Peter Jok

I think the addition of Josh pushing him for minutes will make Peter a better player. He's smart enough to understand if he doesn't get it done on defense he'll be picking splinters out of his rear end. He had a few more assists tonight and is starting to look like a teammate. I actually saw him diving on the floor at one point (it might have been a mirage)

Another 3 threat added to the floor in Josh will help the Hawks and I could even see situations where both could be on the floor together for short periods, especially if we are struggling against a zone defense without ultra quick guards.

put that line up in when we are down by 20. That's a team that could get it back if somebody gets hot.
McCabe and Uthoff have been 40-50% on threes, Jok's been fearless and pretty accurate. Gessell has been fine. The verdict is still uncertain on Oglesby thought. Dev can hit threes as well, so hitting threes are not IA's first scoring option, I like the transition game, just speed it up and score as often as possible, then sprinkle some threes now and then.
Jok's confidence seemed to be at a 2 before the Drake game and looks to be at a 9 now. I'm not saying he's arrived. I'm just saying he's more confident and it's definitely helping his overall game. Confidence can do a lot to speed up player development...IMO.
if fran needs more length in the zone (so not gesell) and an extra 3pt shooter, ogs over jok -- particularly if it's a tight game or late game situation. I think fran would go with the experience over the raw talent.

pete's also not working off the ball as well as ogs was last year. if ogs is getting his feet set before shooting, like he did in europe, rather than jacking off-balance shots like he did most of last year -- then ogs might be a more effective 3pt specialist against wisky or msu.

I wouldn't take Ogs over Jok in any situation. Just my personal opinion/choice.

put that line up in when we are down by 20. That's a team that could get it back if somebody gets hot.

Completely disagree. That lineup could score if someone gets hot, but they couldn't stop anyone. Jok, Uthoff and McCabe (at the 5) would all be serious defensive liabilities. Making stops is the real key to making a comeback.

Oglesby (assuming he's 100%)

That's the lineup I'd use to get a rally jump-started. You get good on-ball defense in the backcourt and excellent help defense in the post (plus Basabe is just a pretty solid defender anyway). You get that go-to option offensively in Marble, shooting from Oglesby, excellent transition leadership from Sapp, good post game from Basabe, and Gabe to clean things up.
Then it's a good thing you're not in charge. Jok's defense is WAY behind Oglesby's right now.

Agreed. But Jok can score to off-set that to some degree. If I never have to watch Ogelsby put up another brick, it'll be too soon for me. Jok's defense will get better. We've seen the ceiling of Ogelsby's game. No offense to Ogelsby.
Agreed. But Jok can score to off-set that to some degree. If I never have to watch Ogelsby put up another brick, it'll be too soon for me. Jok's defense will get better. We've seen the ceiling of Ogelsby's game. No offense to Ogelsby.

Right, because what you see from someone in their first two years is what you get for their final two years. You have got to be kidding me. No offense? Your writing off two of the years players usually play at their best.
Jok's defense will develop once he "gets it"
That's teachable and he'll learn

What isn't necessarily as teachable is that assassin offensive mentality Jok has, and, the tools to go with it.
Jok has it. Jok has game. IMO, he'll go down as one of the best Hawks ever.
Every game he keeps getting better and better. I hate to see players get hurt but Oglesby going down helped this team long term giving Jok valuable experience.
I was at the game last night and i was surprised to see that pete has a pretty beefy set of pipes. I had not picked up on that watching the games on tv. Good to see he has spent some time in the weight room.
Jok's defense will develop once he "gets it"
That's teachable and he'll learn

What isn't necessarily as teachable is that assassin offensive mentality Jok has, and, the tools to go with it.
Jok has it. Jok has game. IMO, he'll go down as one of the best Hawks ever.

That's all well and good, and I agree. But he doesn't get it right now, so I would absolutely go with JO over Jok if we were down by 20 and looking to get back in the game.
I was at the game last night and i was surprised to see that pete has a pretty beefy set of pipes. I had not picked up on that watching the games on tv. Good to see he has spent some time in the weight room.
When he was on the court with the walk-ons it was really noticeable. I thought to myself, well there's a B1G basketball player.
by the end of next year jok will be the IDGAF guy with the moves and shot to back it up

utoff and jok will be the go-to guys from jan '15 until they leave -- it will all depend on the matchup fran wants to exploit
That's all well and good, and I agree. But he doesn't get it right now, so I would absolutely go with JO over Jok if we were down by 20 and looking to get back in the game.

I get what you are saying Tork, and I'm not down on Ogelsby like some. At the same time Jok brings a complete skill set to the table and Ogs doesn't. Jok has better handles, and can get his shot off anytime he wants. Ogs can't do that. He is a spot up shooter that plays better D. Jok is a much more dynamic player, and that is just easy to see with the eyeballs.
I get what you are saying Tork, and I'm not down on Ogelsby like some. At the same time Jok brings a complete skill set to the table and Ogs doesn't. Jok has better handles, and can get his shot off anytime he wants. Ogs can't do that. He is a spot up shooter that plays better D. Jok is a much more dynamic player, and that is just easy to see with the eyeballs.

That's all I'm saying. You could give JO 5 years and he will never develop some of the skills that Peter already has. And that's not a dis on JO. They are completely different players and Peter is the kind of player that I want on my team every year.

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