Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

The problem with that tho is to even be able to consider King Kong being offensive, black people being referred to as apes would have to be in the forefront of your mind. You really think that's the better way? There are thousands of different things that could be said that people could find offensive if they tried to connect dots hard enough. It's humanly impossible to dodge all of those landmines if given any amount of time.

Of course I have heard the whole black people are apes thing, but I'm sure there are plenty of things I've never even heard of before. How could I possibly be careful to not say things that could be connected to something I've never heard of before? Do I Google "every stereotype and racial slur ever invented" and study for hours and hours?

Well, there are studies of this sort of thing, various cultural studies courses as well as sociology. It's all out there available to be read too, by all sorts of academics over history.

Speaking frankly, I do think being aware of how words affect others and consciousness about class, race, sex, etc, is generally a good thing. My personal belief is that considering how what we say and do affects others, we can all move towards a place where we all live together in mutual understanding and just enjoy life.

And as far as unintentionally saying something you later find out is problematic/insensitive, you just learn about why it's considered as such, and try to apologize and move on, I don't think it really warrants a person being suspended or losing their job, like this situation.

Where it gets tricky is when it's harder to separate out intent from words/actions. Which is where I think a lot of the controversy from things like blackface comes from. It's not so much that I want to crucify people for doing something they truly thought was harmless, I just want them to learn why it does upset some people and apologize for it.

The conservative ideas of "f***you, got mine" and "I dont care if my words or actions hurt you" just have never really sat true with me.

Wow I never thought this would be the kind of place i'd type out a long form political reply!
Like why would anyone ever be okay that their words hurt some innocent people, regardless if they meant it to or not? It's all about learning and apologizing.


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Well, there are studies of this sort of thing, various cultural studies courses as well as sociology. It's all out there available to be read too, by all sorts of academics over history.

Speaking frankly, I do think being aware of how words affect others and consciousness about class, race, sex, etc, is generally a good thing. My personal belief is that considering how what we say and do affects others, we can all move towards a place where we all live together in mutual understanding and just enjoy life.

And as far as unintentionally saying something you later find out is problematic/insensitive, you just learn about why it's considered as such, and try to apologize and move on, I don't think it really warrants a person being suspended or losing their job, like this situation.

Where it gets tricky is when it's harder to separate out intent from words/actions. Which is where I think a lot of the controversy from things like blackface comes from. It's not so much that I want to crucify people for doing something they truly thought was harmless, I just want them to learn why it does upset some people and apologize for it.

The conservative ideas of "f***you, got mine" and "I dont care if my words or actions hurt you" just have never really sat true with me.

Wow I never thought this would be the kind of place i'd type out a long form political reply!

Do you find the whole blackface thing offensive? The way I see it is there isnt a better way to be "un-racist" than wanting to dress up as a person who happens to be black. I think if we live in a world where its wrong for a white person to dress up as a black person, we will never be race free.
So, what's next? Calling someone doing a great feat a "monster", "animal", "bear", "shark", "cat", etc.? Where does this political correctness stuff end? Dolphin getting suspended for saying
"King Kong" is just plain dumb!
Ideally, yeah we would move away from that. But I dont think most of those would be really considered insensitive from a socioeconomic standpoint, so not a huge concern.

I agree the suspension is dumb!
Why is this discussion political?
Because the context of the suspension and the reasons for it. Would be my guess.

Most actions like this do have a political subtext, but I do understand this probably isnt the best place for it. But it seems to be staying localized to the two threads about it, so I dont see the huge harm.
Oh I agree with you. I dont think the suspension has much to do with the comments at all. I'm just saying it is a little insensitve. I cringed a little when I heard it on postgame, even though I dont think Dolph is a racist whatsoever. I'm just saying that him not being justified being suspended does not make the comments okay. But I do think that this is coming from within the administration.

There just has to be another reason that Dolph is on the naughty list. I don't think his comments were insensitive whatsoever. I would fathom 99% of listeners would agree. Garza could just as easily be called King Kong and rightly so. Grownups are no longer in charge.

Sure. It's my belief as I said earlier in the thread, that most things dont exist in a vacuum.

So with Dolph being suspended, thats bound to raise some discussion from the start. A logical flow for the discussion would be

1. Why was he suspended?
(because he made a comment that was deemed racially insensitive)
2. What was the comment?
(plays audio from post game)
3. Person X "that doesnt sound racist/insensitive to me"
4. Person Y "sounds like it to me"
5. Discussion about points of agreement and disagreement.

Considering that race is involved, its highly unlikely that that discussion wouldnt take on political tones.
Where the hell did you come up with that?

I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that think that way. Hell, to some extent I do. I'm more concerned with teaching my kids to not be offended by other people's thoughts. It seems the harder this world tries to become more sensitive to others thoughts, the more sensitive people get. Imagine 50 years ago a black person concerning himself with "unintentional bias " and "unintended meaning".
Like why would anyone ever be okay that their words hurt some innocent people, regardless if they meant it to or not? It's all about learning and apologizing.
F that.

A word has never hurt anyone in human history.

It's your PERCEPTION of spoken word that "hurts" you, and if the INTENT of the person who spoke it doesn't match up with your PERCEPTION, then there's no guilt to be placed anywhere, and definitely no apology required.

If you said "Hi Fryowa, how are you today?" and I was hurt by it would you feel bad? F no you wouldn't. It's the INTENT behind words, not your PERCEPTION that counts.

But nice try bringing your social justice to the room and trying to beat us up with it. You paid way too much for that liberal arts degree, friendo.

Soooooo...'m just going to sit here and wait for your weak-ass shaming attempt (I'll help you out, though...I'm generally not shameable and I ain't apologizing). Let's hear what you've got to say, Dr. Phil.

What a fucking tool you are to come here and demand that people learn to apologize for "hurt" that they didn't cause. You're an arrogant fool.

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