Quit criticizing Zach for the body slam

I still like it that someone is standing up for this team. It is tiring to see them go out and take the cheap shots and muggings every week. If the refs are not going to do their job someone has to lay down the law and stop the thuggery of teams like msu and the bad-gers. Coach Fran tries his best but sometimes the players need to do what they must to help too.
If the ref calls the play like he should it would have never got that far, he let that little girl punk Trice foul the crap out of McCabe and tangle himself up purposely. McCabe did what he could to get out of it and when trice wouldn't let go he let the little sissy have it and nothing wrong with that, after all MSU was assaulting Iowa players all second half.

Very well put, if the big 10 allows refs to keep favoring these teams like they do they are just asking for trouble. I hope this helps to encourage the big 10 to stop the obvious favoritism.
If the ref calls the play like he should it would have never got that far, he let that little girl punk Trice foul the crap out of McCabe and tangle himself up purposely. McCabe did what he could to get out of it and when trice wouldn't let go he let the little sissy have it and nothing wrong with that, after all MSU was assaulting Iowa players all second half.

In the end, Trice probably got what he deserved, and as a consequence, McCabe got what he deserved.
If the ref calls the play like he should it would have never got that far, he let that little girl punk Trice foul the crap out of McCabe and tangle himself up purposely. McCabe did what he could to get out of it and when trice wouldn't let go he let the little sissy have it and nothing wrong with that, after all MSU was assaulting Iowa players all second half.
Nonsense. McCabe was trying to deny Trice on the in bounds and grabbed him (shocking,i know)and they got locked up. LOL at McCabe "trying to get out of it".He certainly got out of it.
I don't care if MSU players were stuffing live grenades down our shorts when we boxed out for rebounds. Last night McCabe yanked a guy down while wearing an IOWA jersey during the most widely visible game of the night. Anybody who hated us hates us more, anyone who likes us likes us a little bit less, but more importantly, anybody on the fence with us went down with Trice. If it doesn't cost us recruits it cost us a few people watching the Tournament. I care about that. I want people to like us. Guess who got all the sympathy last night? The guys who were tackling Iowa last year. That's how she works.

You have to be a chick...right? Well, Jodie said that Mary said, that nobody likes Zach anymore because he doesn't play nice. What are you talking about? Anyone who likes us likes us a little less? It will cost us a few people watching the tournament? You realize in the tournament they still go by the actual score of the game, not how many people are watching and like you, right? This is a funny funny post if you intended it that way. This was an isolated incident...just like Woodys elbow to the back of the guy at Indiana. We have to fight back man. We have to be aggressive, and fight and claw for victories at this point. It's whatever it takes right now. I hate to say it, but we need to develop some "schoolyard bully" in Olesani, Woody, and McCabe. Michigan State was the more physical team...sure they got away with it, but we need to stand up.
ok so it si ok for trice to throw the cheap shots with mccabe and not the other way around, i see you were prob one of those "fans" ripping mccabe on twitter to, that i could see really easily.

Trice didn't throw a cheap shot. Was he trolling McCabe? Absolutely. But what he did wasn't dirty or a cheap shot. There is no justification for what McCabe did, and the number of people here choosing to ignore that is actually pretty surprising.
If the ref calls the play like he should it would have never got that far, he let that little girl punk Trice foul the crap out of McCabe and tangle himself up purposely. McCabe did what he could to get out of it and when trice wouldn't let go he let the little sissy have it and nothing wrong with that, after all MSU was assaulting Iowa players all second half.

No, MSU played physical defense. Had McCabe pulled that crap in a non-basketball setting, THAT would be assault.
No, MSU played physical defense. Had McCabe pulled that crap in a non-basketball setting, THAT would be assault.

Your line of what is physical defense and what most of the basketball world considers cheap shots, tacky and foul play lie in two different places. Yours is not the one closest to what the rule book says or how most conferences call it.
Do us all a favor and grow a sack please.

Yeah, it takes real balls to do what McCabe did. He's a man's man, throwing a hissy fit because a little munchkin got in his grill at the end of a blowout.

I've seen middle schoolers display that kind of mental toughness. So McCabe's basically the toughest guy out there.
Your line of what is physical defense and what most of the basketball world considers cheap shots, tacky and foul play lie in two different places. Yours is not the one closest to what the rule book says or how most conferences call it.

Did the Big Ten suddenly change this year? McCabe has seen all of that for the last four years, he's got no business being surprised (nor does anyone here) when it happens once again. You don't respond like that, period.
Trice didn't throw a cheap shot. Was he trolling McCabe? Absolutely. But what he did wasn't dirty or a cheap shot. There is no justification for what McCabe did, and the number of people here choosing to ignore that is actually pretty surprising.

I agree! I also wouldn't have predicted a couple of the posters that are choosing to ignore the obvious.. Guess they have them Hawk Goggles on..
A 10 point game that Iowa led at halftime is not a blowout game, the refs just got a bit worried at half time and had to overcompensate for a portion of the second half to make sure they got the result that the powers that be wanted them to have from the game. This included allowing continual cheap shots, hooks, cross arms, flat out grabbing and so on. Unless this situation is cleaned up there will be preoccupations.
After reading all of this thread, I can only assume that McCabe has done something to personally offend Tork. Refused an interview request? Stole his girlfriend? Inquiring minds want to know!
A 10 point game that Iowa led at halftime is not a blowout game, the refs just got a bit worried at half time and had to overcompensate for a portion of the second half to make sure they got the result that the powers that be wanted them to have from the game. This included allowing continual cheap shots, hooks, cross arms, flat out grabbing and so on. Unless this situation is cleaned up there will be preoccupations.

I'm sorry, but I can't disagree with you....


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