Rodney Coe is 6'3" 300lbs

Dude, he will probably have the game of his life against us knowing our luck. Six sacks, 14 tackles for loss, three fumble recoveries, and a pick six. Then he will proceed to have a miserable season, arrested, ultimately kicked off team and will rob a Burger King and then the local news will chase him from a gym in Des Moines.
Coe might suck I honestly don't know, I do think he will make a positive impact on the field though.

That said the funniest thing in this thread is the notion that iowa is somehow stacked on the defensive line. Iowa is counting on guys who haven't taken snaps or guys who have improving significantly same as Iowa State.

Edit: Iowa State's Ben lamaak gained 70 pounds in one year a few years ago. High school qb at 220 to redshirt fresh at 290 in one year.

Actually Iowa is sitting pretty good talent wise on the DL. With proven starters in Alvis, TP, and Davis. Then you have 3 young 4* kids that are looking to get playing time this year in Cooper, Faith, and Jaleel.

So while I agree, the DL is probably a year away, the talent is there. I can't see Coe jumping any of these guys at all and gaining any sort of playing time for Iowa.
Coe might suck I honestly don't know, I do think he will make a positive impact on the field though.

That said the funniest thing in this thread is the notion that iowa is somehow stacked on the defensive line. Iowa is counting on guys who haven't taken snaps or guys who have improving significantly same as Iowa State.

Edit: Iowa State's Ben lamaak gained 70 pounds in one year a few years ago. High school qb at 220 to redshirt fresh at 290 in one year.

Iowa has a lot more talent and potential on the dline than ISU based on rankings out of high school.
Lots of hate on a kid probably younger than most all of us. I don't know the kid and will probably never meet him. He was made some bad decisions in HS. Lets all get over that. Lets not bash his family life, character, and weight. Lets bash his on field play if anything but put the rest of it off the table. It's petty
Lots of hate on a kid probably younger than most all of us. I don't know the kid and will probably never meet him. He was made some bad decisions in HS. Lets all get over that. Lets not bash his family life, character, and weight. Lets bash his on field play if anything but put the rest of it off the table. It's petty

This isn't a very Raider-like post. Please go back to the drawing board.
Lots of hate on a kid probably younger than most all of us. I don't know the kid and will probably never meet him. He was made some bad decisions in HS. Lets all get over that. Lets not bash his family life, character, and weight. Lets bash his on field play if anything but put the rest of it off the table. It's petty
I don't think anyone bashed his family, but his character and weight are certainly fair game, particularly in a thread titled "Rodney Coe is 6'3" 300lbs"
While I don't necessarily disagree here, iowa had zero pass rush last year and everybody else is as unproven as Coe.

Keep telling yourself that Bryce. The DL won't be bad (not great either) this year at Iowa, and will be a strength in 2014. ISU line is gonna be a disaster this year, I think even most ISU fans realize this. They will be the 2012 Iowa line basically.....horrible.

Coe wouldn't start over TP or Davis, and Coe doesn't have the top end talent of Jaleel or Cooper (TP and Davis backups). As a DL, Coe wouldn't crack the 2 deeps at Iowa. They were all 4* recruits, but Cooper and Jaleel were 4* DLman, whereas Coe was a 4* RB.
Keep telling yourself that Bryce. The DL won't be bad (not great either) this year at Iowa, and will be a strength in 2014. ISU line is gonna be a disaster this year, I think even most ISU fans realize this. They will be the 2012 Iowa line basically.....horrible.

Coe wouldn't start over TP or Davis, and Coe doesn't have the top end talent of Jaleel or Cooper (TP and Davis backups). As a DL, Coe wouldn't crack the 2 deeps at Iowa. They were all 4* recruits, but Cooper and Jaleel were 4* DLman, whereas Coe was a 4* RB.

That's not true. Iowa State's line will not be a disaster. We return our top 3 DE's from last year and our DT is young but more talented than we have had.

Also Coe was not a 4* RB. He was a 4* athlete that every school but Iowa was recruiting to play on the defensive line. And a lot of people at Iowa knew he would never play RB at Iowa. He wouldn't have been the first player that Ferentz moved positions.

Once again, let me know what you would like to bet that Coe is a difference maker at Iowa State and has a great 2 year career. I've talked directly to our DC about Rodney Coe twice now. He's a stud and will bring ISU an athlete on the DL that we haven't had before.
I don't think anyone bashed his family, but his character and weight are certainly fair game, particularly in a thread titled "Rodney Coe is 6'3" 300lbs"

It would be cool if we could test body fat for players on the DT. I would imagine that Coe has the lowest body fat of anyone. He's not fat.

People act like he showed up as a freshmen weight 200. He was 255 as a freshmen. 2 years later and he's 305. That's no different than many guys on the offensive and defensive line.
That's not true. Iowa State's line will not be a disaster. We return our top 3 DE's from last year and our DT is young but more talented than we have had.

Also Coe was not a 4* RB. He was a 4* athlete that every school but Iowa was recruiting to play on the defensive line. And a lot of people at Iowa knew he would never play RB at Iowa. He wouldn't have been the first player that Ferentz moved positions.

Once again, let me know what you would like to bet that Coe is a difference maker at Iowa State and has a great 2 year career. I've talked directly to our DC about Rodney Coe twice now. He's a stud and will bring ISU an athlete on the DL that we haven't had before.

ISU line won't be very good. Maybe not a "disaster", but not good for sure.

I will bet, but need to clarify, as a difference maker at ISU with the current DL isn't exactly much. I would assume that if Coe has a "great 2 year career" that he would be drafted when he leaves ISU. I would bet you anything that you want that Coe won't be drafted.

If Wally told you one on one that he will be a stud, then all I know is the staffs opinion has changed. Maybe he has been lights out since practice started, but the ISU staff wasn't confident that Coe would be good, for the same reasons that nobody was recruiting him, and that was questions about his work ethic.
Keep telling yourself that Bryce. The DL won't be bad (not great either) this year at Iowa, and will be a strength in 2014. ISU line is gonna be a disaster this year, I think even most ISU fans realize this. They will be the 2012 Iowa line basically.....horrible.

Coe wouldn't start over TP or Davis, and Coe doesn't have the top end talent of Jaleel or Cooper (TP and Davis backups). As a DL, Coe wouldn't crack the 2 deeps at Iowa. They were all 4* recruits, but Cooper and Jaleel were 4* DLman, whereas Coe was a 4* RB.

Every year I think Iowa State's d line is going to suck and every year they are ok. If Burnham was correct that he'd play 25-30 snaps a game that will likely be a third of the game in big 12 contests especially with the 8th ref. Iowa State will rotate 6 guys because they have rotated 6 guys every season under rhoads.

I disagree with 17. I think he'll be okay this year and be better next year. However TP and Davis are not exactly guys that you gameplay around either.
Dude, he will probably have the game of his life against us knowing our luck. Six sacks, 14 tackles for loss, three fumble recoveries, and a pick six. Then he will proceed to have a miserable season, arrested, ultimately kicked off team and will rob a Burger King and then the local news will chase him from a gym in Des Moines.

^ Nailed it.
Every year I think Iowa State's d line is going to suck and every year they are ok. If Burnham was correct that he'd play 25-30 snaps a game that will likely be a third of the game in big 12 contests especially with the 8th ref. Iowa State will rotate 6 guys because they have rotated 6 guys every season under rhoads.

I disagree with 17. I think he'll be okay this year and be better next year. However TP and Davis are not exactly guys that you gameplay around either.

ISU rotates 6 guys cause none of them stand out. If a guy is good, he will play more than the guy that is avg or ok. If they are playing the same number of snaps, you gotta ask yourself what the heck the coaching staff is doing playing lesser players as much as good players.

We are all speculating, that much is sure. He could end up being awesome, we will begin to know in about a month or two. What I predict will happen is Coe won't get any more playing time than the rest of the DL players, just as you stated, and that is because he isn't better than any of them. ISU fans will be confused, as he will make some good plays, but what they don't see is the missed assignments, or other issues that aren't always evident to fans. Plus coaches will continue to speak highly of him, confusing the fans even more as to why he isn't playing more.
Keep telling yourself that Bryce. The DL won't be bad (not great either) this year at Iowa, and will be a strength in 2014. ISU line is gonna be a disaster this year, I think even most ISU fans realize this. They will be the 2012 Iowa line basically.....horrible.

Coe wouldn't start over TP or Davis, and Coe doesn't have the top end talent of Jaleel or Cooper (TP and Davis backups). As a DL, Coe wouldn't crack the 2 deeps at Iowa. They were all 4* recruits, but Cooper and Jaleel were 4* DLman, whereas Coe was a 4* RB.

If I'm not mistaken Davis came in with a world of potential and has been nothing but a huge disappointment up to this point. From reports I've heard he's had a great off-season and Hawkeye fans are hopeful he has turned the corner. Correct me if I'm wrong. He's had horrible pad level his first couple of years and has struggled to stay on the field. I remember watching Hawk games and seeing him get absolutely blown off the ball by much smaller centers. On top of all of this he has been injury prone. For the Hawks sake I do indeed hope he turns the corner but to say he is undoubtedly a better player than Coe is ridiculous. You then go on to talk about how Coe would never see the field over these Iowa four stars that are a year younger than Coe. Just an FYI Coe is a year older, was also a four-star ATHLETE and had far more impressive offers. The guy was recruited to Iowa to play running back he's a ridiculous athlete. Your logic is out there to say the least.
That's not true. Iowa State's line will not be a disaster. We return our top 3 DE's from last year and our DT is young but more talented than we have had.

Also Coe was not a 4* RB. He was a 4* athlete that every school but Iowa was recruiting to play on the defensive line. And a lot of people at Iowa knew he would never play RB at Iowa. He wouldn't have been the first player that Ferentz moved positions.

Once again, let me know what you would like to bet that Coe is a difference maker at Iowa State and has a great 2 year career. I've talked directly to our DC about Rodney Coe twice now. He's a stud and will bring ISU an athlete on the DL that we haven't had before.

Wrong on that he was recruited to play dline by other schools. 2 yrs ago he was a 4 star athlete. Iowa said they would allow him to start at rb (same as they did for the Meier kid). Most figured he would be a lb or de by the end of it. Other schools were recruiting him as a linebacker...this is why he chose iowa originally they were going to let him start at rb where other schools wanted him at linebacker like he played in some all-star game(can't remember which).

the kid has put on around 60 lbs and has only played one year of dl. I wouldn't expect the world out of him. I know that there were a lot of questions about his work ethic at IWCC. So we will see if that has changed. If it hasn't and he still is a starter at dl for isu then it shows how weak the line is. If he has changed that he has the physical gifts to play at a high level. But he will need to learn the position and it is different going against the type of o-line men he will face at the d1 level.
He's not 300 lbs...he is 305. And he looks like he's 280. There is no doubt in my mind that he will be our best lineman by the 1/2 way point of the season. He still has the great feet and quickness of a RB and he's massive now. He looks like a DT that you would see in the SEC.

It's going to kill Iowa fans when they lose to Iowa State and Coe, Rogers, Gannon, and Tuftee are all big reasons why. Rogers is going to be one that Iowa fans are going to kill Ferentz for not offering.

What an ISU thing to say LOL.

Iowa has like 4 guys that size on the D line right now but you won't hear such a corny line out of a Hawk fans mouth, mostly because we've had plenty of guys that size and the majority aren't anything special.
Yeah a high school All-American who held offers from virtually every major program in the country (Notre Dame, Florida, TENN, Auburn, Oklahoma, NEB, USC, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oregon and several more) they all wanted him to come and play d-line. Yeah you're right though he would have never made Iowa's 2 deep though. I mean your defensive line is dominant you guys weren't playing a 240 pound true freshman last year who's only experience was 8 man football in small town NE the previous year. You're oblivious!

The thing is ISU gets so few 4*s that fans don't realize that allot of them amount to nothing.

Highschool rankings a guessing game.

Who wanted Coe after Juco and is far more telling.
Wrong on that he was recruited to play dline by other schools. 2 yrs ago he was a 4 star athlete. Iowa said they would allow him to start at rb (same as they did for the Meier kid). Most figured he would be a lb or de by the end of it. Other schools were recruiting him as a linebacker...this is why he chose iowa originally they were going to let him start at rb where other schools wanted him at linebacker like he played in some all-star game(can't remember which).

the kid has put on around 60 lbs and has only played one year of dl. I wouldn't expect the world out of him. I know that there were a lot of questions about his work ethic at IWCC. So we will see if that has changed. If it hasn't and he still is a starter at dl for isu then it shows how weak the line is. If he has changed that he has the physical gifts to play at a high level. But he will need to learn the position and it is different going against the type of o-line men he will face at the d1 level.

He was wrong on a technicality, but the gist of what he said is still valid. Almost nobody was going to give him a chance to run the ball.