Peter Jok

If Fran gives jok the same long leash as Marble had, he will be the guy who replaces Marble's offense. Probably at a more efficient rate too. The guy has the ability and the desire to get a shot up whenever he wants.

Completely agree. In high school jok and Uthoff had an uncanny ability to get their shot off so easily and I think we will start to see it next yr from both as they are incredible ball players in that their skillsets are tough to defend at their size for their positions.
I don't know if he will develop into a guy who can break down the other teams best perimeter defender.

I think he can be one heck of a shooter.

He absolutely embarrassed Gary Harris at the end of the MSU game. Maybe Harris wasn't giving 100% effort since the game was decided but either way it was an extremely quick move.
Jok needs to get more comfortable in a zone D. He's definitely a shooter. Improve on the defensive end and hes going to be an awesome player for Iowa the next three seasons.
He absolutely embarrassed Gary Harris at the end of the MSU game. Maybe Harris wasn't giving 100% effort since the game was decided but either way it was an extremely quick move.

I don't remember and it was only one play with Iowa down 15-20 points probably. Jok is a shooter for sure. Lets see if he becomes a creator and passable defender.
whats it matter when our upper class men guard coming off the bench is just as much of a defensive liability.

if ogelsby plays in front of Jok next year, along with not making the round of 64 this year and depending on if we land Atwood... My support for Fran will diminish quickly.

I have to agree.. What I saw of Pete next year, he needs to get a LOT more minutes next year. Oglesby has a good shot, sure, but IMO Jok has a far higher ceiling. If Oglesby gets more minutes next year than Jok, either Jok has underperformed, Oglesby has overperformed, or both. Or Fran has his head up his butt.

Guess we'll see, but I expect PJ to be an important scorer for us next year and get lots of minutes. His defense can, and should, improve.
He certainly showed some skills and confidence last night. Kinda highlights how poorly he has been used all year.
He certainly showed some skills and confidence last night. Kinda highlights how poorly he has been used all year.

I'm not sure it highlights anything other than he is improving and has a very high ceiling. Earlier in the year he was in "high school mode" and pressing too much trying to be the guy on offense, and was completely lost on defense. What you've seen the last couple games is simply progression from a Freshman and getting to the point where Fran knew he could have a positive impact. He is learning to play D and letting the game come to him on the offensive end, which I think will be a very good thing for the Hawks in the future.
I'm not sure it highlights anything other than he is improving and has a very high ceiling. Earlier in the year he was in "high school mode" and pressing too much trying to be the guy on offense, and was completely lost on defense. What you've seen the last couple games is simply progression from a Freshman and getting to the point where Fran knew he could have a positive impact. He is learning to play D and letting the game come to him on the offensive end, which I think will be a very good thing for the Hawks in the future.

Wish I still had a like button for this. ;)
I'm not sure it highlights anything other than he is improving and has a very high ceiling. Earlier in the year he was in "high school mode" and pressing too much trying to be the guy on offense, and was completely lost on defense. What you've seen the last couple games is simply progression from a Freshman and getting to the point where Fran knew he could have a positive impact. He is learning to play D and letting the game come to him on the offensive end, which I think will be a very good thing for the Hawks in the future.

Good stuff... Post more
Agree he is actually very good with the ball and can attack...defensively marble wasn't good he picked when to play hard on defense where as how hard jok plays on defense isn't what he lacks. So I think he will be a better defender than marble because he has all the tools that marble does but seems to work harder at it. He just needs the iq part of defense.

Marble wasn't good on defense? He was 5th in the B1G in steals and was by far our best perimeter defender this year. If you want to point out bad defense, look at Aaron White. When Kale Abrahamson beats you off the dribble, you are struggling.
Marble wasn't good on defense? He was 5th in the B1G in steals and was by far our best perimeter defender this year. If you want to point out bad defense, look at Aaron White. When Kale Abrahamson beats you off the dribble, you are struggling.

I'm losing respect for Foval... He thinks Ogelsby is a good defender and marble isn't??? Say what???
Marble wasn't good on defense? He was 5th in the B1G in steals and was by far our best perimeter defender this year. If you want to point out bad defense, look at Aaron White. When Kale Abrahamson beats you off the dribble, you are struggling.

If I talk about Aaron and his defense not good would be being nice. He is non existent on that end. Marble doesn't play hard on defense except when he chooses. That isn't good defense. Steals are many times gambles that if you miss give up easy baskets. Relying on steal stats is not always a good indicator of defensive prowess...sometimes it means you gamble because you have people that can make up for your mistake if you a 7'1 and 6'10 pairing of centers who alter shots...along with Uthoff who blocks shots and basabe. Gesell struggled at the end of the yr but for the most part he was our best perimeter defender.
They will play 3 guards next year... book it.

I'm beginning to think this may suit Fran's style best. The key is having 2 big guys that play tough. We could use a 6'8"-6'9" enforcer rebounder type to compliment Woody/Gabe. Think Kent Hill/Reggie Evans/James Winters/Ed Horton. Basabe, but ideally a guy a little bigger.
If I talk about Aaron and his defense not good would be being nice. He is non existent on that end. Marble doesn't play hard on defense except when he chooses. That isn't good defense. Steals are many times gambles that if you miss give up easy baskets. Relying on steal stats is not always a good indicator of defensive prowess...sometimes it means you gamble because you have people that can make up for your mistake if you a 7'1 and 6'10 pairing of centers who alter shots...along with Uthoff who blocks shots and basabe. Gesell struggled at the end of the yr but for the most part he was our best perimeter defender.

Gesell was the best perimeter defender by a wide margin.

Aaron White is disgusting to watch on defense, his focus is almost completely on trying to get steals for runnouts, his gambling is exactly what you are not supposed to do.
It's highly unlikely Pete will have the career scoring numbers, etc. that Marble has. However, I think Jok will be the better offensive player of the two when all is said and done. I think he will also be a solid defensive player by his junior year.
It's highly unlikely Pete will have the career scoring numbers, etc. that Marble has. However, I think Jok will be the better offensive player of the two when all is said and done. I think he will also be a solid defensive player by his junior year.

Completely agree...though I think jok could end up putting up haluska type numbers his senior yr.
I haven't seen enough from Jok to be as optimistic as some of the posters. We have a tendency to think the best player is always the one on the bench.

Peter needs to get control of his handles and step up on defense if he wants to consistently see the court in Big 10 play. He's capable but nowhere near ready today.
I haven't seen enough from Jok to be as optimistic as some of the posters. We have a tendency to think the best player is always the one on the bench.

Peter needs to get control of his handles and step up on defense if he wants to consistently see the court in Big 10 play. He's capable but nowhere near ready today.

I think you're thinking of football when you say that. In basketball you actually see the backups play. No on thinks jok is the best player on the team right now. It doesn't take a genious to see that he might become the best offensive player though.
I haven't seen enough from Jok to be as optimistic as some of the posters. We have a tendency to think the best player is always the one on the bench.

My comments are based on the Jok I saw play multiple times before the knee issues. He looks healthy to me. If he stays healthy there is no limit to what he can do. It appears to me he's worked hard to get better this season even when stopped getting minutes so the drive to improve seems to be present.

The 3 best players I've ever watched in person (before their senior year of high school) are Kirk Hinrich, Harrison Barnes and Peter Jok.

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