Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

After hearing that you instantly connected King Kong to black people as soon as you heard the comment means that you probably are.
Nah just being a black person growing up in Iowa myself I understand how tone deaf a lot of people are out here. I dont think it comes from a place of racism or mean intent. Just a product of growing up in an insular community without a lot of diversity.
Intent is no longer necessary, it's presumed. But the SJWs have a way around that one, too. Intent isn't necessary, because biases, prejudices are unconscious. You have them, you don't even know it. What's in your heart and head no longer matter. The ironic thing is that whoever called out Gary for this comment is in fact the racist one, who hears King Kong and thinks it must be a racial reference - he or she is the one who ought to be suspended for thinking so, i.e., he or she does not even have a unconscious bias, it's front and center in their brain. Here's my bias - What do you want to bet that this person is a charter member of the NIMBY crowd?

My thoughts exactly. Who was the nitwit that called him out on this? This country becomes more Orwellian every day.
Nah just being a black person growing up in Iowa myself I understand how tone deaf a lot of people are out here. I dont think it comes from a place of racism or mean intent. Just a product of growing up in an insular community without a lot of diversity.

Isnt it better to be tone deaf tho. What do you think is better, a white person who doesn't even comprehend the idea that black people are called apes or a white person who wants to compare a player to King Kong but then consciously thinks about it first and knows he cant because he remembers black people are referred to as apes sometimes by some people? To me, I think it's way better to not have it even come into your mind. And by way better, I mean way way better. I'm really curious what you think tho.
Oh I agree with you. I dont think the suspension has much to do with the comments at all. I'm just saying it is a little insensitve. I cringed a little when I heard it on postgame, even though I dont think Dolph is a racist whatsoever. I'm just saying that him not being justified being suspended does not make the comments okay. But I do think that this is coming from within the administration.
That could very well be... I'm more offended at how he can't seem to get the names right of our own players on the football field more often then he does as opposed to this...
Isnt it better to be tone deaf tho. What do you think is better, a white person who doesn't even comprehend the idea that black people are called apes or a white person who wants to compare a player to King Kong but then consciously thinks about it first and knows he cant because he remembers black people are referred to as apes sometimes by some people? To me, I think it's way better to not have it even come into your mind. And by way better, I mean way way better. I'm really curious what you think tho.

I think we should always consider how our words would reach a larger audience, for the sake of trying to be on the better side of history. But it's a philosophical debate, not saying I'm right or wrong.
it's just a matter of time...and I'm not kidding.
We probably could tone down comparing people to animals or machines. I also dont think this kind of language is really banned, just frowned upon. As others have mentioned in this thread, it seems the motivations for suspending Gary isnt really coming from a place of social justice mindset.
I think we should always consider how our words would reach a larger audience, for the sake of trying to be on the better side of history. But it's a philosophical debate, not saying I'm right or wrong.

The problem with that tho is to even be able to consider King Kong being offensive, black people being referred to as apes would have to be in the forefront of your mind. You really think that's the better way? There are thousands of different things that could be said that people could find offensive if they tried to connect dots hard enough. It's humanly impossible to dodge all of those landmines if given any amount of time.

Of course I have heard the whole black people are apes thing, but I'm sure there are plenty of things I've never even heard of before. How could I possibly be careful to not say things that could be connected to something I've never heard of before? Do I Google "every stereotype and racial slur ever invented" and study for hours and hours?
We probably could tone down comparing people to animals or machines. I also dont think this kind of language is really banned, just frowned upon. As others have mentioned in this thread, it seems the motivations for suspending Gary isnt really coming from a place of social justice mindset.

People are animals. We are just our own species of animal.
We probably could tone down comparing people to animals or machines. I also dont think this kind of language is really banned, just frowned upon. As others have mentioned in this thread, it seems the motivations for suspending Gary isnt really coming from a place of social justice mindset.
Not if Gary's statement is to be believed. It has all the trappings of someone labeling him, right down to the unconscious bias reference. Good luck with that one, Gary, as you spend the rest of your days in a virtual gulag.

In the end it probably doesn't matter, because the world is going to end 12 years from now, or so I'm told.

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