Perrault on Miller & Deace


I understand where he's coming from when he says "good coaches don't want the Iowa job"--and he says specifically he doesn't think the job is good enough for Ben Jacobsen's next move--but in addition to all of the other reasons, I hope we come up with the home run hire just to shut that miserable [fill in the blank] up.

In the history of Des Moines sports radio, he has to rank either #1 or #2 as the most annoying [fill in the blank] we've had. His only competition is Marty. The thing they both have in common is they've made the decision that if what they have to do to succeed here is to act like an *** toward the teams in this state, and particularly Iowa and ISU, that's what they're going to do.

However, my reaction when I start to hear Perrault kicking it into his top gear in a rant about Iowa is to shut it off and not want to come back. I'm not oblivious to the problems and limitations of the program, but when I hear someone taking such obvious pleasure in pouring salt in the wound, I turn it off. I hope, in some small way, that helps to undermine the strategy guys like Perrault and Marty employ to get ratings.
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Iowa is still a top level job. Gottlieb, the other day said this is a great job, particularly when we make the commitment to the facility upgrade. Also Bilas came out and said Iowa is a very good job, Matt Perault is a HUSKER homer and their attitude toward Iowa is just what Matt portrays. He was a tool at 590 in Omaha and nothing has changed.
This is his MO. He is a Hawk hater and enjoys stirring up fans. True that we are not a top tier BB program, but he is absolutely wrong that we can't get a good coach. He is just spreading his hate. You have to remember how much he disrespected the football team throughout the year and how then dismissed the team when they won a BCS Bowl game. He shows his true colors. Best advice forget this moron.
He just needs to learn when to shut up.

Big Ten > MVC
$1.5 Million he would make > $200K he currently makes

Did Matt consider these two things when saying Jacboson would turn down the Iowa job? Probably not as he never does his homework and just talks out of his ***.

This is the same guy that said Iowa had a bad football team last September. He has no idea what he is talking about.
This has been said many times before. Matt is a ginat tool who needs to walk into an open manhole on the streets. He offers no insight into anything, he just throws crap against the wall and hopes it sticks. Unfortunately I need my sports talk fix on the way home from work and he's 100 times better than Marty. I will say this though, for those who think he's a Hawk hater, go over to CyFanatic and look at all the threads they have over there pissin and moanin about him, they hate him as much as we do.
Truth be known I am very sure if he were honest he would say he is very unhappy here. Took a step down coming from Omaha. He probably needs to go back out east so he can show his man love for the Redsux.
I don't think he is a Hawk or Clone hater, I just think he goes way too far out of his way to be as militantly neutral towards the home teams as he can be. I think he thinks if he pooh poohs the Hawk and Cyclone homers he is proving that he is being dispassionate about them and giving us the unbiased national view.

The thing is, though, is that local radio listeners in the state of Iowa have little to no interest in the dispassionate national view on our teams. Having lived in Iowa all of our lives, we are already all to aware that no one outside the state gives two rips about the teams within our borders. We get that. We don't need to be reminded of that by Mr. Perrault.

So we want to read and hear talk about the Hawks and Clones from people who have at least a little emotion invested in them and have at least a little bit of a rooting interest in them. Jon still gives us the ugly truth about the Hawks when it needs to be told, but we can tell that it hurts him as much to say it as it does for us to hear it. Deace is certainly not shy about airing the Clones dirty laundry, but it is clear that it is disgusting him as much as it would disgust any Clone fan.

So the sin that Perrault is committing isn't that he gives the Hawks and the Clones the unvarnished truth, its that he doesn't care one way or another about it. I haven't a clue what his show's ratings are (being that he is opposite Marty Tirrell they can't be too bad) but they would be much better if he got off his "I'm the neutral outsider" high horse and showed some passion for the local teams, as Ken Miller has figured out.
Unhappy in Des Moines? Please don't talk about things you know nothing about - ie. ME.

I'm very happy - love it actually in Des Moines.

My opinion of the Iowa job has nothing to do with hate ... and I think you guys have a major league inflated opinion of your job. So you can pay big $$ - whoopie. That doesn't mean a good coach is going to run there. I'm a UMass guy - Tony Barbee would be great - I'd love. But is he a HUGE coach, a whale? Heck no. He's a Cal assistant and a guy who lost to Butler yesterday.

I'm not hating on Iowa - I'm giving a very educated opinion about the job from people I talk to in the coaching world. Sorry it sucks to hear but you should be realistic with your program. Ben would be a great hire - I have no idea, other than money, why he would go there right now.....but Iowa better call him cause he should be one of your top candidates.

Look, I underestimated him as well. I didn't believe it either for a long time - but I'm a big believer now
Here comes Matt to defend his honor.

Iowa is not going to hire Ben Jacobsen. You don't pay a coach 2.4 million to walk away and then turn around and hire another mid-major coach.

Ben is a good coach, but so was Todd Lickliter when he came to Iowa. Let Ben cut his teeth on a big-time job somewhere else.
Not defending my honor...just want accuracy on message boards about my opinions. I'm sure as hell not going to leave to you guys to re-state my personal opinions.

I said "What if they offered and he said no". That would be embarrassing. I didn't say he would....although I wouldn't go there if I were him. Sure, Iowa pays more money but Iowa is a train wreck for basketball at the moment.
I still think he goes way above unbiased. After the Orange Bowl he was still very critical of Stanzi for no real reason other than to assert his hate that he thinks Stanzi is a bad QB. I did not hear or read any other national sports figure saying this after the Orange Bowl. What is the point? Hatred, stirring up the troups so we all talk about it here. I also enjoy my sports talk radio but often just turn him off because of the fiction he spews. Just think about some of the facts. BB, not a top tier, or even middle tier program this year. Football, despite what he says, absolutely a top tier program this past year. Simply the truth.
Not defending my honor...just want accuracy on message boards about my opinions. I'm sure as hell not going to leave to you guys to re-state my personal opinions.

Because if there is one thing you pride yourself on, it's being accurate. Stick to what you do best Matt - stirring the pot.
Unhappy in Des Moines? Please don't talk about things you know nothing about - ie. ME.

I'm very happy - love it actually in Des Moines.

My opinion of the Iowa job has nothing to do with hate ... and I think you guys have a major league inflated opinion of your job. So you can pay big $$ - whoopie. That doesn't mean a good coach is going to run there. I'm a UMass guy - Tony Barbee would be great - I'd love. But is he a HUGE coach, a whale? Heck no. He's a Cal assistant and a guy who lost to Butler yesterday.

I'm not hating on Iowa - I'm giving a very educated opinion about the job from people I talk to in the coaching world. Sorry it sucks to hear but you should be realistic with your program. Ben would be a great hire - I have no idea, other than money, why he would go there right now.....but Iowa better call him cause he should be one of your top candidates.

Look, I underestimated him as well. I didn't believe it either for a long time - but I'm a big believer now

Pot meet kettle. I don't dislike you as a radio host because of any "hawk hate". I don't think you hate the hawks....or clones. I think that you are clueless and uninformed. That's why I don't like to listen to you. Take your own advice her partner.
I don't get to listen to kxno that much (only on iphone here in AZ), but when I have listened more often than not I completely disagree with what he says. However, it's pretty entertaining to see how riled up everyone gets regarding his opinions. I'd rather a talk radio host take strong opinions on one side of an issue over one that stays in the middle and keeps everyone feeling all warm and fuzzy.

As far as his "take", I completely disagree. At the moment the Iowa program is not where it needs to be, which is why the coach got canned. We just lost a recruit to freaking North Dakota State! If we are recruiting against them for talent, then maybe our talent evaluators were not that good. Iowa has the potential to be a great job, it has been before and it can be again. The money does play a factor, if the athletic department shows they will pay a coach big $$, and invest more $$ in the program (facilities, preferred practice times, more practice players, etc), that will attract a quality top notch coach! Iowa has the resources to be a great program again.
He just needs to learn when to shut up.

Big Ten > MVC
$1.5 Million he would make > $200K he currently makes

Did Matt consider these two things when saying Jacboson would turn down the Iowa job? Probably not as he never does his homework and just talks out of his ***.

This is the same guy that said Iowa had a bad football team last September. He has no idea what he is talking about.

We already overpaid one mid-major coach. Would we want to do the same with another?

Come on. This guy hasn't beaten a major conference team for a recruit. He hasn't even come close to showing he can recruit on this level.

If you were going to take this chance, it would be more wise to double his salary and then provide a bunch of incentives whereby he could make good money based on actual success.

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