PMac/Kate Martin tweet

George Kittle and former women's player Claire Till (knee injury hampered college career) are married.

Sadly they lost a baby just before Christmas.

Here's an athletic couple. Merton Hanks and Marva Fuller. Athleticism off the charts. Not sure if they're still together or if they had children. Merton has kept a surprisingly low profile post NFL career, considering how flamboyant he was as a player.
Not to forget that Kittle, Jess Settles and Henry Krieger Coble were all cousins. Their moms came from a family of 8 girls that were all extremely athletic and successful... I think each of the girls won a state championship in one thing or another - mostly BB and Softball.
Hmm.. Connor and CC makes for an interesting pair. I did see they were at a T Wolves game. I've kinda wondered why more basketball players don't date. Maybe they do and they don't publicly make it a thing I have no idea. But it makes all the sense in the world. JW married McKenzie Meyer so I'm hoping they make some Hawkeye babies pretty soon.

I could have swore I saw Mulvey and O'Grady making out at City Park the other day.
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If they have a boy, in 20 years we could have a 6-6 Hawkeye who passes like Magic and shoots like Steph.

Man, I am gonna start eating more vegetables. I want to still be around when this CMAC/Clark super child enrolls!

So what attribute would Connor bring then?
Be nice if say they timed it out and had kids at the same time JW and Meyer do. What a good looking pair they are geesh. Their kids may go on to be models instead of athletes.

Actually, I think Clark and Martin are really close friends, which makes it all a bit more weird or odd they hooked up with brothers.
Actually, I think Clark and Martin are really close friends, which makes it all a bit more weird or odd they hooked up with brothers.
Yeah sorta kinda it sure would. Well here's a true story for ya. My Grandpa married my Gma obviously (that's kinda how it works haha) but then my Grandpas sister married my Gmas brother so my extended family is a tangled web of 2nd cousins all over the place.
Yeah sorta kinda it sure would. Well here's a true story for ya. My Grandpa married my Gma obviously (that's kinda how it works haha) but then my Grandpas sister married my Gmas brother so my extended family is a tangled web of 2nd cousins all over the place.

Lol. Kind of like having an uncle who is younger than you are. I have a buddy who came from a large family. His niece is older than his sister.
Lol. Kind of like having an uncle who is younger than you are. I have a buddy who came from a large family. His niece is older than his sister.
Yeah my Gparents had an ooops too my Dads baby sister the last of 6 kids is only 3 yrs older then me. Dad was in college when she was born. Whenever they'd come to stuff others would think she was my sister. It's pretty wild how within a couple generations the family dynamic has changed so drastically.
Yeah sorta kinda it sure would. Well here's a true story for ya. My Grandpa married my Gma obviously (that's kinda how it works haha) but then my Grandpas sister married my Gmas brother so my extended family is a tangled web of 2nd cousins all over the place.
Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm - Wikipedia

I can’t even imagine the pain.
It was Ralph Miller. I heard the interview. Still had the best Hawk team since I was too young for Bucky. Ralph had his players go out for cross country order for them to press the entire game. Fran should look at old tapes...might learn something.
Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t know about the cross country deal. Interesting. I had a season ticket for Ralph’s BT championship year. Never forget it! Old field house rocked!
It was Ralph Miller. I heard the interview. Still had the best Hawk team since I was too young for Bucky. Ralph had his players go out for cross country order for them to press the entire game. Fran should look at old tapes...might learn something.

We might never see another combo/duo like Downtown Freddie Brown and John Johnson

They played together on a Seattle Supersonics World Championship team

Believe the Hawks averaged over 100 PPG in the Big Ten under Ralph Miller's guidance
and the incredible talent and teamwork of Freddie Brown and John Johnson

This was long before the three-point shot was even a dream/thought/reality

Freddie on the Sonics

John Johnson

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