Request of Iowa State

yet u beat us by 3 and we were thretening...

enjoy your success

This. And, back we go to the main point of the thread: until Iowa State steps up and at least contends for a conference title, this game will be a lose-lose for Iowa perception-wise. Yes, Iowa has to win a lot of other games to help perception of the program as well, but all you guys say about conference and schedule strength doesn't mean squat. If you're a contender, contend.

Best Illustration: In 2002 Iowa is at 11-1 with a loss to an ISU team that was #9 at mid-season based mainly on the Iowa win, a close loss to FSU, and a Seneca run versus TxTech. The Clones proceed to lose 49-3 to Oklahoma and finish a 7-6 regular season with a senior day loss to UConn (then new to FBS). I'm sorry, but when you do that BS, it makes it the ISU loss a very bad one and makes us disrespect you even more.

The point is, at least compete this year in the Big 12. Don't lose any games 52-17. We know your schedule is tough. Ooooooooooooo. Big deal. When you play the ranked teams, just avoid getting totally dressed down like you often do so at the end of the year, if Iowa is lucky enough to be talking bowl games, we don't have to hear commentators talking about ISU like we lost to Indiana (which may itself happen).

Super Bowl excuse again? Really? ISU is 9-6 in the last 15 games.

Have you ever thought that maybe Iowa is just one of our easier games on our schedule every year, whereas ISU is one of Iowa's tougher games on their schedule? The B1G has been very average as of late.

This may be right. Replace the B1G (which it is) with Iowa.
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Seems like a slightly racist thing to say, but, OK.


reeking present participle of reek (Verb)
1. Smell strongly and unpleasantly; stink.
2. Be suggestive of something unpleasant or disapproved of.

stick to animal husbandry, clown, and leave the language arts stuff to me
If ISU were to go 5-7 and not go to a bowl, or go 6-6 and lose their bowl game what will be the one thing they will hang their hat on this year? "Oh well, at least we beat Iowa." Last year did ISU have Iowa or Okie St. circled on their calendar at the beginning of the year? Until you do more with your season besides beat Iowa, pull an upset, and still barely make a bowl, the Iowa game will always be the biggest of the year for ISU.
If ISU were to go 5-7 and not go to a bowl, or go 6-6 and lose their bowl game what will be the one thing they will hang their hat on this year? "Oh well, at least we beat Iowa." Last year did ISU have Iowa or Okie St. circled on their calendar at the beginning of the year? Until you do more with your season besides beat Iowa, pull an upset, and still barely make a bowl, the Iowa game will always be the biggest of the year for ISU.

Total BS. I want to take down the best team or teams on the schedule. Period.

Some years that may be Iowa, but certainly that is not the case this year, or any year in recent memory.

I have gotten way more enjoyment in recent years taking out Nebraska, Texas, and Okie State.

The Super Bowl argument exists as a pacifier and blankie for Iowa fans when you lose. You guys have a crap ton of Super Bowls. What does that tell you?
I would love to win 8-10 games, but we don't play in the B1G. It's tough to beat the southern teams when you have 1/10th the budget and 1 BCS instate-recruit to every 300 Texas and Oklahoma have. Thankfully with the new Big XII, we'll have equal revenue sharing, that will put us in a more favorable position but it will take time.

all the clowns have ever done is finish in the bottom on the big 12 and hold their hand out for money.
If ISU were to go 5-7 and not go to a bowl, or go 6-6 and lose their bowl game what will be the one thing they will hang their hat on this year? "Oh well, at least we beat Iowa.=" Last year did ISU have Iowa or Okie St. circled on their calendar at the beginning of the year? Until you do more with your season besides beat Iowa, pull an upset, and still barely make a bowl, the Iowa game will always be the biggest of the year for ISU.
Total BS. I want to take down the best team or teams on the schedule. Period. Some years that may be Iowa, but certainly that is not the case this year, or any year in recent memory. I have gotten way more enjoyment in recent years taking out Nebraska, Texas, and Okie State. The Super Bowl argument exists as a pacifier and blankie for Iowa fans when you lose. You guys have a crap ton of Super Bowls. What does that tell you?

lol at the clown talking about beating Texas. you won 1 time to a horrendous Texas team.

reeking present participle of reek (Verb)
1. Smell strongly and unpleasantly; stink.
2. Be suggestive of something unpleasant or disapproved of.

stick to animal husbandry, clown, and leave the language arts stuff to me

If I was into animal husbandry, I would have married your mom.
My two questions to ISU fans is then how come when you beat Iowa, you go on to usually struggle in your conference (and struggle badly at that)?

Why have you not beat Iowa and won your conference in the same season?
My two questions to ISU fans is then how come when you beat Iowa, you go on to usually struggle in your conference (and struggle badly at that)?

Why have you not beat Iowa and won your conference in the same season?

They could also play/beat grand view college and still not likely beat okie.
It's not an excuse when you consistently stink it up after playing us. Btw, I didn't say the worse team won, I'm just sick of ISU going all downhill after playing us.

All you have to do is win a bit and this "excuse" stops.

Yes, it is an excuse, and a downright pathetic one. Especially this year. If they're better than Iowa, but still not good enough to win more than 5 games because they just aren't better than the rest of the Big 12, then that says much more about how bad Iowa is than anything else.

That said, I actually think ISU can have a solid year. I see nine games that I would consider winnable, with eight wins being the ceiling. 6/7 wins is more realistic.
If I was into animal husbandry, I would have married your mom.

To be precise, if you married my mom, you'd be arrested, tried, and incarcerated for necrophilia.
Perhaps ******* corpses is teh kewl in Ames, but in the civilized world, not so much. You ******* sicko.

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