Rivalry name


Well-Known Member
While I am on a roll here. I want to suggest we call the game between Iowa and Nebby, prohibition. Since Wiskey is favored to be in Indy this year and since we dont get to play Wiskey anymore.
Btw I am using this post as a poor mans patent. If ya want to make shirts and hats, I want the standard 8% of the gross. ;)
Clever. For the trophy, how about Carrie Nation's Hatchet?

Ok call it what you want, but they took away a 100 year old rivalry, so they must pay the price. That right there makes me want to kick a fusker in the nads.
How about some castrations?

Thats cool as heck!!! Is that what the lady in the other post was holding? If so, sorry I was slow on the uptake. Ok so now you guys are going to have to get some profit also (for the shirts somebody is going to sell), we definitly have to have a picture of that on the shirt. :D
Just for reference, what was the name of the Wisconsin rivalry game?
Well, as I understand it from a very old timer, the trophy was the Heartland Trophy. When abbreviated you get H T, which stood for hammer time. Or it could be that I am full of it and having a few beers:eek:, (Jeez lighten up).;)
I believe it was called the Iowa/Wisconsin game. Let's hope they use that for a reference pooint for the Iowa/Nebraskass game.
Thats my point, we have entered the prohibition age now. Then if you want to peel it further, I guess they dont know how to tailgate in Nebby and I will even try and satisfy the people who must think of corn. I know of people who have had grandpa's with stills in this area. They have been making ethanol for longer than you might think.
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Thats my point, we have entered the prohibition age now. Then if you want to peel it further, I guess they dont know how to tailgate in Nebby and I will even try and satisfy the people who must think of corn. I know of people who have had grandpa's with stills in this area. They have been making ethanol for longer than you might think.
Oh, don't get it wrong, we KNOW how to tailgate (ever been to the CWS??). It's just that much of the area that used to be prime tailgating areas (years and years ago) have been eaten up by other things like bars, restaurants, businesses, bridges, ballparks, and a new arena. You may find this suprising, but downtown Lincoln is somewhat urban, it's not in the middle of a cornfield.

As for the name, how about the Nebraska/Iowa game. I'm of the opinion that there are/were too many "rivalry"/trophy games in the B1G. Kind of trite and cheesy, really.

Edit: Also as for your quote about grandpa's with stills, etc. I'm not gonna argue with you. Probably are, but the first person that has ever offered me moonshine (I've had 2 in my life) was from Western Iowa, fwiw.
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