Reports that Paterno is done NOW

How great would it be for Iowa to win out and beat PSU in the first ever big ten title game. Especially considering the cirucumstances. Would be nice to avenge a loss and show them what class looks like at the same time. Oh Yeah, no real suprise here I was saying this two days ago. And there is much more to come for PSU. Sure it is not the players fault at all, but there is no way the university should benefit from anything Joe Pa had to do with this year. NO WAY the big ten just takes it on the chin for them. They are one of the last ones to join the conference and as such not as deeply rooted. Time for PSU to join the independents and bring in another MORE respectable school.
No change in McQueary's status? Did I hear that right. You have to be kidding me.
ESPN announcing it now. He is gone.

Penn State had no choice.

The Department of Education is now investigating. Apparently federal laws were broken. Paterno could still be prosecuted for violation of federal laws.

He might go to prison as well
Never seen media act so unprofessional....It's like someone just stole every reporters candy...screaming and yelling, and the PSU fans on are freaking about this at Board of Trustees...get real...PSU has now lost ALL respect. The Board is the only one doing the right thing.
McQueary is the least culpable of all of them.

I don't mean to go all Mcenroe on you but you cannot be serious.

Of all the people in the PSU administration that had the most evidence was McQueary. He is the ONLY one who actually saw what happened. Not only did he not stop it when he witnessed it, but just like Paterno he never followed up on it after sending it up the food chain.

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