Question For Ferentz Haters

"Just a simple question for those who think they know football better than those who actually get paid to coach it."

If you do not enjoy opinions that do not match up with your own then message boards are not for you. I have been on the Ferentz bandwagon from day one, in fact I have been on here advocating that we better be careful of what we wish for and used the Iowa basketball program as a reference. But honestly I am getting tired of Iowa playing down to competition and not willing to kick the snot out of a FCS team just because of respect for the coach. I think people are justified for grumbling about this coaching staff, obviously today's game has passed on Greg Davis a long time ago and Ferentz sticks by him and talks him up like he is some kind of offensive genius. As a Hawk fan I hope this staff proves me wrong, but in the meantime everyone is entitled to their own opinion.[/QUOTE

I agree 100% with you. I am not on here to argue with those who don't like Ferentz in an attempt to change their stance. I just get a little tired of people riding their emotions after every game. I myself like to wait until the end of the season before I judge the coach's performance. I do not consider myself a Ferentz lover or a hater, if at the end of the season we are anything less than 6-6 I will be calling for his seat to be vacated I just don't want to look foolish by calling for Ferentz to fired after one loss and then we turn and go 11-1.

And no the job should not just be handed to CJ after just one game. People forget that Jake can play too. They forget about Jake to CJF against Northwestern and refuse to acknowledge his play against UNI on that game-clinching drive.

And there is a perfect example of why Ferentz is so comfortable. Less than 6-6? With this schedule?? Garbage expectations. I'd like to work for you.
And no the job should not just be handed to CJ after just one game. People forget that Jake can play too. They forget about Jake to CJF against Northwestern and refuse to acknowledge his play against UNI on that game-clinching drive.

Iowa shouldn't need a "game clinching" drive against UNI. They shouldn't need 2 TDs in the last 5 minutes to beat Ball State. They should be able to score more than 3 points in a half against a bad Iowa State defense.

Rudock...while he is a fine young man and "ok" QB, he simply is not the passer CJ is. He is too quick to give up on his receivers downfield, and consistently misses open receivers. He is also too quick to take off running. Jake is just not putting points on the board.
Here are my expectations for Ferentz this year's record.

6-6 and below---Kirk its time to look for another job.
7-5----Kirk you are on the hot seat. (I wouldn't care if he got fired, but I think he deserves one more shot.)
8-4---- Kirk you are almost off of the hot seat (but if he follows it up with another 8-4 or less season he will find himself squarely on the hot seat)
9-3----Nice job Kirk, you played to my expectations.
10-2--- Atta way Kirk now your slowly starting to earn your pay.
11-1 & a BCS Bowl---- Hey Gary why don't you extend ole' Kirk to 2030.
Iowa shouldn't need a "game clinching" drive against UNI. They shouldn't need 2 TDs in the last 5 minutes to beat Ball State. They should be able to score more than 3 points in a half against a bad Iowa State defense.

Rudock...while he is a fine young man and "ok" QB, he simply is not the passer CJ is. He is too quick to give up on his receivers downfield, and consistently misses open receivers. He is also too quick to take off running. Jake is just not putting points on the board.

This is spot on. Rudock misses open receivers downfield way too much, and he gets rattled if his first option isn't open. None of the first 3 teams we played have even an OK defense and we still struggled massively on offense. The Pitt game at least provided some hope of a change. We will see...
Iowa shouldn't need a "game clinching" drive against UNI. They shouldn't need 2 TDs in the last 5 minutes to beat Ball State. They should be able to score more than 3 points in a half against a bad Iowa State defense.

Rudock...while he is a fine young man and "ok" QB, he simply is not the passer CJ is. He is too quick to give up on his receivers downfield, and consistently misses open receivers. He is also too quick to take off running. Jake is just not putting points on the board.
I agree with most of what you say, that is why I am saying that this is a QB controversy. CJ has only won 1 game for us, while Rudock is 10-6 and has led us to a good bowl game. Jake has given enough to at least warrant giving him a shot at keeping his starting spot.
Here are my expectations for Ferentz this year's record.

6-6 and below---Kirk its time to look for another job.
7-5----Kirk you are on the hot seat. (I wouldn't care if he got fired, but I think he deserves one more shot.)
8-4---- Kirk you are almost off of the hot seat (but if he follows it up with another 8-4 or less season he will find himself squarely on the hot seat)
9-3----Nice job Kirk, you played to my expectations.
10-2--- Atta way Kirk now your slowly starting to earn your pay.
11-1 & a BCS Bowl---- Hey Gary why don't you extend ole' Kirk to 2030.

I get it. It's not about "posters who think they know more than the coaches that actually get paid to coach". It's about poster's expectations not being the same as your expectations. Last time I looked, KF didn't indicate that he was looking for a new job when he last won less than 6 games.
Obvious hypocrite is obvious.
"Just a simple question for those who think they know football better than those who actually get paid to coach it."

If you do not enjoy opinions that do not match up with your own then message boards are not for you. I have been on the Ferentz bandwagon from day one, in fact I have been on here advocating that we better be careful of what we wish for and used the Iowa basketball program as a reference. But honestly I am getting tired of Iowa playing down to competition and not willing to kick the snot out of a FCS team just because of respect for the coach. I think people are justified for grumbling about this coaching staff, obviously today's game has passed on Greg Davis a long time ago and Ferentz sticks by him and talks him up like he is some kind of offensive genius. As a Hawk fan I hope this staff proves me wrong, but in the meantime everyone is entitled to their own opinion.[/QUOTE

I agree 100% with you. I am not on here to argue with those who don't like Ferentz in an attempt to change their stance. I just get a little tired of people riding their emotions after every game. I myself like to wait until the end of the season before I judge the coach's performance. I do not consider myself a Ferentz lover or a hater, if at the end of the season we are anything less than 6-6 I will be calling for his seat to be vacated I just don't want to look foolish by calling for Ferentz to fired after one loss and then we turn and go 11-1.

And no the job should not just be handed to CJ after just one game. People forget that Jake can play too. They forget about Jake to CJF against Northwestern and refuse to acknowledge his play against UNI on that game-clinching drive.

If by "the job shouldn't be handed to CJ" you mean CJ shouldn't have the starting spot locked up regardless off future performance, I agree. If you mean that he shouldn't be given the opportunity to keep his great play going, I disagree.
"Just a simple question for those who think they know football better than those who actually get paid to coach it."

If you do not enjoy opinions that do not match up with your own then message boards are not for you. I have been on the Ferentz bandwagon from day one, in fact I have been on here advocating that we better be careful of what we wish for and used the Iowa basketball program as a reference. But honestly I am getting tired of Iowa playing down to competition and not willing to kick the snot out of a FCS team just because of respect for the coach. I think people are justified for grumbling about this coaching staff, obviously today's game has passed on Greg Davis a long time ago and Ferentz sticks by him and talks him up like he is some kind of offensive genius. As a Hawk fan I hope this staff proves me wrong, but in the meantime everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I agree 100% with you. I am not on here to argue with those who don't like Ferentz in an attempt to change their stance. I just get a little tired of people riding their emotions after every game. I myself like to wait until the end of the season before I judge the coach's performance. I do not consider myself a Ferentz lover or a hater, if at the end of the season we are anything less than 6-6 I will be calling for his seat to be vacated I just don't want to look foolish by calling for Ferentz to fired after one loss and then we turn and go 11-1.

And no the job should not just be handed to CJ after just one game. People forget that Jake can play too. They forget about Jake to CJF against Northwestern and refuse to acknowledge his play against UNI on that game-clinching drive.

I get the ones that ride the negative train, you won't change them. But with this schedule anything less than 8 wins has to be considered a disappointment.
Sounds like you didn't watch the game yesterday. Anyone can tell the players would rather have CJ out there. Jake just isn't a quality B10 QB. And no one gives a **** if you were playing sports back in the 1950's.

I didn't make the sports assertion, the poster did. And I wasn't responding to you.

And if you think Jake isn't a quality B10 (1980s term, before PSU joined), nobody can change your perception.
Of course the other players know who the better qb is, or most any other players position on the field. They practice and play together nearly everyday. If Kirk's not playing the best guy it would be terribly demoralizing for anyone not getting playing time. Them knowing no matter how good they are they're not going to jump Kirk's fav unless someone gets injured or graduates. Players talk and negativity spreads, before you know it nobody's having fun. Which is the way Iowa's teams have looked for quite awhile now.
This isn't the NFL, they're not getting paid to perform no matter what. This is all pure speculation but everyone looked peppier with CJB in.

If I were in Kirk's shoes I'd probably start Rudock yet at purdon't, but if things go south or aren't progressing don't hesitate a second to yank him.
Of course the other players know who the better qb is, or most any other players position on the field. They practice and play together nearly everyday. If Kirk's not playing the best guy it would be terribly demoralizing for anyone not getting playing time. Them knowing no matter how good they are they're not going to jump Kirk's fav unless someone gets injured or graduates. Players talk and negativity spreads, before you know it nobody's having fun. Which is the way Iowa's teams have looked for quite awhile now.
This isn't the NFL, they're not getting paid to perform no matter what. This is all pure speculation but everyone looked peppier with CJB in.

If I were in Kirk's shoes I'd probably start Rudock yet at purdon't, but if things go south or aren't progressing don't hesitate a second to yank him.

I think we need to stay with the hot hand(s), i.e., CJB, Weisman, lots of Powell, Smith and Willies. Less of Canzeri/Bullock/Vandeberg until second half. Make Purdue load the box while Weisman is in, open it with some deep balls, THEN let Canzeri go wild, and let Bullock get his 3rd down stuff.
I think we need to stay with the hot hand(s), i.e., CJB, Weisman, lots of Powell, Smith and Willies. Less of Canzeri/Bullock/Vandeberg until second half. Make Purdue load the box while Weisman is in, open it with some deep balls, THEN let Canzeri go wild, and let Bullock get his 3rd down stuff.

Yeah, that's a great plan, I whole heartedly agree... If I know Kirk like I think I do, which I don't, he feels like he owes Jake some sort of loyalty or chance to redeem himself, and that's fine. Just don't ride that horse into the crapper like 2012, put in CJB before you're too scared if things are close or it's too late. I feel that's the best we can hope for from KF. Hopefully he'll prove me wrong Sat and go for the kill.
I think KF finally woke up and gave GD a free reign. GD has never been the problem.

If anything the opposite is true. If you watch the game, especially the 2nd half, it was almost all I-formation and pro-set. I think we went shotgun once (maybe twice) in the second half. Haven't seen so many I formation plays in quite some time. It seemed like we got back to Iowa football and had an identity.

Kirk hinted in the Tuesday presser that the problem might be the combination of the two offenses (which I think is a big part of it). So I'm guessing Kirk and GD discussed how to trim the playbook during the week. It was obvious the mix of the two systems wasn't working. Whatever the case I liked what I saw on the field, both halves.
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First off all I'll say that Beathard played one heck of a play and that there officially is a quarterback controversy in Iowa City. I don't agree with those who say that if Rudock was playing the second half that we would have been blown out of the house mainly because Rudock barely had the ball enough to make anything happen in the 2nd quarter because our defense couldn't get off the field.

Finally my question to all your lovable Ferentz haters (said in a sarcastic tone). Do you think any halftime adjustments were made and possibly could've been a major reason why the second half was all Iowa? Or was it the sudden and enlightening appearance of Beathard as he leapt onto the field while Kirk tried to hold him back?

Just a simple question for those who think they know football better than those who actually get paid to coach it.

First, your question is irrelevant because JR wasn't involved in the 2nd half so CJB gets the credit. If you listened to Jon's reaction after the game he nailed it...I mean nailed it. JR just doesn't run the offense with the same pace and he doesn't throw a good deep ball despite the 1 BALL he threw that Powell should've caught. No I think the way our D has played so far this year it is unlikely that regardless of QB we would not have gotten blown out.

Adjustments? Minor ones and very little on offense we ran the same plays we were running in the first half. CJB just made some really good plays I"m not sure Jake makes...fact plain and simple.

While the coaches get paid WHY they ran the ball on 3rd and 9 setting up the 52 yd FG was a stupid play and you don't need to pay me to know that. How many yds did we get on that play 00000000. Similar to the Bullock draw last week when we had 3rd and 7. While I don't know all the X's and O's like the coaches do I know the smell of crap when I smell it.
Dude, I was playing sports while you were still crapping your diapers. Okay, correction, I wasn't playing sports last month.

YES, I played sports. NO, I don't want fickle players who "favor" one teammate over another. This isn't the NBA, sport.

If you REALLY believe it created "extra pep", you, by extension, players SHOULD take a play or two off if they don't like who else is on the field or what play is called.


LOL you've PLAYED SPORTS??!! Erma Gerd. We all faint in your glorified presence.
If anything the opposite is true. If you watch the game, especially the 2nd half, it was almost all I-formation and pro-set. I think we went shotgun once (maybe twice) in the second half. Haven't seen so many I formation plays in quite some time. It seemed like we got back to Iowa football and had an identity.

Kirk hinted in the Tuesday presser that the problem might be the combination of the two offenses (which I think is a big part of it). So I'm guessing Kirk and GD discussed how to trim the playbook during the week. It was obvious the mix of the two systems wasn't working. Whatever the case I liked what I saw on the field, both halves.

Good points here. They needed to get away from running other teams’ plays crappily (jet sweep, zone read, etc.) and get back to what’s given Iowa success. The first 3 weeks was just a lot of over-coaching.
Great quarterbacking is like obscenity. Hard to define, but you know it when you see it.

I saw it yesterday in the second half. That kid was in total control. The team knew it. You could tell they knew it. Does Kurt know it?

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