Peter Jok

I agree we need Josh this year, if he's ready to contribute. If we're going to be 1/2 way through the league before he's really ready to go full bore then I wonder. Mac seemed to be saying 10 days. What have you heard about his recovery?

Peter is a talent and he has shown huge potential. On the other hand do we want him on the floor for 12 minutes in a tight conference game at this point? For every jaw dropping move we have an airball, a missed defensive assignment, or a poor shot selection. If someone was just looking at stats and Josh's name was assigned to Peter's results I wonder what the board reaction would be.
DowsHawk,I'am feeling the same way as it relates to Oglesby,if he can come in & contribute rite away I'am fine with him playing. If he has to take half the season to get back to game shape I wonder also if he'd be better off red shirting. I'am sure Fran & staff will make the right decission. You never want to see anyone get hurt but it has really helped Pete get some valuable play time.

rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
With the way McCabe is shooting, Iowa can get by without Oglesby and I think Jon is improving in all facets of the game as we go along here.

Let's be serious for a moment, neither Jok or Oglesby is going to be on the floor in a tight Big Ten game, Iowa has better players that will be on the floor at this point. Gesell, Marble, Uthoff, White and probably Zach at this point. All can hit FT's.
With the way McCabe is shooting, Iowa can get by without Oglesby and I think Jon is improving in all facets of the game as we go along here.

Let's be serious for a moment, neither Jok or Oglesby is going to be on the floor in a tight Big Ten game, Iowa has better players that will be on the floor at this point. Gesell, Marble, Uthoff, White and probably Zach at this point. All can hit FT's.

look at you coming around to ZACH MCCABE! ;) sorry man, had to.
Oglesby's injury certainly has meant an opportunity for Pete. But Josh is a much better defender and he is a good shooter who had a bad season, which I have shown repeatedly how that happens.

Iowa is going to need Oglesby this year. Unless there is fear of further injury and an entire lost year, you take him for the Big Ten portion of the season..he will not have that tread on the tires. Sports is most always about now, and for the Iowa basketball program, it needs this year to be all it can be for a recruiting beacon for the future.

I respectfully disagree. I hope Oglesby and gets through as fast as possible. The ability to recruit much more talented players is opening up and his scholarship could be filled with a much better player, the sooner the better. JO's injury has helped by getting more minutes for Jok and Clemmons and maybe even for McCabe depending on the lineup.
With the way McCabe is shooting, Iowa can get by without Oglesby and I think Jon is improving in all facets of the game as we go along here.

Let's be serious for a moment, neither Jok or Oglesby is going to be on the floor in a tight Big Ten game, Iowa has better players that will be on the floor at this point. Gesell, Marble, Uthoff, White and probably Zach at this point. All can hit FT's.

Yes, let's be serious. No more jokey stuff, Oglesby is one of the better defenders on the team and a good free throw shooter. Depending on the matchup Oglesby might see a lot of minutes during crunch time.
With the way McCabe is shooting, Iowa can get by without Oglesby and I think Jon is improving in all facets of the game as we go along here.

Let's be serious for a moment, neither Jok or Oglesby is going to be on the floor in a tight Big Ten game, Iowa has better players that will be on the floor at this point. Gesell, Marble, Uthoff, White and probably Zach at this point. All can hit FT's.

I disagree, I think Jon has gotten somewhat complacent running this message board. Haven't seen any drastic improvement in content or moderation.

/Just kidding Jon
//Dont ban me, bro!
Yes, let's be serious. No more jokey stuff, Oglesby is one of the better defenders on the team and a good free throw shooter. Depending on the matchup Oglesby might see a lot of minutes during crunch time.

I don't disagree with your assessment of Oglesby at all, but I don't see him on the floor at the end of games, even if he were healthy from day one. I just see better players that would be ahead of him, maybe because he hasn't played this season I am undervaluing him, or maybe I am left with memories of last year, or he really is about the 9th best player on this team right now, if that. We'll see if he comes back this season and doesn't redshirt.
Peter might be one of the best players we have ever had at Iowa. Hie has turned the corner and is getting ready to play. I didn't realize he was as adept and quick under the basket until the Drake game. He is quick and slick, and is just now finding his way around the court with confidence and is getting more comfortable with his game. I didn't know he has a game underneath the basket from the high school video. He DOES in a big way. His jump shot is very hard to block because he is so long and merely takes a step back and jumps and fades away while shooting the ball and is starting to hit the jump shot more and more. When he finally gets in form and relaxed, we will have a very powrful weapon, along with Jarryd to go with the experience and depth we already have. I am not worried about Peter at all. He is the Goods.....

At times in the second half of the Drake game, our fast break/transition game was as good as I have seen in college ball. We had the ball down court in approximately 5 seconds and in the basket with superior passing. There was one three pass play under the basket that was a thing of beauty. The ball was hard to follow and then Slam, while Drake was still getting back to defend their basket, we were getting back on D. Big things are on the horizon.....

McCabe and Woody have seemed to control their fouling, even with the new rules, somewhat. This is a special team and might be qualified to be mentioned along with the 86/87 team, my favorite ever.....

Hopeless Homer....
Jack, I concur, this might be my favorite Hawk team since the Elite Eight run. The starting 5 is not the most talented but this might be the deepest. Even during garbage minutes Iowa can bring in a 7 footer (almost) that can shoot the three.
I don't disagree with your assessment of Oglesby at all, but I don't see him on the floor at the end of games, even if he were healthy from day one. I just see better players that would be ahead of him, maybe because he hasn't played this season I am undervaluing him, or maybe I am left with memories of last year, or he really is about the 9th best player on this team right now, if that. We'll see if he comes back this season and doesn't redshirt.

ST, this assessment sounds exactly like what people were saying about May before his senior season. I don't think he would be worthy of being a starter this year, like he was in Europe IIRC. But I do think he would probably be coming in off the bench before Jok and Clemmons.

But if we are in a position to redshirt him, I would rather do that and get him healthy for next season. Just like I wish we would of redshirted Gabe as a freshman, but hindsight is 20/20. Also at the time he was needed to keep that team from falling apart.
Jack, I concur, this might be my favorite Hawk team since the Elite Eight run. The starting 5 is not the most talented but this might be the deepest. Even during garbage minutes Iowa can bring in a 7 footer (almost) that can shoot the three.

It's almost a starting 10. No one in the country can match our top 10 IMO. The 5 guys coming off the bench would be a very good starting 5 for a lot of teams...probably an upgrade for most.
clemmons-jok-olaseni-utoff-mccabe would probably be a 7-11, 8-10 big ten team

but as a second unit, they're pretty dang good

this team is a first-round pick shy of being elite 8 good. there's depth, but no difference maker (marble, as good as he is, doesn't count -- unless he takes it up a notch against top 10 opponents this year).
clemmons-jok-olaseni-utoff-mccabe would probably be a 7-11, 8-10 big ten team

but as a second unit, they're pretty dang good

this team is a first-round pick shy of being elite 8 good. there's depth, but no difference maker (marble, as good as he is, doesn't count -- unless he takes it up a notch against top 10 opponents this year).

I don't think I agree about Marble. Look at what he did in the NIT last year, and look what he has done when we needed him this year. (Xavier, 'Nova, and ND) he has gone for 30, 24, and 17 respectfully. Against the rest of the cupcakes he is Avg. 13.4 PPG.

He is more aggressive when the team needs it against better opponents.
better opponents so far, but not elite, not top 10.

let's see how he does against sparty, osu, and michigan on the road

if he can perform like he did against nd, xavier, and 'nova, then this team has a shot at a deep run
clemmons-jok-olaseni-utoff-mccabe would probably be a 7-11, 8-10 big ten team

but as a second unit, they're pretty dang good

this team is a first-round pick shy of being elite 8 good. there's depth, but no difference maker (marble, as good as he is, doesn't count -- unless he takes it up a notch against top 10 opponents this year).

I disagree about the potential of this team. There aren't enough good college teams to say this team needs a first round pick to have a shot at going to the elite eight. Every team has holes this year, Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, they all are flawed in some way. There's a lot of luck that comes into making a run in the tournament, Iowa has the potential to do with the team as constructed today with the right matchups.
I don't disagree with your assessment of Oglesby at all, but I don't see him on the floor at the end of games, even if he were healthy from day one. I just see better players that would be ahead of him, maybe because he hasn't played this season I am undervaluing him, or maybe I am left with memories of last year, or he really is about the 9th best player on this team right now, if that. We'll see if he comes back this season and doesn't redshirt.

To me, the beauty of this team is that, without exaggeration, there are so many interchangable parts. I don't know that we can predict what JO's role will be when he comes back. But, assuming it is splitting time with Jok and specifically at end of games, I think it will depend on whether we are trailing or leading. If we are leading, perhaps JO gets the nod because he isn't foul prone and is a plus 80% free throw shooter. If we are behind, maybe it's Jok because he is a scorer. As a side bar, I am thrilled at the high quality free throw shooters we can put on the floor, end of game (White/Marble (struggling but was over 80% last season; he'll get there) /Gesell/McCabe/Jok/Oglesby. Whether coming from behind or holding a lead, we've got free points at the line.
ST, this assessment sounds exactly like what people were saying about May before his senior season. I don't think he would be worthy of being a starter this year, like he was in Europe IIRC. But I do think he would probably be coming in off the bench before Jok and Clemmons.

But if we are in a position to redshirt him, I would rather do that and get him healthy for next season. Just like I wish we would of redshirted Gabe as a freshman, but hindsight is 20/20. Also at the time he was needed to keep that team from falling apart.

If not for the injury he would be a regular in the rotation. At this point, I am just saying where does he fit of he comes back?
If not for the injury he would be a regular in the rotation. At this point, I am just saying where does he fit of he comes back?

if fran needs more length in the zone (so not gesell) and an extra 3pt shooter, ogs over jok -- particularly if it's a tight game or late game situation. I think fran would go with the experience over the raw talent.

pete's also not working off the ball as well as ogs was last year. if ogs is getting his feet set before shooting, like he did in europe, rather than jacking off-balance shots like he did most of last year -- then ogs might be a more effective 3pt specialist against wisky or msu.
The more I watch Jok, he may be Iowa best dribble drive guy by the end of the year. He isn't going to draw the best defender, that person will play Marble, if he continues to shoot well, everything opens up for him.

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