Please don't put words in my mouth


Well-Known Member
My prediction was that this coming season would be Kirk Ferentz's final season, not that he had coached his last game at Iowa.

I am making that prediction based on my belief that there have been so many off-field problems over the years and a lot of water under the bridge with those in policy or bureacratic positions that have little patience for such things, or high-priced coaches in general. Not to mention I'm guessing that Ferentz is growing increasingly impatient with such people himself.

On top of that a new CBA will be in place in the NFL for 2012 and I believe he's always had an interest in coaching there, so with several openings in 2012 the timing could be right.

I have no idea where the idea I said Iowa was evil and corrupt institution or program came from, and I haven't even said it myself. Some of you people are ridiculous, and it's good to see the Jihadic Wing is still alive and well after all these years.

Now, that said, if an SEC program had experienced all of these issues there's no question all of us here in salt of the earth Iowa would have no hesitation referring to them as a renegade program, and the Shadow would be the first one pointing it out.

I like Ferentz, he was always good to me, and I think he's a great coach. However, you don't have to be a Hawk hater to come to the conclusion there is a systemic problem within this program when it comes to issues, because this has been a problem for years going all the way back to the early days of my sports talk radio career. There aren't too many programs with the sheer volume of arrest/citation rate Iowa has had (two involving the coach's son who is currently on the team) in his tenure, let alone the Section 8 housing scandal (which Ferentz's other son was involved in when he played here) and this current story which are unlike anything I've seen in collegiate sports.

On the other hand, it should be noted that even given the higher than normal offense rate, these players still represent a fraction of the whole who have played under Ferentz over the years.

Kirk Ferentz is not a victim. He's the highly-paid CEO of Iowa football, and ultimately the captain is responsible for everything that happens on his ship on his watch. It's not as simple as he walks on water or he's a scoundrel. Sometimes good, effective leaders have blind spots that get exposed without the right accountability or evolving protocols.

This appears to be one of them.

P.S...and for the record, I predicted Iowa to win the Big Ten title the last two years in a row, which is probably as optimistic if not more optimistic than Jon Miller was heading into those seasons.
This latest workout incident does not go hand in hand with some of the criminal behavior that has been displayed over the years. Totally different spectrum, imo. To try to trump up like something wasn't/isn't on the up and up with Iowa's strength and conditioning program and tie that into what amounted to a simple misdemeanor marijuana charge (even though the media types put it out as a huge drug scandal) is way off base.

I understand there have been some issues in the past and that maybe the handling of the last situation and this situation could have been better, but a workout gone bad has nothing to do with Kirk Ferentz imo. It's been a workout that has been done in the past without problems and from what I've read, has been done at plenty of institutions. If your going to come to the conclusion that this will be Ferentz's last season, because of the said workout that went bad, one that Kirk wasn't even at, I'll be glad watching you be wrong.

Edit: Steve, I'm not saying you are blaming Iowa for not running a strength and conditioning program that isn't on the up and up, but it seems that a lot of the media has come to that conclusion. No one is willing to let this play out, much like the huge "drug" incident, that turned out to be very minuscule. Speculation on either side of the ledger at this point is stupid.
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This latest workout incident does not go hand in hand with some of the criminal behavior that has been displayed over the years. Totally different spectrum, imo. To try to trump up like something wasn't/isn't on the up and up with Iowa's strength and conditioning program and tie that into what amounted to a simple misdemeanor marijuana charge (even though the media types put it out as a huge drug scandal) is way off base.

I understand there have been some issues in the past and that maybe the handling of the last situation and this situation could have been better, but a workout gone bad has nothing to do with Kirk Ferentz imo. It's been a workout that has been done in the past without problems and from what I've read, has been done at plenty of institutions. If your going to come to the conclusion that this will be Ferentz's last season, because of the said workout that went bad, one that Kirk wasn't even at, I'll be glad watching you be wrong.
Some will say it's all the same.....same leadership, same oversight.
Others will say it's all a fluke
And most would say that some have been caused by oversight and some by coincidences.
Right...because everything we know about Ferentz indicates that he is going to leave right before his son's senior season.....
I have a sneaking suspicion that Iowa's arrests/problems have a lot more to do with the IC police dept and its no-nonsense approach to its job.
Most college teams have a very cozy agreement with the local police depts. Its a mutual understanding of dont bite the hand that feeds.

If you choose to believe that KF somehow guides his players into breaking the law, thats a YOU problem and pretty big one.
If you believe that KF scours the midwest looking for criminals to bring to IC, again, thats a YOU problem.
Just dont sit there and expect IOWA fans to buy your line of ********. Nobody in this state is as stupid as you hope they are. This isnt Michigan.
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" Now, that said, if an SEC program had experienced all of these issues there's no question all of us here in salt of the earth Iowa would have no hesitation referring to them as a renegade program, and the Shadow would be the first one pointing it out. "
Exactly and no matter what is the outcome with Ferentz and Iowa football its always about speculation and one guys opinion over another, or in agreement with. Nice job Steve !
If an SEC school only dealt with an occasional pot problem and some alcohol arrests, most wouldn't bat an eye. The SEC hatred is spawned from a perception that the conference cheats as it relates to recruiting and keeping players eligible. All schools deal with alcohol and pot arrests. Not all schools are located in a state where said arrests are front page news.
Still idiotic considering you have no idea what Ferentz is thinking, but I am sure you would like nothing else more than to see Ferentz go as that would help out Michigan. You really think Ferentz is going to bail on coaching his son during his final year?

As for the systemic problems you speak of much of it is due the culture of being an athlete in Iowa City. I can speak of different places because I was an athlete in Lincoln and Cedar Falls it is much different in those cities as far as how law enforcement conducts their jobs especially went it comes to dealing with athletes. Not to mention that most media markets have bigger news than reporting on a coaches son living in section 8 housing. If ISU was a big deal in this state they would be in the same boat, but really no one outside of Ames cares.
Whether I agree with you or not, i respect your comments Steve because you ALWAYS provide a justification for your comments/thoughts and do not just hope things stick like other radio folks that come here and post.
You seem like an intelligent guy, from the few times I have seen you on TV.
I have a hard time believeing you're stupid enough to believe what you're saying.
That means, you are talking trash to get Iowa fans riled up. Thats fine.
When Iowa fans take their shots at you, and make up the same type of stuff that you do, why get so bent out of shape??
When all you talk is trash, why be shocked when you're sitting in the dump?
"Jihadic Wing"??
Thanks for confirming my suspicions that you are nothing more than a rinky dink limbaugh-parrot.
This plea does not make you appear less of an alarmist shock-jock.

At least the words are not the typical complex carbs that fill that orifice.
My prediction was that this coming season would be Kirk Ferentz's final season, not that he had coached his last game at Iowa.

It's not only his decision on whether he stays. Further, unless he ends up owning a pro team or a college, there's always going to be bureaucratic positions and policies in any job. There's no escaping that. I'm sure he realizes that.

I'm not sure what his blind spot is, when it comes to this event.

Further, I love the hyperbole about Iowa football being "unlike anything I've seen in collegiate sports". I'm sure you're not that sheltered. I think you have your own blind spot.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Iowa's arrests/problems have a lot more to do with the IC police dept and its no-nonsense approach to its job.
Most college teams have a very cozy agreement with the local police depts. Its a mutual understanding of dont bite the hand that feeds.

If you choose to believe that KF somehow guides his players into breaking the law, thats a YOU problem and pretty big one.
If you believe that KF scours the midwest looking for criminals to bring to IC, again, thats a YOU problem.
Just dont sit there and expect IOWA fans to buy your line of ********. Nobody in this state is as stupid as you hope they are. This isnt Michigan.

Looks like we found the jihadist radical fan steve was referring to. Christ man, did u even read anything in the OP or did you just blindly respond based on your obvious dislike for deace?

Nice post Steve. I think anyone who has at least a mild grip on reality can agree with a lot of what you said
Of course I read it. And my response stands. I dont care what wing I'm in.
Perhaps you should dust off your knees and whipe off your nose?

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