversation on a board about Iowa basketball. I mean seriously. Otherwise we look pretty silly. Sorry, but if other teams saw us discussing some guy who plays in the school rec center as a viable option we will be a laughing stock. Now, if the kid plays in PTL and does really well that is different. But let's keep it under wraps till then.
Let's at least see him play in the PTL before he actually is a real topic of conversation on a board about Iowa basketball. I mean seriously. Otherwise we look pretty silly. Sorry, but if other teams saw us discussing some guy who plays in the school rec center as a viable option we will be a laughing stock. Now, if the kid plays in PTL and does really well that is different. But let's keep it under wraps till then.

You don't need to see him in the PTL. He can play for Iowa. Hes better than half of the last half dozen or so kids who've played PG for the Hawks over the last 5 years.

Whether or not he wants to or has the grades (I have no inside information on this) might be another story.
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And you know this because you have seen him play against the same competition that Kelly, Peterson, Payne, Tucker, Freeman, and Henderson have played against?

And just which ones would he be better than exactly?
Your right Caar. Our(or maybe just mine) concerns at point guard may have me wishing a little to much for that diamond in the rough. And i wouldn't expect anything significant out of McCarty or the other kid but would hope to be pleasantly surprised. and the concerns at point are really just someone who can keep Cully fresh.
Let's at least see him play in the PTL before he actually is a real topic of conversation on a board about Iowa basketball. I mean seriously. Otherwise we look pretty silly. Sorry, but if other teams saw us discussing some guy who plays in the school rec center as a viable option we will be a laughing stock. Now, if the kid plays in PTL and does really well that is different. But let's keep it under wraps till then.

CAAR - I'm glad I don't have to be around you all the time because you're a very negative person. I was really impressed with this guy from the clips I've seen. I think this is a great pick up!

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