Rivalry name

A rivalry is not a stupid name and a tchotchke, a rivalry is competing for the same prize. Rivalries are forged in time not invented beforehand. Not the victory but the action.
Oh, don't get it wrong, we KNOW how to tailgate (ever been to the CWS??). It's just that much of the area that used to be prime tailgating areas (years and years ago) have been eaten up by other things like bars, restaurants, businesses, bridges, ballparks, and a new arena. You may find this suprising, but downtown Lincoln is somewhat urban, it's not in the middle of a cornfield.

As for the name, how about the Nebraska/Iowa game. I'm of the opinion that there are/were too many "rivalry"/trophy games in the B1G. Kind of trite and cheesy, really.

Edit: Also as for your quote about grandpa's with stills, etc. I'm not gonna argue with you. Probably are, but the first person that has ever offered me moonshine (I've had 2 in my life) was from Western Iowa, fwiw.

I guess they are killing our tailgating as well.
Funny how as a Nebraska fan you put Nebraska infront of Iowa, when you say it. I comes before N.;)
Yeah, they have been making corn alcohol, for many years.
i would much prefer a rivalry with wisconsin than nebraska.
Thats it, except we are trying to say it, so retards cant figure it out and it has a little snub to the B10 for ruining the Wiskey game for us and pay some respect to Wiskey. People be walking around going, "huh whats all this talk about prohibition", is that tail gating, state wide, whats going on??? Is this an Obama thing or what??:)
Why perpetuate the stereotype that both states have nothing to offer but farms. That is what the country as a whole thinks of us anyway, why reinforce it.
Why perpetuate the stereotype that both states have nothing to offer but farms. That is what the country as a whole thinks of us anyway, why reinforce it.

Honestly, I don't believe the country thinks this way at all. It's funny, most of my friends who are native Californians, view Iowans as well educated and grounded. It's a very favorable view. Only the idiots think Iowa has farming as the only/main offering. And to be honest, do you care what morons think? I hope not.
The Iowa-Nebby rivaly traveling trophy should be council Bluffs. Whoever the loser of the game has to claim Council Bluffs as its own until at least the next year. Now that will instill some passion into the game.
Honestly, I don't believe the country thinks this way at all. It's funny, most of my friends who are native Californians, view Iowans as well educated and grounded. It's a very favorable view. Only the idiots think Iowa has farming as the only/main offering. And to be honest, do you care what morons think? I hope not.
Your friends might know better, but ive come across people that think iowa is the home of potatoes. For the most part Iowa and Nebraska are seen as giant farms nationally. I just think the rivalry if named should be about the tradition on the field instead of an arbitrary agricultural theme.
Look at it this way, the GREATEST trophy in college sports is Floyd of Rosedale, especially when one knows the history of the trophy and rivalry. Both Iowa and Nebraska are farm states, MAJOR farm states. So why shouldn't a series trophy reflect that? Anything would be better than that stupid trophy given to the winner of the Iowa/clown games. I say, screw the rest of the country, if people in the rest of the country don't know/understand Iowa, Nebraska, and the midwest.

How can you perpetuate a myth when some of the people have no idea what Iowa, Nebraska, or the midwest is all about? It is their ignorance and it is funny to me. Anything Iowa, Nebraska, or midwest states do perpetuates a myth to these people. Nothing that these states do will/can change that myth.

Unlike the clowns "major" rivalry with Nebraska, which meant losing almost every game in their series, Iowa most certainly can develop a very good rivalry with Nebraska. The clowns beat a team a few times and their fanbase begins to tell everyone how they kick their a$$ everytime they play. Nebraska fans pretty much penciled in a win every year for the game with the clowns. And it was always a huge shock if they lost to clowns, which was the rare occasion. But even the clowns have their day on occasion.

Although the Nebraska/Iowa game has the makings of a good rivalry, especially because they are in the same division, the game is not a rivalry yet. That will take years to develop and will develop only if both teams beat each other, regularly or keep one of the other from winning a division/Big10 title. Not being a true rivalry yet does not mean that both fanbases will look forward to the last game of the year.

What is even better is that the clowns become a third wheel when Iowa plays Nebraska. The Iowa/clown semi-rivalry game will really just become another game now for Iowa and for many Iowa fans, the Iowa/clown game already is meaningless. The clowns fall another step on the ladder on Iowa's rivalry list with Nebraska joining the Big 10. In reality, the only fanbase that considers the Iowa/clown game a rivalry is mostly clown fans. WHEN they win, they start putting up billboards to try and convince people that the State of Iowa is a clown state. In their hearts they know Iowa rules Iowa and that the people of Iowa know Iowa is the Hawkeye State. But the clowns like to act like they rule...that is all their program has these days and has had.

The clown game easily falls to 5th or 6th on Iowa's list of games and (or) rivalries and for the most part the game means nothing except for one weekend in the fall. For clown fans, the game is EVERYTHING...EVERYTHING. And the clowns have NO rivalry whatsoever in their league...NONE. Beating Iowa means everything to clowns fans. Simply put, the clowns have a very difficult time competing for Iowa's attention (other than that one weekend) as a major game with the long list of league foes Iowa plays. Overall, to most Iowa fans, the clown game is just a preseason game with little importance and is pretty meaningless. The clowns are like that mosquito flying around...it irritates you and even on occasion bites you, but that doesn't change the fact that the mosquito is still just a pest.
the floyd might be neat, but the best? idk but the history of it is what makes it great, and forcing a trophy and a rivalry name, probably with a corporate sponsor, is just weak. like the hy-vee cy-hawk trophy. That sucks it should evolve organically over time not be manufactured.
The Iowa-Nebby rivaly traveling trophy should be council Bluffs. Whoever the loser of the game has to claim Council Bluffs as its own until at least the next year. Now that will instill some passion into the game.

Couldn't we "accidentally" move the Missouri River to the east side of Council Bluffs?

And don't give me crap about that name already being taken. Kansas and some opponent lay claim to it, but they've neglected a good name for far too long. It's time for Iowa and Nebby to give Farmageddon the game it deserves!


Oh and Husker fan - you use the CWS as proof that Husker fans know how to tailgate??? LAUGHABLE! You prove the point numbskull - you can't even use your home city (Lincoln) OR your home fans (UNL)! You count on the city of Omaha filled with Texas, LSU, Cal, etc etc fans in June cheering on baseball games to prove that Husker fans can tailgate in the fall?!? IDIOT!

And to anyone who thinks this is a "manufactured" rivalry...go to Lincoln on Black Friday, then tell me how manufactured the hatred is between these two fanbases. It's a fan rivalry...not a school or tradition rivalry, it's all on the fans. Iowa fans hate Nebby fans because they are disgusting arrogant POS's, Nebby fans hate Iowa fans because they don't have any nat'l championships and haven't had a string of manufactured sell outs in a row. When you have two fanbases with this kind of animosity when they don't even play eachother, just imagine how quick its going to get ugly ugly ugly when they start finishing every season playing eachother. This isn't hyperbole, this will be one of the nastiest rivalries in CFB. Maybe not the biggest or most hyped (Aub/Bama, Tex/OK) but it will be one of the most intense. It deserves one name and one name only...


And don't give me crap about that name already being taken. Kansas and some opponent lay claim to it, but they've neglected a good name for far too long. It's time for Iowa and Nebby to give Farmageddon the game it deserves!


Oh and Husker fan - you use the CWS as proof that Husker fans know how to tailgate??? LAUGHABLE! You prove the point numbskull - you can't even use your home city (Lincoln) OR your home fans (UNL)! You count on the city of Omaha filled with Texas, LSU, Cal, etc etc fans in June cheering on baseball games to prove that Husker fans can tailgate in the fall?!? IDIOT!

And to anyone who thinks this is a "manufactured" rivalry...go to Lincoln on Black Friday, then tell me how manufactured the hatred is between these two fanbases. It's a fan rivalry...not a school or tradition rivalry, it's all on the fans. Iowa fans hate Nebby fans because they are disgusting arrogant POS's, Nebby fans hate Iowa fans because they don't have any nat'l championships and haven't had a string of manufactured sell outs in a row. When you have two fanbases with this kind of animosity when they don't even play eachother, just imagine how quick its going to get ugly ugly ugly when they start finishing every season playing eachother. This isn't hyperbole, this will be one of the nastiest rivalries in CFB. Maybe not the biggest or most hyped (Aub/Bama, Tex/OK) but it will be one of the most intense. It deserves one name and one name only...


Dang Cos, tell us how you really feel.:D
I agree with those that think the rivalry should not be named. A forced rivalry did nothing for MSU and PSU. While Western Iowans and Nebraskans may have not liked each other for years, over on the eastern side of the state many of us feel more like Wisconsin is our natural rival. I think that Iowa and Nebraska may indeed develop an intense rivalry down the road, but it will take time and our game is going to have to count for something other than just a border war novelty. If the legends title comes down to this game more than once and both teams score victories so that it is not one sided then it will be special. If not it is little more than Nebraska vs Colorado II or Iowa vs. Illinois II. And while Farmaggedon sounds nice, aside from the name being used, Iowa is not an Ag school. We turn out Dr.'s, lawyers, business men, and physicists...not farmers. Michigan vs Ohio State was not built over night, and neither will our rivalry with Nebraska be, so let's not get ahead of ourselves by naming this game and offering up some "corny" version of PSU and MSU's Land Grant Trophy that neither side really cares about.
There is no rivalry...yet, although it seems like a natural fit and a good rivalry might develop. I seem to see a lot of nebraska flags flying in Des Moines and my neighbor in Coralville is a nebraska fan. I don't understand it but there seem to be a lot of nebby fans around the old Hawkeye state.

While I want Iowa to beat nebraska, it's not a rivalry. That takes time to develop and is the result of a history and bad blood. Being a border state helps but it doesn't make it.

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