Seantrel Henderson (again)

He was being recruited by Nebraska for a while. If I recall correctly, Nebraska was one of his leaders at the end before he chose USC. I heard (strictly rumor... no confirmation; please don't skewer the messenger) that he made an inquiry to Nebraska recently and was politely refused.

I doubt the info you heard is correct, I think his final 7 were USC, Miami, OSU, Florida, Notre Dame, Iowa and Minnesota.
We would take him if he came crawling. But, he wants to be a left tackle and wouldn't beat out R.R. as a true freshman.
Dont assume he will be playing football for any college team in 2010. The SH to Iowa ship sailed a loooong time ago when Kirk declined on the in home visit. Certain kids are not going to be a good fit for Kirk and it doesnt matter how good they are...
Everyone on this board would take him in a minute and be thrilled if he changed his commitment. It wont happen tho because he can make the most money at USC

Not so much, No. Iowa does just fine with the players they recruit. Someone as high maintenance as Henderson has no place wearing the Black and Gold
I doubt the info you heard is correct, I think his final 7 were USC, Miami, OSU, Florida, Notre Dame, Iowa and Minnesota.

Thanks... I stand corrected. I just talked to a friend who has a better memory for this stuff. He said that the coaches passed on him because of the baggage. However, he did say that he had heard the same rumors that a recent inquiry from the Henderson family had been made to Nebraska but he was declined.
Not so much, No. Iowa does just fine with the players they recruit. Someone as high maintenance as Henderson has no place wearing the Black and Gold

So just to be clear when Iowa was still in the mix to get him you were opposed to it?
Thanks... I stand corrected. I just talked to a friend who has a better memory for this stuff. He said that the coaches passed on him because of the baggage. However, he did say that he had heard the same rumors that a recent inquiry from the Henderson family had been made to Nebraska but he was declined.

Now that doesn't suprise me consider the show this kid put on for signing day and then not signing and only giving a verbal commit. His dad is a piece of work and this kid has a ton of baggage that comes with him.
I think it would be how he transfered. lets say he sits out and and decides to walk on and earn a scholarship. I think that would mean he was humbled by the experience and that he does in fact put the team before himself. I doubt any player would do that.
I'd take him as long as his dad was nowhere near Iowa City except for being in Kinnick on game days. I think SH is getting a bad rap here - it's his dad that has the baggage.
When he first started hitting the headlines, I was excited like most people. As the circus around him and his father dragged on, I started thinking more and more about Jeff Christensen and Craig James. I hope the kid finds a place that'll help him keep his feet on the ground and his head in the game. I certainly have my doubts as to whether Kiffin and U$C will provide that to him. If the Hendersons are blind to what a great opportunity playing for Captain Kirk or the Sweatervest would have been for Seantrel, then the Big Ten may be better off without him. (Fact check: he committed, then de-comitted, from OSU, right?)
I was enthralled with the idea of Seantrel playing for Iowa...but near the time when Ferentz cancelled I read an interview about Seantrel's dad and Seantrel's comments on his recruitment and especially about U of Minny's recruitment of him...
I decided at that point i'd rather he NOT be a Hawkeye....and I still hold that opinion...I would not be thrilled if he committed at all. That is not who I think of as Hawkeyes, I think of hard workers that expect nothing.
This is a tough one. I guess if KF agreed to take him, thats good enough for me.
I think KF would have a certain set of rules for SH's dad that would make landing SH next to impossible. So I wont lose any sleep over it.
Everyone on this board would take him in a minute and be thrilled if he changed his commitment. It wont happen tho because he can make the most money at USC

KF has built his program on guys that are the complete opposite of Seantrel Henderson. The players that have been more like him, are the ones that turn sour.
So just to be clear when Iowa was still in the mix to get him you were opposed to it?

This is an unfair question. It is possible to initially be excited about a recruit,and then gradually change your opinion as more information becomes avaiable.

When I first read Iowa was in the running for the #1 recruit, i was excited at the possibility. The more I read about his recruitment (father) the more leary i became. When KF declined the in home visit it spoke volumes to me. At that point I was convinced that there was something undesireable about him and we are better off without him.

If KF opened the door again, I would have to trust him to know better than I. Until that happens I am completely convinced that Mr henderson and Iowa are much better off without each other.
1st off Henderson never committed or de-committed to OSU. 2nd SH by all accounts is a very soft spoken kid and not on any sort of ego trip or assumption that he is the 2nd coming. He is a kid that is trying to make his father happy. His father loves the attention and sees SH as a ticket to a better life. I feel bad for Seantrel, his own family is using him to get what they want.
1st off Henderson never committed or de-committed to OSU. 2nd SH by all accounts is a very soft spoken kid and not on any sort of ego trip or assumption that he is the 2nd coming. He is a kid that is trying to make his father happy. His father loves the attention and sees SH as a ticket to a better life. I feel bad for Seantrel, his own family is using him to get what they want.

Must be pretty close with the family I take it?
1st off Henderson never committed or de-committed to OSU. 2nd SH by all accounts is a very soft spoken kid and not on any sort of ego trip or assumption that he is the 2nd coming. He is a kid that is trying to make his father happy. His father loves the attention and sees SH as a ticket to a better life. I feel bad for Seantrel, his own family is using him to get what they want.

Must be pretty close with the family I take it?

Probably as close as everyone else on here who are saying bad things about him
This is an unfair question. It is possible to initially be excited about a recruit,and then gradually change your opinion as more information becomes avaiable.

When I first read Iowa was in the running for the #1 recruit, i was excited at the possibility. The more I read about his recruitment (father) the more leary i became. When KF declined the in home visit it spoke volumes to me. At that point I was convinced that there was something undesireable about him and we are better off without him.

If KF opened the door again, I would have to trust him to know better than I. Until that happens I am completely convinced that Mr henderson and Iowa are much better off without each other.

You kind of made my point for me. I understand completely with what youre saying but If KF ended up opening that door and SH committed I have a strong feeling that the majority of this board would be thrilled because they trust KF. Right?

If next Monday SH announced he was coming to Iowa I guarantee this board would be going crazy with excitement
No but we have a guy that is very close to the family on the OSU board, and if you have followed this recruitment since he was a Soph. and read/listened to the interviews its pretty clear what's going on here. Its easy to take shots at a kid and have no clue what you're talking about (like some in this thread). The mis-information in this thread is frightening.....