Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

Or are you being racist towards white people because you didn't infer that they may have the ability to be articulate as well??? I completed company training on diversity, sensitivity, harassment, etc. recently, and I started missing nearly every question on the quiz because I got to the point where I thought any little thing was wrong and sometimes it wasn't. As a white person I have been called a racist and accused of white privilege even though I do not have a racist thought in my mind or heart. At least according to me. But apparently I cannot even recognize my biases merely because I was born white. If I say I think it is all ridiculous, I am accused of being insensitive. Dolph's comment was a compliment not a racist or insensitive remark. He should be reinstated immediately, but my guess is he will be fired. Unfortunate!
Its a controversial subject, but the consensus among academics who study such things as racism have found that racism isn't so much direct actions of intolerance but more referring to specific power structures in place that systematically hold back minorities.

So while a white person can participate in the racism or not, it's hard for a minority to actually be racist to a white person because whites are the color that is in power (look at almost all leadership roles today, although some companies are selecting token minorities/women).

I don't think you are intentionally racist or even unintentionally racist (i havent seen anything from you that would indicate that), but I do think that if someone is accusing you of racism you should check within yourself and see if maybe it is overly insensitive.

And as far as white privilege goes, remember that privilege doesnt necessarily mean you had an easy life, doesnt have to mean that at all. It just means you had less systemic barriers to entry/mobility than a comparable person who was a minority.
I also think this one is a more of a tossup, I personally am not offended by him coaching.
Let’s say for a minute that you had created a reason to be offended about that.

Does the fact that you’re offended now become a reason someone shouldn’t coach a basketball game?

I’m sorry, but you’re just so out in left field with your logic here that it’s hard to even make sense out of it.
Let’s say for a minute that you had created a reason to be offended about that.

Does the fact that you’re offended now become a reason someone shouldn’t coach a basketball game?

I’m sorry, but you’re just so out in left field with your logic here that it’s hard to even make sense out of it.
No, they can ignore my opinion. I'm not omnipotent.

But yes, someone being upset by your actions could be considered a reason. But like I said, they dont have to follow that.
I'm just putting my opinions out there. And I think my opinions have a logic, just like you think yours do. When it comes to stuff like this its hard to quantify everything in right/wrong.
(look at almost all leadership roles today, although some companies are selecting token minorities/women).

That might be the most racist post in this thread. So if a company has a white male leader it is systematically racist, but if they have a minority it is just a token hire? Content of character must not matter to you the way it did to some.
Smart move to not comment. A guy essentially lost his job for paying a compliment. There is nothing Maryland can say that wouldn't get them in trouble with someone.
That might be the most racist post in this thread. So if a company has a white male leader it is systematically racist, but if they have a minority it is just a token hire? Content of character must not matter to you the way it did to some.
If you believe we live in a meritocracy, we're never going to see eye to eye on most things.
If you believe we live in a meritocracy, we're never going to see eye to eye on most things.
Nope, but I also don’t throw out blanket statements. My company has a minority CEO and it was well earned. Pretty insulting to call him a token.
Its a controversial subject, but the consensus among academics who study such things as racism have found that racism isn't so much direct actions of intolerance but more referring to specific power structures in place that systematically hold back minorities.

So while a white person can participate in the racism or not, it's hard for a minority to actually be racist to a white person because whites are the color that is in power (look at almost all leadership roles today, although some companies are selecting token minorities/women).

I don't think you are intentionally racist or even unintentionally racist (i havent seen anything from you that would indicate that), but I do think that if someone is accusing you of racism you should check within yourself and see if maybe it is overly insensitive.

And as far as white privilege goes, remember that privilege doesnt necessarily mean you had an easy life, doesnt have to mean that at all. It just means you had less systemic barriers to entry/mobility than a comparable person who was a minority.

Actually it wasn't necessarily racism accusations, it was being accused of white privilege by another white person when having a discussion on racism and the existence of reverse racism(black on white) I was saying there is no such thing as reverse racism. My opinion was Racism is racism, regardless of which way it goes. And I do think a black person absolutely can be racist towards a white person, regardless of what color is in power.
Maybe it was the comment about frying an Egg on Fran's face was just one more thing to go along with Fran's anger at dolf for the Pitt game
Actually it wasn't necessarily racism accusations, it was being accused of white privilege by another white person when having a discussion on racism and the existence of reverse racism(black on white) I was saying there is no such thing as reverse racism. My opinion was Racism is racism, regardless of which way it goes. And I do think a black person absolutely can be racist towards a white person, regardless of what color is in power.
I see what you're saying, you're right that we are discussing semantics when it comes to offensive comments. I'm not saying a black person can't be rude or insensitive or harmful to a white person.
There is a lot of grey area where maybe someone said something that was possibly insensitive. In those situations, it's best for that person to apologize and move on. This wasnt a grey area. This was black and white. If a white person was offended, then who cares. Any white person who was offended was offended for the wrong reasons. If a black person was offended, Gary shouldn't apologize. A loved one of said black person should sit that person down and talk to them about the difference between intent and implied meaning. At the end of that conversation, that person should feel much better after understanding that Dolphin was just paying a compliment and that person was wrong for misunderstanding him. That person now has a better understanding of life and will handle themselves better next time.
You've never heard people say that?

I've heard people say a lot of tired cliche' crap. I try to think past that. It's also a big part of why I don't identify with either major political party.

As for whether it's good to be sensitive. Empathy is a wonderful character trait. Fragility and being overly sensitive ...not so much.
Political Correction is what I hate the most in our society! I honestly don't give a chat about King Kong!
forewarning: I use the royal "you" a lot throughout this post, and that is not aimed at anyone in particular. I noticed it by the end of my writing, and I am too lazy to go back and try to correct it to make sure I don't offend anyone. So if you think any of the "yous" are directed at you, you can just go wank off.


One thing that gets lost in a lot of rhetoric surrounding outrage and offense is the question, "What is the point of all your noise?"

What it really comes down to is this:
  • Are you trying to educate and inform people in a way that will help them see your point of view and perhaps lead to a greater mutual understanding?
  • OR
  • Are you trying to score a rhetorical point and rally all of your like-minded groupies in huge, mutual-appreciation orgy?
I think about 95% of people who argue on the internet are trying to accomplish the second. From this we get terms like "toxic masculinity" and "white fragility."

The people who think that all that is masculine is bad just eat that up: "Burn! You totally nailed those patriarchical neanderthals!" (offensive to northern Europeans who have substantial Neaderthal DNA, by the way). But as a man, of course I am going to take offense to that. Why isn't there toxic feminimity? Is it really possible that all in this world that is male is bad, and all that is female is good? Why not just "toxic behavior" or "toxic aggression"? The main things my father taught me about being a man were working hard, caring for your family above all else, and to never hit girls (not even my sister when she was being a brat). So yeah, that term rankles.

But if someone tried to engage in a more rationale discussion of negative, aggressive behaviors often exhibited by young males, the source of those behaviors, and things that could be done to curb them, I would absolutely listen. Are you trying to inform and persuade, or just score your point?

Likewise, being inundated with the terms "white privilege", and the newest one, "white fragility" (demonstrated by those who don't like being label as privileged or racist) does very little to get me to examine the systemic barriers that @FRANAMANIAC has mentioned or my own preconceptions. But how about sitting down with me and explaining how your life and worldview are different from mine (essentially, doing what @FRANAMANIAC is doing)? Okay, I am all ears. I would love to hear things from your perspective. But as soon some person starts labeling me and lumping all sorts of bad shit onto my identity (be that gender identity, race identity, college sports team affiliation identity, etc.) I am going to stop listening because that person is being a hypocritical douche and applying the exact same indentity-based value judgements that they claim they are trying to combat. And I get it, power-structure and all that, and it is not the same for a black person to be called king kong vs. a white person. But are you trying to inform and persuade, or do you just get off so much on outrage that you want to label, demonize, and rally your troops?

Let's all hug this out and agree that The UI Athletics Admins are a bunch of bumbling idiots.
I see what you're saying, you're right that we are discussing semantics when it comes to offensive comments. I'm not saying a black person can't be rude or insensitive or harmful to a white person.

Aren't you using semantics in your second sentence? If a black person is rude or insensitive or harmful to a white person, could this be from a place of racism towards a white person? Wouldn't that be viewed as racism if it were the other way around. I.E...a white person was rude or insensitive or harmful to a black person.

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