Who are the three shooters on the court? I can only assume you mean Gesell, Oglesby/Jok, and Uthoff. Is that really a big upgrade from a Gesell, Marble, Uthoff lineup we saw last season? Who is going to break down a defense?
I would again like to reiterate that I am not down on Iowa as a team, but merely claiming they will have the same issues on the half-court offense that plagued them last year.
White was the 3 the majority of the time last year. As well as some McCabe.
Utoff Marble and Gessel probably played 2-5 minutes a game together on average
I'm not saying iowas going to have three great shooters on the court just 3 people who are willing and capable of shooting a 3 that the defense can't just dare to shoot like White.
Utoff was statistically iowas best 3 point shooter so yes I believe he will be a big upgrade in shooting vs last year.
He will also need to be a big upgrade over what he was last year.
Utoff and Jok, (as well as Woodbury) both had their best games of the year in the last two games. Had they not done that I wouldn't be anywhere near as optimistic. When that happens it generally bodes well for the next year like the way Marble went off the end of his sophomore year.
Iowas problems all stemmed from lack of spacing IMO.
Penetrating will be easier with better spacing as well better quickness. Dickerson not only increases the quickness at point but Gessel increases quickness at the two. Utoff and Jok are both guys who can pump fake and drive also creating penetration opportunities. White also increases quickness at the 4.
Yes there is assumptions going on but it's also an assumption to think a player won't be better, and not necessarily a logical one.
definitely Top 3? Now we know you're trolling......
Top 1-7 & in contention for the tournament should be the expectations. Those should have been the expectations last year as well but it got a bit out of control, namely for people who had a way too inflated consideration for essentially the same team a season before that went to the NIT. But really, that's where the bar started and it was raised after a great start. Nothing wrong with that expectation rising, but it's hilarious how many people on here want to act like last years team sucked or something. They were the best team Iowa has had in 8 seasons and no ONE player on that squad leaving is going to suddenly turn us back to the dark ages.
Top 1-7.... Those were/are my expectations, they are my bottom floor expectations every season. I for one am happy we're finally back to that point, if we can get into the top 3, it would be a break out season. There's reason to be optimistic this season despite the loss of Marble. Namely, we have had better classes since and a lot of returning players with experience.
I do agree wholeheartedly that lack of spacing was a major problem, along with too much dribbling and not enough passing in the half court game that hurt the team.....
Under Fran players seem to improve each season, not every single one, but the majority. There is reason to think that the experience gained last season will help. Experience is earned and is crucial to the success of the coming season.....
I am excited by the new recruits coming in. Uhl looks like the slashing forward we have needed, and Trey and Brady come in with high regard and the expectations are high also. I think we will be a better team than last season, and I am one who thinks that we had a good season with some heartbreak, especially at the end.....
Players learn from those disappointments, not holding a lead late in the game and improve. I remember Jesse Settles first season, I believe, we had the same problem, holding a lead late in the game. Next year we won those close games. No reason not to believe it will happen this coming season.....
Those who think otherwise are certainly entitled to their opinion.....
Good Post.....
Absolutely no reason to NOT be optimistic, right Jack? I'd be willing to bet that Fran's expectation is top 3 next season.
I expect this team to be at least a bubble team that makes it in. Less than that would be a disappointment. This expectation would mean improvement in defensive proficiency, which I think will happen with experience to key players and general quickness improvement. To do better than that, one or more guys have to take big leaps forward. Candidates include: Woody becoming someone teams have to "consistently" sag on in the post, Jok and/or Uthoff becoming all-league performers, Dickerson or Gesell being double-figure scorers. None of those are necessarily likely, but all are possible enough to get excited about collectively.That's how I see it, Arvada.....
Top Five for certain, but top three is reachable, that would be a major coup for Fran and the team.....
Might deter some of his detractors.....
In my opinion, Theo has done everything he said he wanted to do when they hired him. The Cubs probably have the best farm system in baseball now which you'll start to see as early as next year. That said, the team started pretty slow this year, but they're certainly getting better as of late. If they keep up with what they've been doing lately there might actually be some hype to turn into buyers at the break.
As for the PTL, I think it's more interesting now that the team doesn't suck =p. I look forward to seeing the new guys on the team more then anything. I want to see how Ellingson shoots, Dickerson at the PG, and if Clemmons has improved at all. I think we know what we have with the returning starters for the most part.
I can see Fran having expectations for a top three finish, but I doubt he has expectations for finishing third.
Problem is the coaches from MSU, Wisconsin, and Ohio State are standing in front of him in the lunch line and they aren't thinking tacos. QUICK someone pull the fire alarm and hope Fran sneaks that enchilada.Fran has his eye on the whole enchilada, Tierney.....