Press Release on Gary Dolphin Suspension

AD convicted for actually discrimination against a former employee (costing the university a sizable amount of money)..... nothing

Announcer makes a comment which people believe could have racial implications.... suspension
Yea reeks of admin politics
You call still call Lorenzen anything you want. That is how a double standard works.
I think a suspension is a little overboard, prob should have just had him apologize and move on, and is probably coming from a place of the U wanting Dolph gone and trying to save face (admin politics).

But the "double-standard" you speak of exists because of historical context... what Dolph said was racially insensitive whether it was malicious or not.
What I'd like to see happen is if someone could play what he said for Fernando. Let him hear it and then see what he thinks. If Bruno isn't in the least bit 'offended' then let that be it. Just because something 'could be' offensive doesn't mean it is. I'm not a fan of Dolph by any means I thought he should have been done 5 plus years ago. But this is a BS way to get forced out...
What I'd like to see happen is if someone could play what he said for Fernando. Let him hear it and then see what he thinks. If Bruno isn't in the least bit 'offended' then let that be it. Just because something 'could be' offensive doesn't mean it is. I'm not a fan of Dolph by any means I thought he should have been done 5 plus years ago. But this is a BS way to get forced out...
these things do not exist in a vacuum
these things do not exist in a vacuum
Who was doing the 'complaining' to make it a thing to begin with. I think others have asked this too but if nobody is bitching where's the fire? Deep pocketed donors? I hadn't heard a peep about this till the announcement came down. Just seems odd for school to preemptively make a move with nobody else caring.
these things do not exist in a vacuum

Cone on man. You could seriously connect some dots with almost any comment every made if you try hard enough. Something is racist when someone says something with intent. Something is "unintentionally insensitive" when someone tries really hard to connect dots that aren't there.
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I was trying to think of a way to connect "unstoppable" to racist to call Rob out as a joke, but I cant think of anything. So I guess my new joke is that Gary is obviously way more racist than Rob is.
Intent is no longer necessary, it's presumed. But the SJWs have a way around that one, too. Intent isn't necessary, because biases, prejudices are unconscious. You have them, you don't even know it. What's in your heart and head no longer matter. The ironic thing is that whoever called out Gary for this comment is in fact the racist one, who hears King Kong and thinks it must be a racial reference - he or she is the one who ought to be suspended for thinking so, i.e., he or she does not even have a unconscious bias, it's front and center in their brain. Here's my bias - What do you want to bet that this person is a charter member of the NIMBY crowd?
Well Dolph did a pretty good job of hiding his racist biases all these years till now.... Good grief. *sarcasm*

Wtf is exactly your problem Barta, you dumbass!!!

I guess this means we can’t call Al Lorenzon The Vanilla Gorilla anymore.


No, that's okay. He's not one of the groups that lives in perpetual victimization and publically feigns their insult in order to weaponize their identity at every opportunity.
Who was doing the 'complaining' to make it a thing to begin with. I think others have asked this too but if nobody is bitching where's the fire? Deep pocketed donors? I hadn't heard a peep about this till the announcement came down. Just seems odd for school to preemptively make a move with nobody else caring.
Oh I agree with you. I dont think the suspension has much to do with the comments at all. I'm just saying it is a little insensitve. I cringed a little when I heard it on postgame, even though I dont think Dolph is a racist whatsoever. I'm just saying that him not being justified being suspended does not make the comments okay. But I do think that this is coming from within the administration.
Cone on man. You could seriously connect some dots with almost any comment every made if you try hard enough. Something is racist when someone says something with intent. Something is "unintentionally insensitive" when someone tries really hard to connect dots that aren't there.
see my reply above about not considering Dolph a racist

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