Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

Do you find the whole blackface thing offensive? The way I see it is there isnt a better way to be "un-racist" than wanting to dress up as a person who happens to be black. I think if we live in a world where its wrong for a white person to dress up as a black person, we will never be race free.

So do you believe the picture that surfaced of the current Virginia governor, who was in extremely exaggerated blackface, standing next to the person in costume of a hooded KKK member, being complimentary or something with his depiction of a black man? I don't get how that is UN-racist?? Please explain.
forewarning: I use the royal "you" a lot throughout this post, and that is not aimed at anyone in particular. I noticed it by the end of my writing, and I am too lazy to go back and try to correct it to make sure I don't offend anyone. So if you think any of the "yous" are directed at you, you can just go wank off.


One thing that gets lost in a lot of rhetoric surrounding outrage and offense is the question, "What is the point of all your noise?"

What it really comes down to is this:
  • Are you trying to educate and inform people in a way that will help them see your point of view and perhaps lead to a greater mutual understanding?
  • OR
  • Are you trying to score a rhetorical point and rally all of your like-minded groupies in huge, mutual-appreciation orgy?
I think about 95% of people who argue on the internet are trying to accomplish the second. From this we get terms like "toxic masculinity" and "white fragility."

The people who think that all that is masculine is bad just eat that up: "Burn! You totally nailed those patriarchical neanderthals!" (offensive to northern Europeans who have substantial Neaderthal DNA, by the way). But as a man, of course I am going to take offense to that. Why isn't there toxic feminimity? Is it really possible that all in this world that is male is bad, and all that is female is good? Why not just "toxic behavior" or "toxic aggression"? The main things my father taught me about being a man were working hard, caring for your family above all else, and to never hit girls (not even my sister when she was being a brat). So yeah, that term rankles.

But if someone tried to engage in a more rationale discussion of negative, aggressive behaviors often exhibited by young males, the source of those behaviors, and things that could be done to curb them, I would absolutely listen. Are you trying to inform and persuade, or just score your point?

Likewise, being inundated with the terms "white privilege", and the newest one, "white fragility" (demonstrated by those who don't like being label as privileged or racist) does very little to get me to examine the systemic barriers that @FRANAMANIAC has mentioned or my own preconceptions. But how about sitting down with me and explaining how your life and worldview are different from mine (essentially, doing what @FRANAMANIAC is doing)? Okay, I am all ears. I would love to hear things from your perspective. But as soon some person starts labeling me and lumping all sorts of bad shit onto my identity (be that gender identity, race identity, college sports team affiliation identity, etc.) I am going to stop listening because that person is being a hypocritical douche and applying the exact same indentity-based value judgements that they claim they are trying to combat. And I get it, power-structure and all that, and it is not the same for a black person to be called king kong vs. a white person. But are you trying to inform and persuade, or do you just get off so much on outrage that you want to label, demonize, and rally your troops?

Let's all hug this out and agree that The UI Athletics Admins are a bunch of bumbling idiots.

I should add, this applies equally to those who are constantly calling out "Snowflake" and "Social Justice Warrior" and "Blank-Card" as it does to those calling out "Racism" and "Sexism" and the like.

Bottom line: try to listen to and understand one another, and don't be a condescending asshole when trying to explain your point of view to someone else.
What sickens me is that there is a SJW somewhere feeling pretty good about themselves right now. This whole thing is sad, to take a compliment and twist it into something that it was never intended to be.
What sickens me is that there is a SJW somewhere feeling pretty good about themselves right now. This whole thing is sad, to take a compliment and twist it into something that it was never intended to be.

Sickens you? What confounds me is you guys who blame liberals for everything. Serious question: Do you really believe that some secret liberal organization pressured Dolph's bosses, Barta, Harreld or whomever to suspend Dolph?

I suspect all of these guys are pretty conservative and members of the Republican Party.

Such fear dude. Hope you get over your nausea.
Is anyone surprised that the person @FRANAMANIAC defending today's decision has Fran in his name? Barta let us all know that Fran & Dolphin don't get along. Hmmm....
You got me. I’m a shill. Thats my only interest in this. Can’t wait til I get my Fran and Barta checks

If you wanna hit me up, I’m a real person.

Jake Roberts
219 E Grand ave
Des Moines, IA

Always down to watch the hawks and enjoy a beer, I’m not all politics and social justice.
Not a person on here that isn't sensitive about something. Not a one of you. Why not error on the side of something that is so deeply injurious to many in an ethnic group. My daughter has serious scarring on her face from a tumor. Also has a serious potentially life threatening health condition. She doesn't here many comments from peers except for some really mean ones. She gets comments from little kids in innocence and from adults asking her if she was in a car wreck or in a fire. I see the shame that it brings on her. Most adults have no clue, even if she mentions it or I mention it. It's obvious to me, but many just don't get it.

Some of you just don't get it for blacks.

Still say that there is no way that Dolph didn't know that would be a problem. It might have been an accident, but no way he didn't. It is possible that the U gave some training on this. If they did, no excuse. If if they didn't he should have known better. If they didn't he's not the only one to blame.
OMG... I forgot it’s the “Black Out” game.:eek: Suspend all them “insensitive” bastards. You, included, GarBar, you scuffed kneed, cheek-puffing bitch!

Soon we’ll all be born and have our tongues cut out...and the world will be a better place on its path toward AOC Utopia.
Would we be putting him in sensitivity training and taking away his livelihood if he had said the kid was playing like Godzilla?

Would an Asian issue rise?


I didnt know King Kong was a negative stereotype of blacks. Hope they ban any King King movie in the future.
My God...So evolution isn't real....!!! Guess it should be band at Universities world wide that man did not come from ape!
Not a person on here that isn't sensitive about something. Not a one of you. Why not error on the side of something that is so deeply injurious to many in an ethnic group. My daughter has serious scarring on her face from a tumor. Also has a serious potentially life threatening health condition. She doesn't here many comments from peers except for some really mean ones. She gets comments from little kids in innocence and from adults asking her if she was in a car wreck or in a fire. I see the shame that it brings on her. Most adults have no clue, even if she mentions it or I mention it. It's obvious to me, but many just don't get it.

Some of you just don't get it for blacks.

Still say that there is no way that Dolph didn't know that would be a problem. It might have been an accident, but no way he didn't. It is possible that the U gave some training on this. If they did, no excuse. If if they didn't he should have known better. If they didn't he's not the only one to blame.

Your pandering of your daughter’s misfortune due to a horrible disease is dispicable. Instead of teaching her to suffer in a state of victimized hypersensitivity, try teaching her inner strength and beauty. That it doesn’t come without pain and effort but she will never be defined by others’ ignorance. Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Your pandering of your daughter’s misfortune due to a horrible disease is dispicable. Instead of teaching her to suffer in a state of victimized hypersensitivity, try teaching her inner strength and beauty. That it doesn’t come without pain and effort but she will never be defined by others’ ignorance. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Your pandering of your daughter’s misfortune due to a horrible disease is dispicable. Instead of teaching her to suffer in a state of victimized hypersensitivity, try teaching her inner strength and beauty. That it doesn’t come without pain and effort but she will never be defined by others’ ignorance. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

You are a real piece of work. A real ass.
Your pandering of your daughter’s misfortune due to a horrible disease is dispicable. Instead of teaching her to suffer in a state of victimized hypersensitivity, try teaching her inner strength and beauty. That it doesn’t come without pain and effort but she will never be defined by others’ ignorance. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Maybe you'd like to come to her public presentation about her journey in front of a large group. You might learn a few things. What is your ass'ness covering?

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