Question on "Walk-Offs"

Two other great "walk-off" defensive plays from yesteryear:

1. Kinnick's 70 yard punt late in the 4th quarter to seal a clutch 7-6 win over nationally ranked Notre Dame
2. Alex Karras late sack to seal 6-0 win over Ohio state, sending Iowa to the Rose Bowl

Damn, I missed those two. The first one by a mere 23 years, the second by just 6!
After all these years, and watching the replay all these times, it makes perfect sense now. LSU was both confused and in the wrong defense. Watch #8 for LSU. He lets Holloway slip by because he thinks he has deep help. His responsibility, so he thought, was the ten yard square out to the outer edge of FG range. If Saban wanted to blitz, he couldn't because he didn't have the personnel on the field to do so. Another DB inexplicably double teams Chandler. It was like part of them thought it was man and part thought zone. So Holloway makes the catch but he's not out of the woods yet. But Hinkel, as he did his whole Iowa career, was Johnny on the spot. His block eliminated the last defender.

It has always pissed me off when the anti-Ferentz crowd says we "lucked" out that game. Of course, they also make excuses for O$U in 2017, as if we "lucked out" in that one, too.

On the other hand, I also gotta say I have never run into so many gracious opposing fans as I did after that game. LSU fans, though apparently "unrefined", were anything but with us after the game. We were sharing beers, food, etc., in the parking lot. They knew what I knew at the time: you do NOT get directly into the car and head out on the road after a game like that, win or lose!
Noah Fant caught a fly route in the endzone the play after Bosa was kicked out. Iowa never trailed again....but that was in the 2nd quarter. :rolleyes:

That counts as a walk-off. Notice, if you watch a replay, that he walked along the sideline after the PAT. :p
@Wisconsin 2003 is up there for me. Iowa was down 21-7 early and their D took over. Wisconsin got inside the 10 but Iowa knocked down a pass as time expired and won 27-21.

2003 is probably my favorite individual team of the KF era so I'm a little bias here.

Yeah, 2003 is a very unsung/underrated season. That Outback Bowl was absolutely sweet!
There was also a great end of game goal line stand against Michigan in 2011 that I believe hasn't been brought up yet.

Harbaugh would have been crying for a penalty on all four plays!

No louder than RichRod was screaming. The best was when that Vincent Smith down-or-not-or-was-it-a-touchdown? play was confirmed in our favor earlier in that drive.
Yes to this! What a game that was. The weather was nasty that day too,
The weather was similiar to Michigan State 1984, when Long was wrongly denied the two point conversion. Anyway three co workers at the time went to Madison with the intention of going to that game. The weather was so bad they never made it out the bars.

We went to a hockey game in Dubuque that night. Going home after the game north on 151 about nine o clock or so we saw the Iowa caravan of four busses just a few miles outside Dubuque heading home.

Years later, my oldest played a football playoff game in Whitehall, Wisconson, an hour north of LaCrosse and a three hour drive. I remember telling him that the long ride home would be more fun if they won. Not only did they win, the Whitehall booster club loaded them up with burgers, hot dogs, and pizza as they emptied their concessions for the season.

I almost wished I was on that bus!
Read the criteria of the OP. Doesn't necessarily have to be with zeroes on the clock.

I keep forgetting we live in the era of misleading headlines. I guess that's where the " " come in, eh? Late game heroics may be a better description.

None-the-less, you sighted a good one. That 2002 Purdue game is worthy of re-watch and the 4th down pass from Banks to Clark was a thing of beauty...perfectly executed. Interesting how that play (or variations there of) is still a staple of the offense...and WORKS almost every the time.
I keep forgetting we live in the era of misleading headlines. I guess that's where the " " come in, eh? Late game heroics may be a better description.

None-the-less, you sighted a good one. That 2002 Purdue game is worthy of re-watch and the 4th down pass from Banks to Clark was a thing of beauty...perfectly executed. Interesting how that play (or variations there of) is still a staple of the offense...and WORKS almost every the time.

I was at that Purdue game in 2002. It was a depressing 4th quarter since it looked like Iowa's run was finally over. Then that happened. Like 90 yards in 2 minutes with no timeouts.

Yeah it's definitely not a walkoff at all but was still amazing late heroics.
I was at that Purdue game in 2002. It was a depressing 4th quarter since it looked like Iowa's run was finally over. Then that happened. Like 90 yards in 2 minutes with no timeouts.

Yeah it's definitely not a walkoff at all but was still amazing late heroics.

First there was this one (1st video) and then that one (2nd video). :)

I realize this goes WAY BACK (dating myself here) but one that I still fondly remember was Iowa's 1974 (yes we're talking Bob Commings year 1 here) win over Illinois. We had 4th down and goal at the 5 trailing Illinois 14-9 with 17 seconds to play. Rob Fick threw a screen pass to Solon's Eddie Donovan who took it to give Iowa the 14-12 win. Iowa improved to 3-4 and we were actually wondering if a bowl game might be in our future (Iowa would lose it's next 3). We had SO LITTLE to cheer about in the later 60s and 70s that something like this was always wonderful to remember.
I suppose I could make a poll, but that's not really my speed. But, since Rob's article on the "PSU-10-Years-Later" and accompanying thread, it got me wondering.

The Minny game was a missed FG, which "miss" was made possible because of Greenway stuffing Marion Barber III when the Gophers were trying to get good position for Rhys Vaughan to make the winning kick.

Fire away!
The kicker's name was Rhys Lloyd. He had made a last-play FG the previous season that gave Minnesota the Paul Bunyan axe vs. Wisconsin - he himself ran to get the axe after making the kick. I still am dumbfounded he missed that FG in the dome, even if it was just a tad over 50 yards.

That was the last time I went to an Iowa-Minnesota FB game up in Minneapolis. It is also one of a handful of games I did not celebrate the win even slightly. We won that game by the skin of our teeth. Part of me is still convinced that if I ever go back, someone may change their minds and lengthen the game by a few more seconds so the Gophers can have one last chance. But a great game I'm just glad we won. We were out-rushed in that game 338 yards to 6. 338-6!! And we still won.
Many good ones already mentioned.

I prefer walk-off TD's. But I remember a few walk-off FG's

Long FG by Houghtlin to beat Minnesota (1986?)
Indeed it was 1986. That was the game where we trailed 17-0 at the half after a long (I want to say 56 yards) FG at the end of the 1st half by the Gophers seemed to put the game out of reach up in the dome.

But we played REALLY well in the 2nd half and tied it at 27. Rob Houghtlin was then asked to make a 52-yard FG on the last play of the game to win it for the Hawks. He missed the kick. I got up to leave what I assumed was a tie when I suddenly saw the officials moving the ball 15 yards towards the goal. MINNESOTA HAD 12 MEN ON THE FIELD FOR THE PLAY! Houghlin made the 37-yarder and we won 30-27.

There is a HILARIOUS post-game story to this that I only learned about earlier this year. As Hayden crossed the field to shake the hand of 1st-yr. Gopher coach Jon Gutekunst, some large, muscular, white-haired guy jumps in front of their coach and yells at Fry, "I aughta clobber you for a win like that." Hayden, without cracking a smirk, answered back, "Well if you folks here in Minnesota could learn how to count to 12, we wouldn't be having this conversation." He then pushed by ... Jesse "the Body" Ventura to shake the Gopher coach's hand. GREAT STORY!!
Indeed it was 1986. That was the game where we trailed 17-0 at the half after a long (I want to say 56 yards) FG at the end of the 1st half by the Gophers seemed to put the game out of reach up in the dome.

But we played REALLY well in the 2nd half and tied it at 27. Rob Houghtlin was then asked to make a 52-yard FG on the last play of the game to win it for the Hawks. He missed the kick. I got up to leave what I assumed was a tie when I suddenly saw the officials moving the ball 15 yards towards the goal. MINNESOTA HAD 12 MEN ON THE FIELD FOR THE PLAY! Houghlin made the 37-yarder and we won 30-27.

There is a HILARIOUS post-game story to this that I only learned about earlier this year. As Hayden crossed the field to shake the hand of 1st-yr. Gopher coach Jon Gutekunst, some large, muscular, white-haired guy jumps in front of their coach and yells at Fry, "I aughta clobber you for a win like that." Hayden, without cracking a smirk, answered back, "Well if you folks here in Minnesota could learn how to count to 12, we wouldn't be having this conversation." He then pushed by ... Jesse "the Body" Ventura to shake the Gopher coach's hand. GREAT STORY!!

Well, here you go ... here's the ending sequence. There's 1 second left after the made FG.

The kicker's name was Rhys Lloyd. He had made a last-play FG the previous season that gave Minnesota the Paul Bunyan axe vs. Wisconsin - he himself ran to get the axe after making the kick. I still am dumbfounded he missed that FG in the dome, even if it was just a tad over 50 yards.

That was the last time I went to an Iowa-Minnesota FB game up in Minneapolis. It is also one of a handful of games I did not celebrate the win even slightly. We won that game by the skin of our teeth. Part of me is still convinced that if I ever go back, someone may change their minds and lengthen the game by a few more seconds so the Gophers can have one last chance. But a great game I'm just glad we won. We were out-rushed in that game 338 yards to 6. 338-6!! And we still won.

Yeah, that win they had over Wiscy the year before was a big moment for him. But make no mistake, that missed FG was in his head the moment Greenway nailed Barber III in the backfield.
Indeed it was 1986. That was the game where we trailed 17-0 at the half after a long (I want to say 56 yards) FG at the end of the 1st half by the Gophers seemed to put the game out of reach up in the dome.

But we played REALLY well in the 2nd half and tied it at 27. Rob Houghtlin was then asked to make a 52-yard FG on the last play of the game to win it for the Hawks. He missed the kick. I got up to leave what I assumed was a tie when I suddenly saw the officials moving the ball 15 yards towards the goal. MINNESOTA HAD 12 MEN ON THE FIELD FOR THE PLAY! Houghlin made the 37-yarder and we won 30-27.

There is a HILARIOUS post-game story to this that I only learned about earlier this year. As Hayden crossed the field to shake the hand of 1st-yr. Gopher coach Jon Gutekunst, some large, muscular, white-haired guy jumps in front of their coach and yells at Fry, "I aughta clobber you for a win like that." Hayden, without cracking a smirk, answered back, "Well if you folks here in Minnesota could learn how to count to 12, we wouldn't be having this conversation." He then pushed by ... Jesse "the Body" Ventura to shake the Gopher coach's hand. GREAT STORY!!

Chip Lohmiller's kick to end the 1st half was actually 62 yards. When he made it, I just assumed all luck and momentum was in Minny's favor that night.