Ryan Braun tests positive for a PED

this league is a joke you can't give anyone praise for playing good anymore because you just have to assume they are on drugs

I don't typically assume they are on drugs. I didn't think Braun was. Perhaps I'm being naive, but I don't think Pujols is, either.

I think part of it is that I love the game, and I want to believe it's getting more clean.
this league is a joke you can't give anyone praise for playing good anymore because you just have to assume they are on drugs

It's kind of like SEC football , you just have to assume every team has cheated in one way or another.
this league is a joke you can't give anyone praise for playing good anymore because you just have to assume they are on drugs

Yes, because baseball is the only sport in which people get caught with band substances.

You should pretty much say professional sports are a joke.
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I don't typically assume they are on drugs. I didn't think Braun was. Perhaps I'm being naive, but I don't think Pujols is, either.

I think part of it is that I love the game, and I want to believe it's getting more clean.

There is testing in place and has been since 2006, this is a much safer assumption now. If they aren't clean they will likely get caught.
Yes, because baseball is the only sport in which people get caught with band substances.

You should pretty much say professional sports are a joke.

mlb is consistent every year with a TOP player getting caught so really its on baseball...we all know it goes on in other sports

While I'll give im small credit for that, lets look at this from last year. He denied to the point of being quite defiant. So, this is BS to me. He could have admitted before, and didn't, like others. Not that it's ok to not admit it, but McGwire and Sosa refused, so it wasn't lying, but we all knew.

He went the other way and said he was a victim of the process. BS. And why does he do it now? They're out of the race. No biggie now.

The bonus, which shows how full of himself he is, he says he's happy that he can now put it behind him and move forward. I guess we'll see how well that works out in his next at bat.
While I'll give im small credit for that, lets look at this from last year. He denied to the point of being quite defiant. So, this is BS to me. He could have admitted before, and didn't, like others. Not that it's ok to not admit it, but McGwire and Sosa refused, so it wasn't lying, but we all knew.

He went the other way and said he was a victim of the process. BS. And why does he do it now? They're out of the race. No biggie now.

The bonus, which shows how full of himself he is, he says he's happy that he can now put it behind him and move forward. I guess we'll see how well that works out in his next at bat.

Don't forget, he has an injured thumb as well. He's a coward and a fake. Remember when he stood in front of everyone and denied using banned substances? And, remember all of the athletes (like Aaron Rodgers) that rushed to his defense? Yeah, it will be interesting when he comes back.
Bud Selig needs to be an Owner or a Commissioner; right now he is neither and he is doing a very good job at neither.

MLB and actually all professional sports need to take doping/PED usage a lot more seriously. The problem today is that the players and particularly their unions will never go for the penalties that should be levied against the players. Until there is a more stringent and more pocketworthy way of punishing players it will not get better.

Here is what I am saying if players test positive they are out for a full season, not just "the rest of one season" a full season. This should be a zero tolerance policy and actually should apply to crimes and illegal drug use as well. If a player is found guilty of a crime, done for the year, charged with possession of illegal drugs, done for the year. A full slate of games, not just a period. The player would forfeit their salary to the charity of their choice as well.

Obviously none of this will ever happen because neither the owners would want a star player out for that long and the players unions would never buy into this.

The sad part is that the Organizations now rely on just the league to dole out punishment, the Organizations don't handle things internally, they allow the League to step in and are okay with it. That is a major problem, let the players file a grievance. If enough teams actually took a stance for what is right/wrong today a lot of issues would be dealt with in a lot less publicized way.

Ryan Bruan is piece of crap and another reason that I continue to lose interest in MLB, it is just a matter of time before people get caught and I expect them too. Braun is really no different than Manny Ramirez, but as people always joked "it is Manny being Manny" and he turned out to be a fraud as well...big shocker. Braun should be stripped of every accolade he has gotten because he is a flat out liar and proved how the players are able to use the unions to get out of things that they shouldn't be able to. He flunked a test and was able to claim innocence and be a victim by the most bullcrap story I have ever heard, but the sad part is he was vindicated. Braun is just an absolute joke and the poster child for entitlement, like a lot of today's youth.

FU Ryan Braun, I hope you are never an All-Star again or ever considered for any postseason award again. Hey everyone watch his career fade, he won't stay healthy and he won't be a reliable player. Just look at those who played that everyone knew was using and look. McGwire, couldn't stay healthy, Conseco, couldn't stay healthy, Brady Anderson, Rodriguez, Manny and others. There is a trend there and it is what is a bunch of piles of crap manipulating a system. The guys that get busted in the NFL are rarely stars, but Von Miller is a big fish, I'll be on the edge of my seat, oh no I won't. He failed his test and these "circumstances" and loop holes unions can find are just a way to keep the cheaters/lazy folks able to play.

Sorry for being long winded, but this whole issue could be taken care of if both sides would step up to the plate and actually implement full testing and major penalties/fines to go along with it. Gutless pukes who will say they stand for good values, but allow cheating to run rampant within their own organizations and allow punks/thugs/whatever other adjective you can come up with get paid millions of dollars to **** it all away on a regular basis just for being dumber than dirt and thinking they can get away with anything...entitlement it is a beautiful thing.
Seriously, the quotes from Braun from this link just have to make you laugh at the guy. It's almost worse than this guy.


Ryan Braun is baseball’s biggest fraud | HardballTalk

“If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally I’d have been the first one to admit it. I truly believe this substance never entered my body.”

"It hasn’t been easy. Lots of times I wanted to come out and tell the entire story, attack everybody like I’ve been attacked. My name was dragged through the mud. But at the end of the day I recognized what was best for the game of baseball.”

“Today is for anyone who has been wrongly accused and everyone who stood up for what’s right. It’s about future players and the game of baseball.”

“I will continue to take the high road. We won because the truth was on my side. I was a victim of a process that completely broke down and failed as it was applied to me in this case. Today’s about making sure this never happens to anyone else who plays this game.”

“We spoke to biochemists and scientists, and asked them how difficult it would be for someone to taint the sample. They said, if they were motivated, it would be extremely easy.”

“Ultimately, as I sit here today, the system worked because I was innocent and I was able to prove my innocence.”

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