Seantrel Henderson (again)

No but we have a guy that is very close to the family on the OSU board, and if you have followed this recruitment since he was a Soph. and read/listened to the interviews its pretty clear what's going on here. Its easy to take shots at a kid and have no clue what you're talking about (like some in this thread). The mis-information in this thread is frightening.....

That's bound to happen when he's got the kind of father he does.
No but we have a guy that is very close to the family on the OSU board, and if you have followed this recruitment since he was a Soph. and read/listened to the interviews its pretty clear what's going on here. Its easy to take shots at a kid and have no clue what you're talking about (like some in this thread). The mis-information in this thread is frightening.....

His high school coach is a former Iowa O-linemen that was coached by Kirk Ferentz when KF was the O-line coach under Hayden Fry.
Kirk Ferentz canceled an in-home visit and stopped recruiting SH.
Maybe, just maybe, KF found out something that your OSU board guy didnt know.
What do you think?
SH might be a nice kid. His dad is a whole different matter all together.
My head says yes-#1-2 overall recruit

My gut says no-pain in the *** dad, major prima dona.

Always go with your gut. No dice on Seantrell
I would have no problem with the KID coming in to play for us. His dad is beyond a distraction, however. He is far beyond the Christensens.
Not so much, No. Iowa does just fine with the players they recruit. Someone as high maintenance as Henderson has no place wearing the Black and Gold

Yeah we do just fine, but if we want to get that next level we're going to need to bring in the top talent.
His high school coach is a former Iowa O-linemen that was coached by Kirk Ferentz when KF was the O-line coach under Hayden Fry.
Kirk Ferentz canceled an in-home visit and stopped recruiting SH.
Maybe, just maybe, KF found out something that your OSU board guy didnt know.
What do you think?
SH might be a nice kid. His dad is a whole different matter all together.
KF only stopped recruiting Henderson at the last minute when it was apparent Iowa wasn't a serious contender. Ferentz recruited the kid for over a year, don't pretend like KF knew something no one else did from the get go. The dad is an absolute nightmare and I think he is a leech and a user, I just don't believe that is a reason for people to run down Seantrel.....
KF only stopped recruiting Henderson at the last minute when it was apparent Iowa wasn't a serious contender. Ferentz recruited the kid for over a year, don't pretend like KF knew something no one else did from the get go. The dad is an absolute nightmare and I think he is a leech and a user, I just don't believe that is a reason for people to run down Seantrel.....

I agree with you about SH's dad and that is what I was hinting at. KF got too big a dose of the nightmare.
I have never known KF to back off of a recruit because we might not get him.
I agree with you about SH's dad and that is what I was hinting at. KF got too big a dose of the nightmare.
I have never known KF to back off of a recruit because we might not get him.

^this...Kirk has however backed off of guys that were verbally committed to Iowa but said they wanted to visit other places...(Wisconsin RB and ND LB?? if I remember right?)
LOL this is hilarious before KF said "No Thanks" EVERYONE and i mean Everyone on all boards were excited for this kid. Some even had him in the starting lineup for next year. And now all of a sudden we dont land him and he is a bad apple and his dad is in it for the money? HELLO USC just got hit with a hell of a blow. Do you really think they are going to rush out and try this crap again after what just happened?

And to the OP who said he hates bringing it up; NO YOU DONT, once you heard the story, you couldnt wait to come on here to tattle and start a "lets burn seantrel and his dad" thread.

Exactly, I was one of many fans that would have loved to have him. Would be great if he ended up here after all, who knows he could end up being the next Orlando Pace or he could end up being the next Tony Mandarich, only time will tell.
You kind of made my point for me. I understand completely with what youre saying but If KF ended up opening that door and SH committed I have a strong feeling that the majority of this board would be thrilled because they trust KF. Right?

If next Monday SH announced he was coming to Iowa I guarantee this board would be going crazy with excitement
Yes. If KF was convinced that things were going to be different than it was before his cancellation. He knows what he's looking for and what he's dealing with so I'd trust his opinion. However,it seems like a very small possibility that anything is really different as its an awful lot to ask a kid to forego his parents desires.
KF only stopped recruiting Henderson at the last minute when it was apparent Iowa wasn't a serious contender. Ferentz recruited the kid for over a year, don't pretend like KF knew something no one else did from the get go. The dad is an absolute nightmare and I think he is a leech and a user, I just don't believe that is a reason for people to run down Seantrel.....

Hmmmm...... No. I highly doubt that KF cancelled the in-home visit because he was worried about Seantrel not committing to us. Fufred you're so right about Iowa not being a contender with SH, I mean it's not like he made a trip to Iowa City for a game last fall...
Hmmmm...... No. I highly doubt that KF cancelled the in-home visit because he was worried about Seantrel not committing to us. Fufred you're so right about Iowa not being a contender with SH, I mean it's not like he made a trip to Iowa City for a game last fall...
You really believe that if Ferentz thought he had a legit shot of landing SH that he would have canceled his in-home? LOL, if that's the case you haven't been following recruiting very long.....I had SH headed to USC most of the year last year (check the threads on the Iowa Sout site if you don't believe me) even as people that supposedly knew him said the family would never leave the midwest. Most Iowa fans knew Iowa was a long shot for SH during his recruitment.....
You really believe that if Ferentz thought he had a legit shot of landing SH that he would have canceled his in-home? LOL, if that's the case you haven't been following recruiting very long.....I had SH headed to USC most of the year last year (check the threads on the Iowa Sout site if you don't believe me) even as people that supposedly knew him said the family would never leave the midwest. Most Iowa fans knew Iowa was a long shot for SH during his recruitment.....

Fufred i agree on this one, but one thing that Sean mentioned a while back was that Seantrel must have been serious about Iowa if he would have paid his way to visit twice.
Hmmmm...... No. I highly doubt that KF cancelled the in-home visit because he was worried about Seantrel not committing to us. Fufred you're so right about Iowa not being a contender with SH, I mean it's not like he made a trip to Iowa City for a game last fall...

I believe fufred is right about this one. KF didnt want to waste his time and it was pretty obvious SH wasnt coming to Iowa. Same goes for Florida who sent McCarney instead of Meyer for their in home visit

It sounds good to make it sound like Iowa turned down SH but i really really doubt thats the case
I was interested in SH......Until KF wasn't interested anymore. I defer to Iowa's coaches on anything related to Iowa. We can all think we know something because of ranking by stars, our coaches evaluate what they are looking for and what works for them and the team. I trust KF and his staff to make the right decisions..... I'm sure he's a good kid, but the baggage that comes along with him isn't worth it. Coaches know how pieces fit together to make a TEAM.
Henderson, asked about his status with USC: "I don't want to talk about that."

Sounds like his in-home visit with Kiffin might not have gone very well and that USC had told him they didn't expect the NCAA ruling to be harsh (originally).

Scroll down here
So just to be clear when Iowa was still in the mix to get him you were opposed to it?

Yes! Henderson is a "ME First" athlete in my opinion, along the same lines as TO. He brings more headaches than talent (That's saying a lot because he is talented) and doesn't fit the character profile that the Hawks pride themselves on. KF has taken a chance on high talent/low character before and gotten burned (Douglas anyone?). I for one was happy when he walked away from Henderson.
You really believe that if Ferentz thought he had a legit shot of landing SH that he would have canceled his in-home? LOL, if that's the case you haven't been following recruiting very long.....I had SH headed to USC most of the year last year (check the threads on the Iowa Sout site if you don't believe me) even as people that supposedly knew him said the family would never leave the midwest. Most Iowa fans knew Iowa was a long shot for SH during his recruitment.....

So how do you know there wasn't an incident/argument between KF and SH's father? Or KF realized something about Seantrel's attitude that he didn't want to bring to Iowa City? Or KF realized he didn't want to have to deal with SH's psycho parents the next 4 years? Fufred you can speculate all you want but you don't know the whole story. Although everyone knew he would go somewhere where he would get paid, Iowa was in his last few schools so I'd say thats being a contender. No one here gives a s*** what predictions you made.
Look back at the Henderson threads, if he decided to be a Hawk I guarantee the majority of the posters on this board would be estatic. I shouldnt have said everyone but I bet a large majority would flip flop and get on board. Its easy to say you dont want anything to do with the best prospect in the country when there is no chance he is coming here

Let's say it another way then...

The staff would not accept his committment to Iowa, even if he wanted to switch at this point. Too many red flags. If you've read Chris Doyle's interview, you'll understand that the staff has learned that sometimes it's better not to dance with the devil.

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