Rhodes "Pout and be a jerk" when Iowa wins

Fool is a step away from a heart attack, Scorpio......
Rhoads is the coach that ISU has been waiting for all these years. He gets the rivalry. He isn't looking at the job as a stepping stone (chizik) To Kirk the rivalry isn't an emotional "superbowl" game, it's B1G preseason.

Coach Rhodes understands that to make the Clowns a better team they have to win certain games. Knocking off the top teams like Oklahoma, Texas and others is part of what it takes. Winning in Kinnick is a step to making them relevant. In short they want to be relevant...Like the Hawkeyes.
So much jealousy
Jealous of what? Iowa has had a decade like ISU will never have. As much negativity as there is on this board, Iowa has finished in the top 10 4 times in the past ten seasons. ISU will never do that.
Iowa fans always fight back in the past tense. I think there is no arguing the guy with more upside in the future is Rhoads and its not even close.
are u being serious? if so you need help asap. upside for what....leaving lames and going to auburn maybe but if he is staying in lames that is rotflmao stuff right there.
This just in: most FBS coaches don't act like out of control tools on the sidelines, and/or after winning a game.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvwOXuQGhGw]ISU Cyclones Paul Rhoads Freakout Oct 22 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r8AdXg9uWA&feature=related]Paul Rhoads Iowa-ISU - YouTube[/ame]
note the chill "sanuk" sandals that le coach is sporting

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxyXpItq_ww&feature=related]Iowa State Football Goes to the Pool - YouTube[/ame]
Rhoads is the coach that ISU has been waiting for all these years. He gets the rivalry. He isn't looking at the job as a stepping stone (chizik) To Kirk the rivalry isn't an emotional "superbowl" game, it's B1G preseason.

yes, we all know. NW, Minnesota and ISU all play their Superbowl against Iowa.

You might have a point, if Iowa was a top 10 team. But instead, they are a mediocre, at best, B1G team.
Iowa fans always fight back in the past tense. I think there is no arguing the guy with more upside in the future is Rhoads and its not even close.

I'd rather fight back in the past tense with facts than speculate over things that can't be proven yet

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