Sickening comments by Clayborn.

Interesting comment. Clayborn has been graded as high as a top 5 pick but based on his performance and play today, I believe NFL GM's will take both his comments and play into consideration going into the draft and downgrade him to a 2nd rounder at least.

On the flip side I thought DJK played real hard today and helped himself get a better NFL grade and at least solidify a 4th round grade.

To think that how hard AC and DJK played today has any impact on their draft status is absurd. One game will not make a difference; thats just not how it works. The combine is responsible for 90% of a player's stock anyway.
AC, thanks for admitting the obvious. It is a poor reflection on the players who put in so much effort to get to where they were. It also reflects very poorly on the coaching staff who must also have given up on them along the way. herwise this doesn't happen. Many of our players are gone for good in a few weeks. The present coaching staff is a different dilemna. Makes you wonder who wants to play for them.
Interesting comment. Clayborn has been graded as high as a top 5 pick but based on his performance and play today, I believe NFL GM's will take both his comments and play into consideration going into the draft and downgrade him to a 2nd rounder at least.

On the flip side I thought DJK played real hard today and helped himself get a better NFL grade and at least solidify a 4th round grade.

Dude, if you think that Clayborn will be graded by NFL GM's as a second rounder, you got another thing coming. He will still go top 15.
There are also things the coaches can do to keep things fresh and loose. But our coaches don't know how to make adjustments before, during, or after the game. They just keep the team gripping.

Also you can do things to help your seniors. For instance if you have a D lineman everyone is keying on you can move the guy around to limit the other team's ability to double and triple team that player. You can also blitz off his corner to take the player who was going to double team.

Instead, the coaches just basically said, "thanks for coming back AC, it will be great having you occupy 2 and 3 blockers all year."
Somehow someway its KOK's fault
Your right in a way.
IMO coaches are always part of the "problem" just as players are.
The real question I want answered in regards to KOK is if he is limited by what KF wants or is e the one behind the generic O or should I say geriatric.
Well, we have a major problem then. Because I haven't lost my will for them to win!!! It should mean more for them to win then it does for me. But right now that doesn't seem like it is the case???
There are also things the coaches can do to keep things fresh and loose. But our coaches don't know how to make adjustments before, during, or after the game. They just keep the team gripping.

Also you can do things to help your seniors. For instance if you have a D lineman everyone is keying on you can move the guy around to limit the other team's ability to double and triple team that player. You can also blitz off his corner to take the player who was going to double team.

Instead, the coaches just basically said, "thanks for coming back AC, it will be great having you occupy 2 and 3 blockers all year."

Caarhawk has a great point. Why hasn't Clayborn been moved around to neutralize the double and triple teams. It so much easier to scheme Iowa as again no adjustments are being made.
Caarhawk has a great point. Why hasn't Clayborn been moved around to neutralize the double and triple teams. It so much easier to scheme Iowa as again no adjustments are being made.

I thought they (coaches) spoke about moving him around. I saw it done some in the Arizona game but they quit doing it. He is line up 99% of the time in the same position over and over.
Instead, the coaches just basically said, "thanks for coming back AC, it will be great having you occupy 2 and 3 blockers all year."
True enough.

Why didn't the other 3 DL take advantage against the opponent's 3 or 2 OL not blocking AC?
I thought they (coaches) spoke about moving him around. I saw it done some in the Arizona game but they quit doing it. He is line up 99% of the time in the same position over and over.

Another reason AC had limited success was his pass rushing is very one-dimensional. He is bull rush 99% of the time. Very easy for the tackle to prepare for when you know there is almost no threat of speed rushes, swim or spin moves, etc.
Well, we have a major problem then. Because I haven't lost my will for them to win!!! It should mean more for them to win then it does for me. But right now that doesn't seem like it is the case???

Exactly. The players ought to care more about winning than the fans do. Sick. Sick. Sick.
Another reason AC had limited success was his pass rushing is very one-dimensional. He is bull rush 99% of the time. Very easy for the tackle to prepare for when you know there is almost no threat of speed rushes, swim or spin moves, etc.

I think part of the bull rush technique is what the Iowa coaches want the d line doing. I don't think the Iowa coaches give the d lineman the liberity to just rush hard up the field because they are overly concerned about staying in lanes and playing gap discipline. Attempting to bull-rush keeps you in that lane.
These kid's are frustrated! High expectations given to them in the beginning of the year, injuries to add on top of it, and guys filling in spots after studs like Anger, Bulaga, Edds, Spivey, leave. That is tough!. We are talking about 18-22yr old kids who speaking with pure emotions and frustrations! Come bowl time and yes I said bowl time, these kid's may come out with a different attitude! Clayborn is not a quitter, he is frustrated!
Well I can understand Clayborn's attitude a little bit. After the NW loss I was livid, last week after the tOSU loss I was only minimally upset. Today after the lost I was almost apathetic. I'm sure to a certain extent the players as human beings are the same way. They read all the preseason hype like we did. They expected big things like we did. With each loss it becomes harder and harder to put forth the necessary desire, when each goal (NC, Rose Bowl, BCS etc.) falls away one after another. Now you go to Minnesota with a Gator or Outback Bowl on the line. Even though Minnesota is horrible, they are still a B10 team at home and can win. I've never even came close to playing football at a high level, but on the human being side I can see where Clayborn is coming from.

I don't know how this problem is solved, I guess it falls to coaching, but in the last month the team had become a run away freight train and KF and company had no answers to stop it, and there probably wasn't a way to stop it from any coach.
These kid's are frustrated! High expectations given to them in the beginning of the year, injuries to add on top of it, and guys filling in spots after studs like Anger, Bulaga, Edds, Spivey, leave. That is tough!. We are talking about 18-22yr old kids who speaking with pure emotions and frustrations! Come bowl time and yes I said bowl time, these kid's may come out with a different attitude! Clayborn is not a quitter, he is frustrated!

Nothing you do when you're trying to be the best is easy - of course it's tough. Why don't you go back home to mambi pambi land and take Clayborn with you. The team quit today.
I think part of the bull rush technique is what the Iowa coaches want the d line doing. I don't think the Iowa coaches give the d lineman the liberity to just rush hard up the field because they are overly concerned about staying in lanes and playing gap discipline. Attempting to bull-rush keeps you in that lane.

Then how do our coaches expect to put any pressure on opposing QB's if our Line is only using one move? I could see this as a reason when w are playing teams with mobile QB's, but even when the opponents QB's are statues in the pocket (Tolzien, Foles, Chappell) This tactic was still being used.

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