Reports that Paterno is done NOW

according to what I've read Mcqueary saw sandusky in the act and sandusky saw Mcqueary and stopped, so its not like he saw it, said carry on, and slipped out.

Secondly Mcqueary had the least power and therefore the least responsibility in all this.

God you are so wrong Duff. He had the most power of all because he was the only one that actually saw what happened. I am so sick and tired of people sticking up for this guy. He left Sandusky with that kid that he just saw raped. Just left him there. He was a 28 year old grown man. Please, stop and think about what the hell you are saying.
It is pathetic that they didn't ask about the victims. It's a sad ending to a great career.

It still blows my mind that after he reported all of this to a superior, he received a lot of blame. Sure he didn't report it to the police, but he did what he was suppose to do.

I hope Sandusky feels terrible that he ruined the greatest college football coach's career.

Are you serious? It is an appropriate ending to the career of coach who will eventually be outed as not only morally bankrupt but a fraud.

His superior? He basically appointed his "superior" to be his replacement as AD. His "superior" tried getting him fired twice back in 2004 but was unable because Paterno had too much clout.

Paterno only has himself to blame. If he reports Sandusky to the police his reputation is intact. Instead he allows Sandusky to remain close to the program. Very close.

Paterno could have done anything he wanted. He WAS Penn St. football. He chose not to do the right thing. Why?
McQueary is the least culpable of all of them.

You can't be serious with this. He was the only one who could have actually made sure the kid in question was safe. For all we know that kid is no longer with us. Who actually knows how far this old perv went. A ten year old KID. In a shower with a grown man being molested, and you do nothing to stop it. What the hell are you talking about.
It is pathetic that they didn't ask about the victims. It's a sad ending to a great career.

It still blows my mind that after he reported all of this to a superior, he received a lot of blame. Sure he didn't report it to the police, but he did what he was suppose to do.

I hope Sandusky feels terrible that he ruined the greatest college football coach's career.

So if you witnessed a coworker raping a young boy in the bathroom at work, and all you did was tell your boss, you would then be shocked when everyone else at your job wanted your head on a platter? :rolleyes:

There was one correct move, and one correct move only, go to the REAL POLICE. McQueary should feel almost as bad as Sandusky being he should have done the right thing, and never involved Paterno in the first place. So far everyone but McQueary has gotten at least a bit of what they deserve. Most of those involved deserve prison. Many of them may as well have held down all the victims for him. He should have been reported, charged, convicted, and incarcerated back in 1998. Instead here we are in 2011, and he is only now being charged with these crimes.

I would like to see you tell all the victims, especially the ones from 2002-2009, "It still blows my mind that after he reported all of this to a superior, he received a lot of blame. Sure he didn't report it to the police, but he did what he was suppose to do" /smh :mad:
I hope Sandusky feels terrible that he ruined the greatest college football coach's career.

Are you ******* serious!?

How do you think that is a joke?

I would hope that he would regret the immeasurable emotional and psychological pain that he caused to those children that he raped. I could care less about Joe Paterno's ego. Its unbelievable that you are concerned about Paterno's legacy in light of everything that has come to light.
joe brought this on himself. if he would have done the right thing, right away, he'd still be the coach.

Are you kidding me? He told the AD and VP. After that happened its out of his hands and their job to report it. They didn't do anything about it, so how is it his fault?
but could anybody have ever imagined such a fall from grace for probably one of the greatest college football coaches ever?

"The bigger they are..."

McQueary is going to play the "young and innocent" card. Being a lowly grad assistant at the time he is going to say he was scared and confused.

Funny how he gets to make that claim when the only one truly scared and confused in that situation was the child he so utterly failed to save. :mad:
You can't be serious with this. He was the only one who could have actually made sure the kid in question was safe. For all we know that kid is no longer with us. Who actually knows how far this old perv went. A ten year old KID. In a shower with a grown man being molested, and you do nothing to stop it. What the hell are you talking about.

Exactly. Not only that I suspect McQueary leveraged his information to further his career. You do realize he is the BLEEPING Recruiting Coordinator on Paterno's staff!! Or at least he was. We can only hope.
Are you kidding me? He told the AD and VP. After that happened its out of his hands and their job to report it. They didn't do anything about it, so how is it his fault?

Wow, is this Joe's kid? WTF are you smoking, and why are you not sharing? Even JoePa thinks he could/should have done more. Not even JoePa is on your side here. He said he feels awful knowing he could have done more to protect these kids. Of course you would be OK with Joe's decision if that was your kid who got molested though right?
It is pathetic that they didn't ask about the victims. It's a sad ending to a great career.

It still blows my mind that after he reported all of this to a superior, he received a lot of blame. Sure he didn't report it to the police, but he did what he was suppose to do.

I hope Sandusky feels terrible that he ruined the greatest college football coach's career.

You disgust me. There's something wrong with the world when scum like you are walking around using computers.

If you knew that someone was raping a ten year child and thought reporting it to your superior was enough, while letting this monster continue to use your facilities and continue to rape children is ok, then you are a worthless pile of evil human garbage. If you truly believe the crap you said, then you should be locked up yourself. I'm serious. I hope you're not allowed around children.

What was he supposed to do? I don't know? What would YOU do if you knew there was a child molester in the fold raping kids? If you would turn your head and allow the guy to continue raping kids then I guess that's where we differ.

I wonder if acharipar35 has molested kids? Even if you haven't raped children you are just as bad as a pedifile if you allow it to happen.

Jon, if you want to ban me that's fine, but I'd rather be banned then share a board with a piece of **** like acharipar35.
Everyone has their own opinion as of right now. Until the whole truth is brought out, no one knows what actually happened.
JoePa got what he deserved...hopefully it's the beginning of some semblance of justice for the victims...time doesn't heal all wounds, but maybe it will help them learn to deal with the pain by knowing that those who should have helped are paying for turning their backs on them when they had the chance to help...McQueary, you're next! You could have helped but chose to use it to advance your career...that makes you more guilty than JoePa...and almost as guilty as Sandusky...
Query: Say your name, if in your entire life, you have ever called the cops on someone, when you did not actually see that person committing a crime? Second question: Say your name if in your entire life, you have ever NOT called the police even though you saw someone committing a crime?
Wow, is this Joe's kid? WTF are you smoking, and why are you not sharing? Even JoePa thinks he could/should have done more. Not even JoePa is on your side here. He said he feels awful knowing he could have done more to protect these kids. Of course you would be OK with Joe's decision if that was your kid who got molested though right?

Joe just said that because his ignorant, arrogant, sociopathic inactions had leaked out of his secret society and into the light of day where the vast majority of people were rightfully outraged at the shameful and selfish behavior uncovered.
Joe just said that because his ignorant, arrogant, sociopathic inactions had leaked out of his secret society and into the light of day where the vast majority of people were rightfully outraged at the shameful and selfish behavior uncovered.

I agree with you. I was just using that to point out that Joe himself did not even agree with him. Like you, I see that as more of an I am sorry I got caught, not I am sorry I did not do more.
Query: Say your name, if in your entire life, you have ever called the cops on someone, when you did not actually see that person committing a crime? Second question: Say your name if in your entire life, you have ever NOT called the police even though you saw someone committing a crime?

I have reported people who I did not actually see commit a crime. I have never in my entire life not reported a violent crime that I have witnessed. I may not have reported some crimes, but never violent ones.

My turn. Do you make a habit of not reporting violent felonies that you see? If that is the case, then congrats, you have helped a violent criminal remain on the streets even though you witnessed this crime.

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