Please don't put words in my mouth

I predict Michigan will have had 3 head coaches in their football program during the Kirk Ferentz regime at Iowa.

Whoops, I guess they have already had 3 now......make that a prediction of 4 as Hoke won't be around long either.
As for the systemic problems you speak of much of it is due the culture of being an athlete in Iowa City. I can speak of different places because I was an athlete in Lincoln and Cedar Falls it is much different in those cities as far as how law enforcement conducts their jobs especially went it comes to dealing with athletes. Not to mention that most media markets have bigger news than reporting on a coaches son living in section 8 housing. If ISU was a big deal in this state they would be in the same boat, but really no one outside of Ames cares.

EXACTLY. Proof today in fact of this. I turn on KCCI's page today and off to the right on the bottom of their links is a little post link there that says Iowa State Football Player suspended. Click on the article and a senior on their football team who has obviously from the article had more than one arrest or incident with the law is indefinitely kicked out of the program. If that were a hawkeye player it wouldn't be on the side of the thing ever, it would be the FIRST STORY, and their lead at 5, 6, and 10 pm. We'll be lucky if the sports guys for the local news stations even mention it tonight.
Oh and Deacer, I love ya brutha but seriously, since there are two jobs Kirk might leave for and I don't see Mike Tomlin or Bill Bellichek leaving anytime soon, i'm thinking he's staying right where he is. You can always hope and dream there brutha. Sorry Michigan will remain the 4th or 5th best team in their division for quite some time, cause Ferentz ain't going anywhere.
he definitely made his bones p.o.'ing iowa fans. that is/was his schtick. he'd throw bombs and the calls would come a rollin' in.

it is why i am dumbfounded as to why so many people think it's great when he posts on this website......well, i guess i know of one person who thinks it's great......

I just thought he was another internet troll. Now, I find out he's some sort of local radio personality. Oh, what's the difference. He doesn't appear to know what he's talking about. He can go ahead and post, but based on what people say, his real strength is in getting people irritated by saying inflammatory things. It appears that facts are sort of elusive for him. Maybe that's why he's a local radio personality. Facts don't matter.
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Here's my prediction: Despite the fact that KFz has already been at Iowa longer than any other coach in the conference (outside of JoPa) and he will leave or retire at some point...
Deace will puff up and pat himself on the back when his "prediction" finally comes true, and boast that he had a role in it.
"I am making that prediction based on my belief that there have been so many off-field problems over the years and a lot of water under the bridge with those in policy or bureacratic positions that have little patience for such things, or high-priced coaches in general. Not to mention I'm guessing that Ferentz is growing increasingly impatient with such people himself.

So what is it Deace? Is he getting fired? Or is he quitting? Make sure you get all of your bases covered so you can try to say, I told you so.

Personally. I'll start worrying about Kirk leaving when the fans stop selling out every home game and traveling in the 10's of thousands to BCS bowl games.
I agree. His comments utilize a variety of rather dramatic terms. I guess that gets attention.

I don't live in Iowa, so I have no idea who this Deace character is. However, he must have a history of making his bones by riling up Iowa fans. It appears to be his M.O. I don't know him though, so that's just an outsider's viewpoint. I suppose it's par for the course in today's modern media circus. If he's anything like Limbaugh, well...

He hosts an afternoon radio show that invites people to call him and suggest ways for him to keep his 4 year old from pooping his diaper. But hey,DON'T PUT WORDS IN HIS MOUTH!
How is this guy employed? This whole article and everything he does is simply what he "thinks", anybody on this board could do that and do it much better.

Get a quote from a GM saying they have Kirk on a short list or something of that nature. Worse than ESPN.
I am making that prediction based on my belief that there have been so many off-field problems over the years and a lot of water under the bridge with those in policy or bureacratic positions that have little patience for such things, or high-priced coaches in general. Not to mention I'm guessing that Ferentz is growing increasingly impatient with such people himself.

And what situation in either the NFL or major D1 Collegiate program could Ferentz move to and not have these same issues with bureacrats?

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