Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

Did a little research of my own this evening...if you look up King Kong and basketball on YouTube you get some pretty good videos. And if you scroll through the comments of the videos you won't find one soul screaming racism. Strange.
Did a little research of my own this evening...if you look up King Kong and basketball on YouTube you get some pretty good videos. And if you scroll through the comments of the videos you won't find one soul screaming racism. Strange.
Yes youtube comments, known bastion of leftists and liberals.
Maybe you'd like to come to her public presentation about her journey in front of a large group. You might learn a few things. What is your ass'ness covering?

I have a son - adopted at 6 months - with moderate mental retardation and a seizure disorder. OMG, HE SAID THE “R” WORD. I worked in the field for abut 7 years back in the 80’s - with MR, MH sexual abuse vic’s and perps over the course. Would still be in the field had it not been for funding cuts forcing a career change.

I realized early ... a rose is a rose by any name. U can sugar coat it or u can call it what it is and understand it so you can dedicate all the necessary resources to it and development all the necessary supports to assist it.

As for my son - It doesn’t matter whether he gets called a retard or a “consumer” or “a person with special needs” (or...King Kong) except to the people who vicariously and ingenuously worry about it ( and feel better about themselves for saying the latter so they can sleep well in their cozy beds.). He is who who is and it is what it is. It doesn’t define him and it doesn’t change a thing about the truth.

Most comments are innocuous. They become an affront only because someone presumes maliciousness. It does more to perpetuate the stereotype than resolve it.

Leave it be and people are generally living with no ill-will. My son was voted Homecoming Kmg. Yea, he’s retarded but who gives a F. He was likeable and social and people are people. Don’t make it a qualifier and it won’t be.
I have a son - adopted at 6 months - with moderate mental retardation and a seizure disorder. OMG, HE SAID THE “R” WORD. I worked in the field for abut 7 years back in the 80’s - with MR, MH sexual abuse vic’s and perps over the course. Would still be in the field had it not been for funding cuts forcing a career change.

I realized early ... a rose is a rose by any name. U can sugar coat it or u can call it what it is and understand it so you can dedicate all the necessary resources to it and development all the necessary supports to assist it.

As for my son - It doesn’t matter whether he gets called a retard or a “consumer” or “a person with special needs” (or...King Kong) except to the people who vicariously and ingenuously worry about it ( and feel better about themselves for saying the latter so they can sleep well in their cozy beds.). He is who who is and it is what it is. It doesn’t define him and it doesn’t change a thing about the truth.

Most comments are innocuous. They become an affront only because someone presumes maliciousness. It does more to perpetuate the stereotype than resolve it.

Leave it be and people are generally living with no ill-will. My son was voted Homecoming Kmg. Yea, he’s retarded but who gives a F. He was likeable and social and people are people. Don’t make it a qualifier and it won’t be.

So? I'm sorry you don't feel compelled to defend your adopted son in the way I defend my adopted daughters. Your words are cruel. Too bad you don't think more highly of him.

Again I ask. What is your ass'ness hiding?
So? I'm sorry you don't feel compelled to defend your adopted son in the way I defend my adopted daughters. Your words are cruel. Too bad you don't think more highly of him.

Again I ask. What is your ass'ness hiding?

I don’t even understand your comment or question ... ass’ness? Hiding something?

Nothing at all. It is what it is. I LOVE him for who he is, knowing and admitting, full well, that he can be annoying, funny, dumb, cool. Pretty much like any adult child would be. It still doesn’t change the fact that he’s retarded.

You sound like you live on the defensive, expecting that the whole world is intent on maliciously ridiculing your daughters for a physical deformity that they can neither control nor deny. I don’t expect that and, honestly, have rarely experienced that. If and when I do, I don’t hesitate to fight it - verbally, physically, I don’t give a shit. I’ll push u into traffic if it means purging the world of the idiocy.

I’m sorry. I just find the more attention given to trying to deny it - usually by sugar coating it and usually by those who “wish” no attention was given to it - the more unnecessary attention is drawn to it and the more opportunity for it to become an obstacle (by both parties).

Basically, the stereotyped and the ignorant are both guilty of perpetuating.
I don’t even understand your comment or question ... ass’ness? Hiding something?

Nothing at all. It is what it is. I LOVE him for who he is, knowing and admitting, full well, that he can be annoying, funny, dumb, cool. Pretty much like any adult child would be. It still doesn’t change the fact that he’s retarded.

You sound like you live on the defensive, expecting that the whole world is intent on maliciously ridiculing your daughters for a physical deformity that they can neither control nor deny. I don’t expect that and, honestly, have rarely experienced that. If and when I do, I don’t hesitate to fight it - verbally, physically, I don’t give a shit. I’ll push u into traffic if it means purging the world of the idiocy.

I’m sorry. I just find the more attention given to trying to deny it - usually by sugar coating it and usually by those who “wish” no attention was given to it - the more unnecessary attention is drawn to it and the more opportunity for it to become an obstacle (by both parties).

Basically, the stereotyped and the ignorant are both guilty of perpetuating.

If you go back and read, those suggesting that Gary should have been more sensitive are pretty polite. You and a few others who disagree are asses about it. Your are pretty damn defensive about it. Seems like you are hiding behind your own insecurities and are afraid of them. I have them and admit it.

Calling your son that name, I find it indefensible.

Go ahead and be insensitive. Just don't throw sticks and stones and cry when they get tossed back.
The world Obama created rose up and bit Dolph in the butt.....
yup, and now we have commie loving, ISIS supporting antifa soy boy snowflakes. It's the reason why a brainless idiot bartender is in congress pushing a bill that bans cows because they fart too much and if you don't want to work, that's ok, you'll still get paid causing 99.8% of people to quit their jobs the next day. It's the reason why there are numerous genders now (there are only two genders) and made up pronouns to go with them. Also the reason why all men are guilty until proven innocent (and still have their lives ruined if they are) and if you are white you are evil. White privilege, male privilege, cis scum and if you aren't white you can not be racist because reasons.
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If you go back and read, those suggesting that Gary should have been more sensitive are pretty polite. You and a few others who disagree are asses about it. Your are pretty damn defensive about it. Seems like you are hiding behind your own insecurities and are afraid of them. I have them and admit it.

Calling your son that name, I find it indefensible.

Go ahead and be insensitive. Just don't throw sticks and stones and cry when they get tossed back.

Okay. Enjoyed the discussion and respect your stance, despite my prodding / goading. Judging by your passion, we are closer than you might believe. Your daughter sounds like an amazing young lady who gets it but isn’t bound by it.
You mean the one that brought racists out of the closet? Like the photoshopped pictures of watermelons on the White House lawn? Or the picture of Obama as a chimpanzee, or t-shirts of Obama as Curious George, or the Tea Party activist pastor who hung a lynched effigy of Obama?

Here take a peek:
the one where feelings matter more than facts, one where you are guilty until proven innocent then you are still guilty, the one that loves socialism and letting literal terrorists take over cities, the one where anyone who isn't part of the "cult of woke" is at risk of a soy boy sucker punch attack because "dare nazis!!!", the one where it's ok to advocate for genocide as long as it's white genocide, the one where the media makes up anti white propaganda on a twice weekly basis, the one where "woke" political propaganda is shoved into all our forms of escapism. Yeah, pretty damn great world Saddam Hussein Obama created. The left poisons everything it touches.
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Okay. Enjoyed the discussion and respect your stance, despite my prodding / goading. Judging by your passion, we are closer than you might believe. Your daughter sounds like an amazing young lady who gets it but isn’t bound by it.

Likewise, I have a lot of respect for adoptive parents and parents of special needs kids. People can't imagine the amount of work, passion and love that goes into.

I fairly recently had to go to war against the school admin and school board to get bullying stopped. They did the standard excuses. I went toe to toe with them and their smart ass attorney and forced them to make changes legally and I got it done w/o an attorney. A child, especially special needs can't stand up to pressures that include physical threats, plain out meaness and even following her as she retreated to be alone.

Fair enough... and thx.

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