Sickening comments by Clayborn.

LOL, how did we change the plan of attack against MSU??? We scored more points...nobody changed anything we did...You just see it that way cause we won by alot. We hit some deep passes and we threw them deep again today, we just didn't hit it. Nothing was different in the MSU game except for maybe passion. I don't 100 percent blame anybody for that, ask yourself this were u just as passionate about this game today as the Ohio State or Wisky game?
Sadly, they played like a team that didnt care so much today

And that is the one thing that I find to be totally unacceptable. Being beaten by a better team is one thing if you play hard. Being beaten by a vastly inferior opponent who simply (and very obviously) wanted to win the game far more than you did, is something else altogether.
LOL, how did we change the plan of attack against MSU??? We scored more points...nobody changed anything we did...You just see it that way cause we won by alot. We hit some deep passes and we threw them deep again today, we just didn't hit it. Nothing was different in the MSU game except for maybe passion. I don't 100 percent blame anybody for that, ask yourself this were u just as passionate about this game today as the Ohio State or Wisky game?

I believe we were more aggressive against MSU. To me... that is changing the plan of attack. I'm not saying the entire game, but did you see what happened this year when we got aggressive?

I was just as passionate today as any other game... It is Minnesota. A rivalry game.

Also, the point is that we didn't stick with what was working. How many times did the quick slant not work today? ...I can't even remember it not working...maybe once or twice.

..Yet how many times did we run it? ...NOT ENOUGH. Tell me how that is good coaching?
Does Ferentz really need to do much work motivating these kids?

Motivation, or a lack there of, has been a serious problem in years past. 2006 and 2007 spring to mind.

You play 12, 13 games a year. It shouldn't be that damn hard to get motivated, regardless.
I also don't believe it was very good on our part to be giving them the ball at the 40 yard line every kickoff. Seemed a little silly to me.

And once again... We are playing a team with nothing to lose and didn't play like it. You had to know they were going to try to pull something crazy this game... All the signs pointed to it. I'm not saying I knew they were going to do the onside kick... but I feel it is the coaches job to have the team prepared for it in a game like this.
I believe we were more aggressive against MSU. To me... that is changing the plan of attack. I'm not saying the entire game, but did you see what happened this year when we got aggressive?

I was just as passionate today as any other game... It is Minnesota. A rivalry game.

Also, the point is that we didn't stick with what was working. How many times did the quick slant not work today? ...I can't even remember it not working...maybe once or twice.

..Yet how many times did we run it? ...NOT ENOUGH. Tell me how that is good coaching?

The slant worked because Stanzi audibled to it when the corners were to far off of them. Watch the tape everytime there was a slant Stanzi audibled to it. We didn't abandon it it just works when the corners are deep on you.
Clayborn quit after the AZ game. He has been pushed around all season. He was getting blown 7 yards off the line on every play today. It makes me sick to think how good this line was last year and how bad they are this year. WTF happened?
The slant worked because Stanzi audibled to it when the corners were to far off of them. Watch the tape everytime there was a slant Stanzi audibled to it. We didn't abandon it it just works when the corners are deep on you.

Amen to that, I made a point of telling my son who is aspiring to be a quarterback that all of those calls were Stanzi's. We almost got a delay of game on the one TD and I am sure the coaches were probably getting antsy but it was a great check by Ricky to hit that.
The slant worked because Stanzi audibled to it when the corners were to far off of them. Watch the tape everytime there was a slant Stanzi audibled to it. We didn't abandon it it just works when the corners are deep on you.

Oh so what you are saying is that the good play calls were made by Stanzi and not the coaches. It all makes sense now.
Oh so what you are saying is that the good play calls were made by Stanzi and not the coaches. It all makes sense now.

I'm saying the slant calls worked cause once we saw the defence setup Stanzi knew it would work. Which I'm sure he's been coached by coaches to do. That's why the play was successful cause when we got to the line we knew it would work, nobody abandonded anything. People who complain and don't understand the simplicity of football is what doesn't make sense to me.

I know the coaches approved of him doing this cause if they didn't he'd got his butt chewed and wouldn't done it multiple times.
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I'm saying the slant calls worked cause once we saw the defence setup Stanzi knew it would work. Which I'm sure he's been coached by coaches to do. That's why the play was successful cause when we got to the line we knew it would work, nobody abandonded anything. People who complain and don't understand the simplicity of football is what doesn't make sense to me.

Clearly Stanzi only called an audible to the quick slants when the corners were backed off...

Pretty sure there were plenty of times the DEFENSE had backed off that we did not run the slant. Correct me if I'm wrong.

What I don't understand is people who don't understand the simplicity of spelling the word "defense" correctly. I'm going to let "abandonded" slide and assume you just hit the wrong key.

Hey look I can be a smart*** too!
LOL, I'll give you that I was being a pretty big smartass punk to be a dbag and not spell half the crap correct I'm being a dbag about. I'm just as frustrated as you and everyone else about the team I just think the coaches have earned more respect then fans give them when they lose. I should just ignore it and write it off as frustrated fans.
I completely understand where you are coming from. I love Kirk. I don't want him to get fired. I am just frustrated and want something to change. I don't know what it should be at this point... but I'm hoping Ferentz will know.

I'm just upset all of these seniors that I am so fond of are leaving us after a season like this. It would have been nice to go out on a positive note.

I would really like to see us get the National Championship before I die. It might be wishful thinking, but I would really like for it to happen.
Seriously, how do you lose to Minnesota, unless you simply don't show up to play the game. I have read post after post blaming the coaches, but you know what, the players play the game. The coaches are responsible for accountability, but when it is captains that are packing it in, you are handcuffed as a coach.
I think this will be the most stressful off-season for KF, what does he do with each of his coordinators? I love Norm Parker, but if his health continues to be a question mark, when is it time? Ken O'Keefe has been there from day one, but Iowa is due for a makeover in game planning, I don't think getting rid of KOK is the answer, but where is Chuck Long and bring him back.
Offensively, Iowa needs to get the best players on the field at all times, if that is 3 TE's and no fullback and one WR, so be it. If it is 3 WR's, 1 TE and a FB, so be it.
Defensively, get out of the base defense, when teams spread Iowa out and they don't change their LB's are not good enough to cover the slot WR's.
Sadly, they played like a team that didnt care so much today

They played like a team, who thought all they had to do was show up for a win. they gave minn no respect going into this game. it showed in the 1st quarter. I had a bad feeling about this game. I hoped i was wrong, but everything was primed for a minn win. And i was right.

Again another 4th quarter lead given up on a late TD drive by the other team. This time iowa more then enough time to win or tie this game. Too bad coker fumbled that ball. Good heads up play by that minn defender who used his helmet on the ball. That player showed iowa how to play defense late in the game.
I am glad that I said on air that I wanted to see the context in which Clayborn spoke these words.

Its not as inflammatory as I had initially feared:

Iowa’s loss to Minnesota: ‘Something’s not going right’ | Hawk Central

I don't think he quit. I dont have any answers, but I dont think he quit.

Jon, with all due respect he looked like a player just going through the motions and playing to not get hurt. Can you point to something you saw in the game to validate your opinion that he did not quit? I sincerely want to believe you, but am struggling to do so.
You don't think the NFL teams will remember this when his name comes up in the draft next year? AC probably just cost him some $$$
NFL teams will probably embrace Adrian's willingness to call out his own team as leadership. And they will recognize that anything a senior player says after getting upset in their last game as a player is totally meaningless. Emotional pronouncements in the locker room are not indictable offenses against prospects.

Adrian is just as frustrated as Iowa fans,so he vented....big deal.

Just another Iowa game of what if? If Marcus hangs on to that ball, Iowa might be celebrating all their heart to come back late and win....oblong ball bounces funny...KF and Iowa is in fine shape.

Take a day off the boards,all you negative nancies....stuff happens,and Iowa football will prevail.

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